3.8 - 6 Reviews

Universal College of Learning / UCOL Whanganui Campus (Wanganui, New Zealand)


Universal College of Learning / UCOL Whanganui Campus is a university located in Wanganui, New Zealand offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Whanganui UCOL is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities alongside the beautiful Whanganui River and Moutoa Gardens. The campus was built in 2008 and is one block from the main shopping street and cafes.

Whanganui Iwi named the UCOL campus 'Matapihi ki te Ao' which means window of opportunity to the world, this can be accredited to the new opportunities the campus brings to not only the city, but to the entire world.

Study Abroad with Universal College of Learning / UCOL Whanganui Campus

Based on 6 Reviews
Overall Experience
September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Universal College of Learning / UCOL Whanganui Campus: Whanganui School of Design Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Universal College of Learning / UCOL Whanganui Campus: Whanganui School of Design Direct Enrollment & Exchange

Whanganui is located on the west coast of the central North Island of New Zealand. The city is situated about 73 kilometres (1 hour drive) northeast of Palmerston North.Th...


6 reviews

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