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Universidad de Iberoamerica / UNIBE, Costa Rica (San Jose, Costa Rica)


Universidad de Iberoamerica / UNIBE, Costa Rica is a university located in San Jose, Costa Rica offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program and 1 program managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Study Abroad with Universidad de Iberoamerica / UNIBE, Costa Rica

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for CUNY - College of Staten Island: San Jose - Study Abroad at Universidad de Iberoamerica (UNIBE)
CUNY - College of Staten Island: San Jose - Study Abroad at Universidad de Iberoamerica (UNIBE)

In conjunction with CSI Nursing faculty, Unviersidad de Iberoamerica (UNIBE) supports an intensive three-week program for nursing students earning their Bachelors Degree. ...


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