University of Houston - Downtown
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Houston - Downtown. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Houston–Downtown student, please check with the Office of Study Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned that I was a much stronger person than I thought I was. I was in another country, learning another culture, eating different foods and I did just fine."
Melissa Trejo University of Houston - Downtown
"I learned that I was able to travel into another country and immerse myself into their culture with little ease. It was more than worthwhile, it was an unforgettable experience I will hold in my heart forever."
Melissa Trejo University of Houston - Downtown
"i gained so much knowledge i gained to cherish a lot of things in my life and ye sit was worth it!"
Etelvina Umana University of Houston - Downtown
sandra University of Houston - Downtown
"I gained a lot of cultural knowledge. Many things that I I didn't think about. "
A student University of Houston - Downtown
"It was worthwhile - my learning experience was mainly adapting to a different lifestyle and being ok with it."
Lilibeth University of Houston - Downtown
"It was worthwhile and I learned about creating myself as a person. "
Kesia Z Luna University of Houston - Downtown
"It was worthwhile living abroad with my host family. "
A student University of Houston - Downtown
"It was certainly worth it! "
Shalom George University of Houston - Downtown
"SOL is great. Don't be scared to travel to a new country! SOL truly takes care of you. Any questions you have, they are always there to help. Studying abroad will change your life. Wherever you go, go with an open mind! Don't say no to anything, no matter how scary it may seem. The only way you will truly experience living abroa..."
Zayda Pena University of Houston - Downtown
"I learned how different their culture is, events though I am Hispanic we're so different. I also learned how to be more environment friendly like the Costa Rica is. It was definitely worthwhile."
A student University of Houston - Downtown
"Aprendí muchísimo. Y claro que lo volvería hacer. 😊"
Elisa Abrego University of Houston - Downtown
"I have gained confidence in my ability to speak and understand the Spanish Language and it was definitely worthwhile."
Shemaco Potts University of Houston - Downtown
"It was worthwhile because i have never done anything like this and it was such an amazing group of students and perfect preparation. "
Alejandra Villarreal University of Houston - Downtown
"It was certainly worthwhile. Costa Rica is very Americanized, though. All in all, I'd go back."
A student University of Houston - Downtown
"I never thought SOL would be such an amazing experience in my life! It has been the best choice I have made, I don't regret it! "
Rocio M University of Houston - Downtown
"TOP NOTCH! The experience was like no other. Every last bit was worthwhile, sad to leave!!"
Alexander N University of Houston - Downtown
"I learned a lot of Spanish and a ton of stuff about another culture. My trip was definitely worthwhile. I would recommend studying abroad to anyone. "
Michael R University of Houston - Downtown
"I learned that Communication is vital in all parts of the world whether you know the language or not."
Nicole M University of Houston - Downtown