
University of Northern Iowa

September 20, 2024

University Information

The University of Northern Iowa's Study Abroad Center (SAC) offers academic opportunities in over 30 countries and administers over 20 faculty-led programs. SAC programs range in duration from 2 weeks to one year and allow students to earn UNI credit while studying abroad. Programs are designed to accommodate student’s program of study.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1 for Spring semester programs
October 15 for Winter Break programs
December 1 for Spring Break programs
February 15 for Summer programs
March 1 for Fall semester programs

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Definitely Worth It! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in England and Ireland

"I got to see a lot of great sites and learn the history behind them. Very beneficial!!"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review An Amazing Adventure. University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in Greece

"I have gained a better understanding of Greek history and the culture not just from ancient times, but modern as well. I really liked that we didn't just focus on one time period. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Life Changing Experience! Study Abroad Programs in Poland

"I learned that every culture is different, but unique at the same time. Sometimes people only think about their own culture and not consider others. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Great, Except That One Person University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in Greece

"I learned about a different culture and way of life, and was definitely worthwhile, could have stayed there longer."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Adventure In England And Wales University of Northern Iowa: Sustainability Abroad Capstone

"Hung out with some great people and had some wonderful, unforgettable memories that definitely made it worthwhile!"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Adventure Auckland University of Technology (AUT): Auckland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worth it. It taught me to be independent and how to grow as an individual."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review It Helped Me Realize That I Want To Help People In Other Cultures University of Northern Iowa: Mysore - UNI Capstone in India

"I gained international experience, and a new cultural perspective. It was 100% worth it"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Fun Plekhanov Russian University of Economics: Moscow - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"yes, cultural differences and similarities"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review A Truly Interesting And Honest Look Into The Lives Of The Nicaraguan Society. University of Northern Iowa: Managua - UNI Socio-Economic Reality Capstone in Nicaragua

"I learned that despite the technological and economic differences between the U.S. and Nicaragua, both peoples strive for personal happiness in the same ways and for the same reasons, and that a more developed and technologic society doesn't necessarily correlate to more "happiness"."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Ahh Yeah! Italy Yeah! My Adventures Abroad On The Best Capstone At Uni! University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Cross-Cultural Capstone in Italy

"I learned how to navigate in multiple cities using the metro, walking, buses, and water taxis. I also learned a lot about what Italian culture is like and how my culture compares. This trip was definitely worthwhile and I would highly recommend it to any student who enjoys traveling and experiencing new things."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review An Amazingly Awesome Life Changing Experience! University of Northern Iowa: Berlin - UNI German Language and Culture in Berlin

"It was an experience that I cannot fully explain in words! I learned so much about the culture and history of Berlin! And I learned so much about Berlin and Germany's history from WWII to the Berlin Wall. I became immersed in the language and it was fun and exciting to jump into a new lifestyle. I noticed differences in the ways..."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Educational Scenic Adventure! University of Northern Iowa: Capstone in Southern Italy

"I learned how very little we learn from the worlds mistakes and how dependent we are on fossil fuels, which can only last for one more century before its all gone."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Unforgetable Time Exploring Moscow With The Moscovites Plekhanov Russian University of Economics: Moscow - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was very worthwhile. It was just another trip that showed me that stereotypes are way off. The people were so warm and open. The hospitality is unmatched."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Amazing Experience Full Of Culture And Adventure University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in Costa Rica

"The opportunity to witness a new culture. It was very worthwhile."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Intellectual Course, Different Culture, But Worth The Effort. Study Abroad Programs in Poland

"I learned to appreciate life after seeing such horrors in Auschwitz and the ghetto. I also gained a new sense of independence after the trip. It was very much worthwhile."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Eye Opening University of Northern Iowa: Managua - UNI Social Work Capstone in Nicaragua, 1st session - May

"I gained an understanding of another culture. It was worth while because it made me realize that there is a larger world outside of myself and we're a global family that we need to think of.. not just ourselves."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Wonderful Study Abroad Programs in Turkey

"Turkey is an up in coming developing country. Yes i don't regret coming to Turkey "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Study Abroad: Learn Beyond The Classroom! University of Northern Iowa: Taipei City - Entrepreneurship in Taiwan

"So much! I have a new appreciation for our culture and a better understanding of Taiwanese and Chinese culture. It was so worthwhile, I'd do it again for twice the price."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Learned A Lot!!! University of Northern Iowa: Dalian - Global Skills Capstone in China

"I will cherish my time abroad as the experience of a lifetime. I learned so much about the Chinese culture that can't be learned in a classroom."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review It Was A Very Rewarding And Emotional Experience. Study Abroad Programs in Poland

"I feel like I learned a great deal about national identity and what sets each country apart. I really enjoyed learning about the holocaust and Auschwitz-Birkenau. So many people think they know what happened with the holocaust and the concentration camps but really people do not. The trip was very worthwhile. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Studying While Traveling. University of Northern Iowa: UNI Capstone in Four Countries

"Understanding the similarities and differences among cultures and the people living within those cultures."

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review The True Italian Experience University of Northern Iowa: Summer at Perugia, Italy (University for Foreigners of Perugia)

"My experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned that it's so fun getting to know people from different cultures then me. It was so great getting to meet people from all different ages, ethnicities, and walks of life. "

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review Exciting, Interesting And Once In A Lifetime! University of Northern Iowa: Traveling - UNI Capstone in London and Paris

"I learned a lot about places I have always wanted to see and it was definitely worthwhile! It was an amazing trip and I would recommend it to anyone!"

University of Northern Iowa
Past Review It Was An Awesome Once In A Lifetime Experience I Will Never Forget. University of Northern Iowa: Sustainability Abroad Capstone

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about how different other cultures are around the world. It was fun to experience both London and Wales because they are so different; they were a great contrast for each other. Birmingham University was a great college to visit and I learned a great amount of information on ways t..."

University of Northern Iowa