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Universidad de la Frontera / University of La Frontera (Temuco, Chile)


Universidad de la Frontera / University of La Frontera is a university located in Temuco, Chile offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program and 1 program managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad and Intensive Language abroad programs.

University of the Frontier or UFRO is a university in Temuco Chile. It is a derivative university and part of the Chilean Traditional Universities. UFRO boasts a student body with a variety of abilities and from a variety of backgrounds, many of them are Mapuche descent.

Study Abroad with Universidad de la Frontera / University of La Frontera

September 24, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Temuco
Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Temuco

One of the best kept secrets of the southern universities, La UFRO in the city of Temuco is well known for its programs in sociology and anthropology, and especially indig...


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