University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Alabama. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Alabama student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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06/18/2021 I Loved It And Wish I Didn’t Have To Leave. CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Summer on the Italian Coast, Sorrento

"I learned more about myself and the Italian culture "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Sai Barcelona = Amazing SAI Study Abroad: Barcelona - Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

"How to be independent and navigate a foreign country while making friends with people from all over. Totally worthwhile "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review London Learning: The Best Months Yet! University of Westminster: London - Study Abroad Semester or Year with an Optional Internship

"I met some lifelong friends! I also learned so much about the London culture, it I greatly appreciate. I believe my two and a half months in London was very worthwhile."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review The Best Gap Year Experience Ever! Study Abroad Programs Worldwide

"I gained more than I could ever imagine. I gained a better understanding of myself, my place in the world, and all of the other cultures around the globe that we got to not only visit, but live in!"

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review A Beautiful & Passionate Time CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Seville, Spain

"I learned so much about myself and the world. I learned to journal. I learned to speak a language, and speak it well. I learned to expose myself to new people and ideas. I learned to empathize with people living in a traditional country. I learned about the horrors of Franco and the Inquisition, about the beauties of Spanish art..."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review A Semester I Will Never Forget API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"I learned a lot about myself. I became more adventurous, confident, relaxed. It was very worthwhile, and I like the person I have become because of it. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review The Best Trip Of My Life International Business Seminars: Winter Southeast Asia

"I gained a whole new perspective on on different country cultures. It was absolutely before to be able to witness the different traditions and mannerisms. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Amazing Program! SAI Study Abroad: Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)

"I became extremely independent and feel confident in my ability to explore a new culture. It was extremely worthwhile! I would do it again if I could."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Paris Experience SAI Study Abroad: Paris - Paris School of Business (PSB)

"A sense of independence and I was able to do something I've wanted to for years "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Ci Sabroad Made My Experience Unforgettable! CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Summer on the Italian Coast, Sorrento

"I gained so much cultural insight. Living not just in Italy, but in a small coastal town I learned to value what's right in front of you. Yes, it was most definitely worthwhile"

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Out Of Classroom Learning Experience In Six European Countries. International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"I learned from the international companies we visited and all about different European cultures. It was definitely worthwhile. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review The Most Amazing Experience In London Thanks To Asa! Academic Studies Abroad: Study Abroad in London, England

"I learned so much while studying abroad! I learned more about myself, international culture, to step outside of my comfort zone, and gained a love for traveling!"

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Incredible Times In The Land Down Under IFSA: Townsville - James Cook University

"I truly learned how to look at things from other perspectives. Living with international students taught me valuable lessons that everyone views and sees things dramatically different sometimes. It was definitely worthwhile."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Life Changing Experience SAI Study Abroad: Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)

"I learned a lot about my self and other cultures from my experience abroad and I recommend to every one to study abroad because it was extremely worthwhile. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review The Best 3 Weeks Of My Life!! CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Milan, Venice, Pompeii, Capri - A Taste of Italy

"I learned so much about myself during my time abroad but the most important thing I learned was to take life at a slower pace"

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review The Greatest Choice I Made In My Entire Life Was Going Abroad. SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"I learned that I love to travel and meet people. I was worried that I would be too overwhelmed and not thrive abroad, but I was wrong. I learned so much about myself and am so much more appreciative for what I have. Abroad was truly life changing and really opened my eyes to the bigger picture of life. I would do it over and ove..."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review London A City Of Adventure And Exploration CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Summer in London - University of Roehampton

"I learned a lot about myself, which I know is a bit of a cliche, but true. I gained more confidence in my ability to live life on my own. I also learned more about what matters to me just by experiencing the subtle or obvious differences in American and English culture and life. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review The Beautiful Eventful Trip Intern NZ: Auckland / Wellington - Internship Programme in New Zealand

"I learned a lot about working in my field through my internship. It was worthwhile."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review It Was A Time I Could Never Replicate Nor Describe, Dreams Came True. University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"I am now an international citizen, which has lit a fire inside of me that won't stop growing anytime soon. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Great Study Abroad Experience SAI Study Abroad: Barcelona - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)

"Learned much about the culture and Barcelona itself. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Semester In Picturesque Sorrento CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Sorrento - Semester on the Italian Coast

"Cultural appreciation, language skills, adaptation skills, etc. Very worthwhile."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review A Whirlwind Semester In Paris SAI Study Abroad: Paris - American University of Paris (AUP)

"This experience has been priceless to me. I learned so much about myself in my ability to overcome obstacles, be independent, and stick up for what I think and believe in. As a business student, I also learned a few hard lessons in international business, managing diversity, and cultural sensitivities. "

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Best Experience For The Best Price CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Semester in Prague - University of Economics

"The biggest thing I learned was how to be self-reliant in all types of situations, which I definitely think was worth it. It's hard to narrow down what you learn on a program to just one thing because it's such an all-encompassing experience that just shapes you as a person, but this one definitely has had the biggest impact on ..."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Time Of My Life International Business Seminars: Winter Europe

"I learned numerous things from my experience abroad that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I learned how to navigate through foreign public transportation systems with nothing but a map. I learned how to communicate with local people that did not speak my language. I learned a lot about different cultures and that th..."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
Past Review Barcelona, Best Four Months Of My Life AIFS: Barcelona - Universitat Autònoma Barcelona

"It was without a doubt the most valuable experience of my life. I now feel really deeply that cultural exchange and international education makes people into more empathetic and open minded global citizens, which is so important, especially in the current social-political climate. I also learned a lot about myself, and grew ..."

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa