University of Northern Iowa
University Information
The University of Northern Iowa's Study Abroad Center (SAC) offers academic opportunities in over 30 countries and administers over 20 faculty-led programs. SAC programs range in duration from 2 weeks to one year and allow students to earn UNI credit while studying abroad. Programs are designed to accommodate student’s program of study.
Important Dates and Deadlines
October 1 for Spring semester programs
October 15 for Winter Break programs
December 1 for Spring Break programs
February 15 for Summer programs
March 1 for Fall semester programs
"It was great to interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot about myself as a person and how I interact with others who are different than me. Also, what I feel strongly about and what topics interest me. I also learned that you just have to put yourself in the other persons shoes sometimes to see where they are coming from. "
Megan Petersen University of Northern Iowa
"I learned how to be in a different culture (especially on my own). It was definitely worth while!"
Lance C Brown University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot about how Italian daily and business life differs from American. I also got to see many historical, architectural, and natural (rocks/sea) sites. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"Definitely! Gained a lot of insight on global culture and international business "
Brennah Weepie University of Northern Iowa
"Learned cultural differences and definitely worthwhile. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot about cultural difference just by being here. Visiting the towns around Sorrento was amazing. It was fun to compare how we do things as American to what Italians do. "
Erin Reicks University of Northern Iowa
"Yea, it was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about how our cultures different from each other and I now understand Italians more. Plus I got to see/do a lot of things I wouldn’t be able to at home."
Elizabeth Remy University of Northern Iowa
"Learned how to be a better traveler. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"The most important thing I learned while abroad was just how big and diverse the world is. I made friends from places I honestly did not know existed before coming to Greece. I am a much more culturally and politically aware person now. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"I not only learned about history, but I saw it in person. I was in front of the Parthenon and saw the ruins of the Minoans. It was incredible and it's hard to explain everything I gained from it. It was the most worthwhile experience I've had and it's opened my eyes to a new part of the world. This experience has motivated me to..."
A student University of Northern Iowa
"From my semester + time in Barcelona, I learned more than I can put into words. I gained fluency, made lifelong friends, and learned so much about myself than before I left the US."
Megan Cleveland University of Northern Iowa
"Very worthwhile, there are countries that seem more into environmentally friendly things, like using toilets with less water use, refilling bottles instead of buying new ones, there are many diverse people in every country, and currency is different as well as its value abroad."
A student University of Northern Iowa
"I have gained such a better understanding of cultural differences and people in general. It was awesome to get out of my cultural box and adapt to a different place and lifestyle for three weeks. I feel much more rounded as a person and made 18 new friends, which I'd say made it worthwhile."
Paul Pins University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot about technology and how different it is in other societies! They have solar trees in London to help charge cell phones in public, public gardens, and recycling in restaurants! How cool! "
Kelsey Kaasa University of Northern Iowa
"I learned how to live independently in a culture, while similar to the U.S., was not the one I was raised in. It was definitely worthwhile. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot of other cultures and views. I've studied from the perspective of a German and have found a different way to evaluate global events"
Brock Hefel University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot about the differences in culture and gained memories and friendships that I will have with me for the rest of my life. "
A student University of Northern Iowa
"It was worthwhile. I went over there not knowing any one. Made friends from the University and had an amazing experience while in New Zealand."
Ryley Stancel University of Northern Iowa
"I learned I want to go abroad more and as scary as a new place is, it's great to take the risk and travel. Definitely a worthwhile experience"
A student University of Northern Iowa
"I had never been abroad and I didnt want to go for a whole semester. 3 weeks was perfect and Chad is awesome. He knows everything about this trip. "
Olivia University of Northern Iowa
"Have an open mindset and don't get set on certain times, things come up while traveling. "
Amber University of Northern Iowa
"A lot about sustainability "
Shelby bowersox University of Northern Iowa
"I learned a lot about the culture of France and learned some of their language. I learned how different it is in another country and learned quite a bit about the food, money, and government. It was a worthwhile experience for sure!"
A student University of Northern Iowa
"Difference in cultures"
Jodi Miller University of Northern Iowa