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Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina / UNISUL (Florianópolis, Brazil)


Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina / UNISUL is a university located in Florianópolis, Brazil offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program and 2 programs managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad, Internship, Volunteer, Intensive Language, and Gap Year abroad programs.

Study Abroad with Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina / UNISUL

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina / UNISUL: Florianópolis - Direct Enrollment and Exchange
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina / UNISUL: Florianópolis - Direct Enrollment and Exchange

Undergraduate students in face-to-face and distance education have the best exchange programs through the international agreements of Unisul. The Exchange Office, the Univ...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for ISA Study Abroad in Florianopolis, Brazil
ISA Study Abroad in Florianopolis, Brazil

Florianópolis, a city situated on an island in southeastern Brazil, is modern and cosmopolitan yet also blessed with tremendous natural beauty. Floripa, as it is called by...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for Veritas Christian Study Abroad: Florianopolis - Study Abroad and Missions Program
Veritas Christian Study Abroad: Florianopolis - Study Abroad and Missions Program

The Veritas in Brazil program allows students to combine strong academic offerings with endless amounts of cultural experiences and outdoor activities. Both inside and out...


0 reviews

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