University of North Texas
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of North Texas. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of North Texas student, please check with the UNT International Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
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No important dates configured."I think I really improved my language skills by talking to people both on and off campus, so I definitely think it was worthwhile!"
Amy Sanders University of North Texas
"I was able to improve my spoken Spanish and it was worthwhile "
Sira Hart Nakwaasah University of North Texas
"I have never in my entire 21 years of living had such an incredible and life changing experience. And I'm not making this up. From someone who's never traveled out of the United States before, my experience was golden. I met so many incredible people from all over who made me into a better person and pushed me into a much more p..."
Patrick Oliver University of North Texas
"Learned spanish, very worth while"
John Burns University of North Texas
"Definitely. I feel like a citizen of the world. I met people from countries I had never heard of and saw things I had only ever previously experienced through a travel television show."
A student University of North Texas
"I learned a lot, not just about Spain and the world around me, but a lot about myself as well. It was incredibly worth while and challenging in many ways, but also a very needed break from life in the states."
A student University of North Texas
"Incredibly formative experience, not without challenge. Learned a language as well as a new worldview. "
Taylor G Luttrell-Williams University of North Texas
"I became more comfortable with myself because I had to make a lot of decisions and make a lot of mistakes. I had to trust myself and when I messed up I had to be the one to fix things because no one else was there to help. It was definitely a learning experience. I also learned more about myself and my preferences. One of the bi..."
Emily Peterson University of North Texas
"I have always been quiet and timid, but when you're dropped into a foreign country with 12 strangers you might find yourself opening up a little bit! I learned to open up and socialize a lot better. At the end of the trip I was still relatively quiet, but I gained some friendships that I will hold onto forever. Also, the Jap..."
David Evers University of North Texas
"I learned a lot on my literature class as well as about the country."
Mane E University of North Texas
"I would study abroad all the time if I could. I learned that as much as a plan for everything to go smoothly, life just laughs and says "nope" and you still have to deal with things, and you can either handle it gracefully and continue to enjoy yourself and your time in the beautiful cities you travel to or let it get you down. ..."
Kelsey University of North Texas
Sarah University of North Texas
"I learned so much about myself and gained so much educational experience and life experience. Absolutely worthwhile. "
Rachel Pringle University of North Texas
"I gained greater Spanish skills and more confidence in myself."
Elaina University of North Texas
"I learned to be more open minded, appreciate my rights as a woman more, and speak/write spanish in a more professional way. "
A student University of North Texas
"I gained an understanding of how people of another culture live. I learned how to adjust to speaking Spanish all day everyday because my host family spoke zero English. Through traveling so much, I learned how to compromise and stay calm during stressful situations."
Molly Gipson University of North Texas
"I learned that it's okay to take my time, and not rush myself. I'm slow anyway, but to not let other people hurry me. I improved my spanish, and I improved my listening skills. "
A student University of North Texas
"My experience was definitely worthwhile, and my level of Spanish improved greatly, and I learned a lot in my classes that I took while in Argentina."
Faith H University of North Texas
"Yes totally, I learned a lot about journalism, about life, most of all how to be a better human being and with that be a better journalist"
David C University of North Texas
"Every aspect of my life was impacted and honestly, all for the better. It was extremely worthwhile and I grew immensely in my time abroad."
Dillon D University of North Texas
"I learned how to integrate myself into another culture, how my personal cultural adjustment process happens, and how to live in a large city."
nodoka University of North Texas
"I learned to meet as many people as possible, because you will never know when they will be your next best friend. This whole trip was worthwhile. "
Elvis L University of North Texas
"I gained a better insight on the current events of Asia and it opened up another chapter to foreign policy, something I was not interested in before but am now interested in learning more and keeping up with. The people and culture that I was surrounded by reminded me that there is so much life and land left that needs to be exp..."
Kim N University of North Texas
"In addition to gaining fluency and confidence in Japanese, I learned a lot about myself, and gained perspective about both America and Japanese. It was definitely a worthwhile experience and I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat. "
emily.cole.522 University of North Texas
"yes. The food was amazing and I got drunk like, a lot. Too much almost. Actually, I got drunk way too much. What country am I talking about again?"
Amanda L University of North Texas