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Universidad Camilo José Cela / Camilo Jose Cela University (Madrid, Spain)


Universidad Camilo José Cela / Camilo Jose Cela University is a university located in Madrid, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

At University Camilo José Cela we offer you a different kind of education. An active and dynamic education that offers you the chance to live your university life to the fullest inside and outside the classroom to become the professional that you aspire to be..

Study Abroad with Universidad Camilo José Cela / Camilo Jose Cela University

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Camilo José Cela University: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Camilo José Cela University: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

The Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) is a forward-looking institution, uniquely placed to bridge the gap...


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