University of California - Santa Cruz
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of California, Santa Cruz. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of California, Santa Cruz student, please check with the Global Learning Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I think I learned the most (not only about the classes I took, but also about life) through my connection with other students, my professors, and the fellow friends I made that lived in my dorm. Like I said, thanks to all the international perspectives that were brought up during class discussions, it was eyeopening to talk abou..."
A student University of California - Santa Cruz
"i think the geology portion was very cool because we did alot of field work"
A student University of California - Santa Cruz
"Cuando uno viaja se enfrenta a nuevos desafíos y se plantea metas más ambiciosas. Mirar hacia atrás y pensar que logramos alcanzarlas es muy gratificante. Por último y por supuesto no menos importante es el gran valor de encontrarte con personas generosas dispuestas a brindarte una mano."
geraldine.martinez.77 University of California - Santa Cruz
"I gained friendships I will have for the rest of my life. I also learned a lot about living and working with a variety of people. It opened my eyes as to what is important to me and has somewhat guided me in what I want to do with my life."
lauren.korth University of California - Santa Cruz
"Anytime spent abroad is worthwhile. Get out of your bubbles and enjoy the world---you will learn and grow in ways you can't imagine and that I'm not going to spend time explaining here. "
Jenna H University of California - Santa Cruz
"I learned so much about the culture in Argentina. "
A student University of California - Santa Cruz
"I learned so much about the environment and the cultures of other people. I also learned how to build a sustainable farming and learned skills to make workshops that keep students interested. This trip was definitely worthwhile."
A student University of California - Santa Cruz
"I'm planning to travel across Europe with only a backpack as soon as I graduate college in a few months. Anyone who knows me would know that I may not have had the courage to go to so many new places without a plan and leave my entire life behind. After getting a taste of Italy, there is a fire inside me that can't be tamed unti..."
Rebecca C University of California - Santa Cruz
"The only reason i loved my experience so much was because the Irish are incredible people, and the CEA staff in Dublin rocked!"
Rachel B University of California - Santa Cruz
"One of the absolute best experiences of my life, socially, personally and academically."
Gabe J University of California - Santa Cruz
"With the exception of being immersed in a second language, Sweden was a very enjoyable place to visit. The people were very nice, the country is clean and beautiful, and the subtle differences of Scandinavian culture vs. the U.S. culture was a great experience."
Gina G University of California - Santa Cruz