University of Rochester

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Center for Study Abroad and Interdepartmental Programs serves students who wish to customize their undergraduate experience. Advisors in the Center specialize in three areas: study abroad, interdepartmental programs, and senior scholars research projects.

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07/10/2022 The Best Month Of My Life In My Favorite New City CYA (College Year in Athens) - Summer Program

"I learned a lot about life outside of the U.S., and the many similarities and differences between my home and Greece. It was definitely worthwhile to get to learn directly in the place I was studying in- there are some experiences that the classroom alone at home cannot provide!"

University of Rochester
Past Review Unique And Amazing Internship Opportunity! Linguistic Horizons: Study Abroad and Intern in La Coruña

"It helped me get out of my comfort zone and most of all helped me grow my confidence in my knowledge and studies."

University of Rochester
Past Review Finding Inspiration In Chile IES Abroad: Santiago - Health Studies

"In addition to my Spanish skills improving immensely, I was also exposed to issues with the health system in Santiago and Chile, and became very inspired. "

University of Rochester
Past Review Living In Cape Town Was Cool IES Abroad: Cape Town - University of Cape Town

"I learned how to integrate myself into a local culture and adapt to a different way of living. The experience taught me about myself and gave me a better idea of what is important to me. It was worthwhile and I would recommend it to anyone seeking an experience full of fun adventures and learning opportunities."

University of Rochester
Past Review An Unforgettable Fall In Siena! IES Abroad: Siena - IES Abroad Center

"It was definitely worthwhile! I have learned a lot about the host community and the local culture, but I also discovered new skills and acquired new tools. My IES program professors and staff helped me to navigate through the courses that helped me to grow a lot academically"

University of Rochester
Past Review Adventure In The East IES Abroad: Shanghai - Economy, Business & Society

"Aside from an incredible increase in my language ability, I gained a greater global perspective. Asia is an amazing region of the world, and China specifically will be the centerpiece of the next century. My exposure to China shaped my career interests and understanding of many global issues, such as climate change, geopolitical..."

University of Rochester
Past Review A Whole New World IES Abroad: Vienna - Psychology & Social Sciences

"I got a new perspective on a different way to live. There are little things that are so unique to Vienna that really got me thinking about my life here in the US"

University of Rochester
Past Review An Unforgettable Adventure IES Abroad: Dublin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I gained a better sense of myself, as well as a better sense of the world at large. I gained wisdom, friends, and experience. But the real gains are intangible, and hard to name with a single word--sort of intrinsic feelings of being wider, somehow, and deeper; of having one's world widened. It was most definitely worthwhile."

University of Rochester
Past Review 10/10 Would Go Back IES Abroad: Christchurch Direct Enrollment - University Of Canterbury

"I learned how to be an independent person in the world, and how to navigate life without anyone really holding my hand!"

University of Rochester
Past Review Arrivederci Milano! IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"IES Abroad Milano was an incredibly fulfilling experience. Unlike other more touristy areas in Italy (Rome and Florence) where it is common to speak English, you will actually have to learn a little Italian to get by--I found this challenging and exciting to learn another language--the Italian courses through IES are superb. I ..."

University of Rochester
Past Review A Best Academic Year Ever St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I improved a lot academically speaking. It was really worthwhile."

University of Rochester
Past Review Fun, Intense And Fullfilling IES Abroad: Cape Town - University of Cape Town

"I learned a lot about cape town, its culture, people, cuisine and many other things."

University of Rochester
Past Review London Living IES Abroad: London Direct Enrollment - Queen Mary

"I learned to file insurance claims! I know that not exciting but it's really important when you are a real adult ;-) I also took my first solo trips and LOVED it! It taught me that I didn't need to wait for anyone to go with me the next time I get a travel itch since I can do everything myself"

University of Rochester
Past Review Vienna: The Best Experience! IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned so many different things during my time abroad. I learned a lot in the field of psychology, I learned a lot about myself, and learned a lot about Vienna and Austria as a whole. Honestly, there are countless lessons that I experienced during those 4 months."

University of Rochester
Past Review Running On London Time IES Abroad: London Direct Enrollment - Queen Mary

"My experience in London has definitely taught me a lot of things about myself and the "

University of Rochester
Past Review Amazing Experience In Auckland! IES Abroad: Auckland Direct Enrollment - University Of Auckland

"I gained many friends and a new perspective- not a local one but that of a traveler. I met so many people traveling in the area with such amazing stories that it inspired me to do the same later in my life. There is no question in my mind that it was worthwhile."

University of Rochester
Past Review Being Myself Abroad. IES Abroad: Auckland Direct Enrollment - University Of Auckland

"I will not say that study abroad changed who I was. Rather, i feel that studying here in New Zealand allowed me to exercise who I always was. The balance of academics, social situations and outdoor activities combined with being in one of the most naturally beautiful places in the world was unbeatable. "

University of Rochester
Past Review Abroad In Madrid Best Semester Ever! IES Abroad: Madrid - Engineering, Math & Science

"It was an incredibly worthwhile experience to study abroad. I experienced being outside of my comfort zone, adjusting to a different culture, and learning a new language. I learned to see every moment (good, bad, and awkward) as a learning experience. I enjoyed widening my worldview, trying new things, and keeping my mind open t..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Upside Down And Backwards IES Abroad: Christchurch Direct Enrollment - University Of Canterbury

"Besides the lifelong friendships, connections, and memories that I created, perspective is the greatest gift that I came away from this trip with. When I first started telling people that I was going to study abroad in New Zealand, the primary responses I got were “Wow, that’s so far away!” and “You’re choosing to go to the oth..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Four Months Of Japan In One Review IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"I gained friends, another family in a different country and experience. But overall, I gained a new found love for a culture and country that isn't mine and I can't wait to visit again. "

University of Rochester
Past Review An Amazing Semester In Auckland! IES Abroad: Auckland Direct Enrollment - University Of Auckland

"I think that anyone answering this question will agree that study abroad is absolutely worthwhile. For me, it was a really great time to take some different classes and have a bit of a break from the norm. it was good for me to take a semester to reflect a bit and just enjoy, and that's really helped me grow and be confident in ..."

University of Rochester
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience IES Abroad: Shanghai - Economy, Business & Society

"I learned Mandarin and about chinese culture, as well as gaining confidence in myself for going out of my comfort zone"

University of Rochester
Past Review The Place To Go For French Immersion IES Abroad: Nantes - French Language Immersion & Area Studies

"If you're looking to truly immerse yourself in french language and culture, this is the program for you. Nantes is the perfect city for a study abroad semester: it is large and young enough that there is always something fun to do, yet small enough to truly feel like home. The people are kind and generous and (unlike what you ma..."

University of Rochester
Past Review The Best Way To Study Global Health IES Abroad: London & Oxford - Health Practice & Policy

"One of the most valuable things I did for my public health education was studying abroad with IES Abroad's HPP program in London and Oxford. I learned about public health from a European perspective; What are the priorities for health promotion in the UK? What are the current initiatives? How did England's health stats of today ..."

University of Rochester
Past Review Fell In Love With Japan Will Definitely Be Back Soon! IES Abroad: Tokyo - Language & Culture

"My study abroad program was completely worthwhile. Going into the program, my goal was to become more in touch with my cultural heritage, and I certainly did so. I also got to learn a lot about the Japanese people and had the opportunity to travel to many different Japanese cities so see how life differed around the country."

University of Rochester