University of Hartford
University Information
The mission of the Study Abroad Office is to help prepare you for a journey of a lifetime! With over 60 different destinations to consider for your study abroad opportunity, there's a special place that will work for each and every one of you.
Study in English, or study in the native tongue of the country you select. Go for a year, a semester, a summer or a winter, but just GO! Take regular courses, participate in special programs, or intern in a variety of places, while earning University of Hartford credits. At the Study Abroad Office, we strive to answer all of your questions - including the ones you haven't even thought of yet!
The benefits of world travel are universal, no matter where you study. Inspiration can be found anywhere you go, whether it's in the architecture of castles and cathedrals, the wilderness of the Outback, the mountain ranges of Northern Italy or the local communities where you will stay for the duration of your experience.
Every destination will have a friendly and supportive program director or international office to guide you along the way, helping you achieve the most out of your time away. Each country, each city, and each university has its own distinctive character - something unique that will ultimately draw you to your best choice! So, let's get started by considering them all and begin exploring your future!
Important Dates and Deadlines
Please visit for more information.
"I gained a lot of things I cant list them all, mainly independence though"
samantha carley University of Hartford
"I learned that I would love to travel more since coming back. It was definitely worthwhile. "
A student University of Hartford
"Definitely became more independent and learned how to budget money. It was worthwhile and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to study in Australia!"
A student University of Hartford
"I learned a bit of the Greek language and made connections with locals. Yes it was something I could not get at my home university. "
Lauren University of Hartford
"I learned that communication and languages are probably the most powerful things on this planet. If you are able to talk to people from all over the world, you have given yourself a huge edge in being one step closer to an enlightened understanding of the world. Learning this has definitely helped me figure out what I want to do..."
A student University of Hartford
"I learned how to adapt to a new culture and it was definitely worthwhile."
Harrison Max University of Hartford
"It was worthwhile and I gained more knowledge on myself and how I want to live my life"
Rebecca kahn University of Hartford
"I gained adaptability and independence. It was definitely worthwhile "
A student University of Hartford
"I became a lot more independent and I learned how to organize time between going out with friends & studying for courses that were challenging. It definitely was a great experience because it also helped me to become more social and want to explore some more."
Alexis Williams University of Hartford
"learned what relaxes me. I don't have to get drunk to enjoy things. Life has a lot of simple pleasures "
Brandon University of Hartford
"I learned how self sufficient I am. How good I am at problem solving. I became more financially consious and I have a better understanding of the importance of budgeting. I learned to not take life too seriously and I think all of these are so worthwhile. "
Sarah Labady University of Hartford
"I gained a sense of independence, a stronger desire to travel, and a more worldly outlook on life. It was 100% worthwhile!"
Katherine Curran University of Hartford
"It was worthwhile. As with any study abroad program, it taught me about a whole different view of life and culture. Gave me perspective. "
Greg Eckhardt University of Hartford
"I learned to get out of my comfort zone and emerge in a different culture that what I was used to. Very much worthwhile."
Azia Carter University of Hartford
"Advanced language and interpersonal skills"
A student University of Hartford
"Learned how to travel easily through countries"
Morgan White University of Hartford
"Gain a better perspective of life."
Juan Molina University of Hartford
"I made connections with people from many disciplines and from many nations, such as Iceland, Norway, France, Netherlands, Slovenia, and India. This placed me in contact with so many viewpoints, allowing me to both discover the similarities and differences between cultures. "
A student University of Hartford
" I gained confidence and a better way of thinking. It was completely worthwhile!"
Jacqueline Goodhue University of Hartford
"I learned that stepping out your comfort zone will make you a better person. The experience was worthwhile because it gave me the ability to learn about another culture other than my own. I learned so much about people. I also learned that there is such thing as peace. Being back home in New York City and back at school in Conne..."
Samantha White University of Hartford
"I learned a lot about being on my own in a foreign place and how to navigate and survive on my own. I learned about another countries perspective on life and culture. Yes, it was an experience worthwhile that will impact me in the future."
Cali Beane University of Hartford
"It was definitely worth while. During spring break I went traveling alone and learned a lot about myself then as well as when I was in Ireland. Especially what I liked doing and didn't. "
A student University of Hartford
"I learned that it is very important to know some of the language when you travel to different countries. I learned what it feels like for people in a country to see someone and something different for the first time and to deal with that reaction with positive reinforcement and communication. It was definitely worthwhile for me."
Maya Smith University of Hartford
"I learned a lot about myself. Who I am. Who I want to be. Sometimes, you go long periods without experiencing any significant personal grow and sometimes it happens all at once. That was India for me."
Liel Asulin University of Hartford
"I learned patience, and to expand my horizons."
Jacqueline Crockwell University of Hartford