University of South Florida
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of South Florida. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of South Florida student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."This is truly once in a lifetime. What you learn about the world around you and yourself will help you through the rest of your life."
Alekhya P University of South Florida
"The Green Program was truly an amazing experience. I have not only gained a better understanding of renewable energy and the topic of sustainability, but have met the most amazing people and learned about myself. From lectures at Reykjavik University to snowball fights on top of a mountain, you learn about nature and the world f..."
Catherine M University of South Florida
"I have worked in Italy before. Now I know that Italian culture is actually what I learned in the past and not isolated. Things go very slow, it is next to impossible to get anyone to do anything, expect a fight if you apply pressure to have things done and expect a retaliation at the first possible moment in the future. Read the..."
Acronymforme University of South Florida
"I learned so much about the culture and it widened my perspective to life outside of my home country. It was definitely worthwhile!!"
A student University of South Florida
"The AIFS internship program in London tremendously impacted my professional development as a young professional. As a business student, employers look for students who have had relevant experience in the respective industry. Doing an internship abroad is highly valued by any employer because it shows your ability to adapt to new..."
Peter University of South Florida
"I gained a new appreciation for the Greek culture, more than I had before. I learned to open up more and make new friends. It was worth every moment, I would do this program again in a heartbeat! "
Lauren Santos University of South Florida
"I gained new friends, new experiences and a vast amount of global medicine. Being able to compare American medicine and Spanish medicine was enlightening! "
A student University of South Florida
"I gained a cultural experience. I learned a lot about Korea in the Modern Korean history class that I took. I gained lots of great memories, and friendships. I learned that traveling is always worthwhile."
A student University of South Florida
"This trip was most definitely worthwhile! You are completely immersed in the culture and need to be self-reliant to get to class or your internship on time. The public transportation is great and easy to use! However, the czech language is not the most easy language to pick up and learn especially in such a short period of time...."
Emily T University of South Florida
"I learned a lot about German culture, but also about myself. Being in a foreign country with people I had never met allowed me to be anyone I wanted to be. I discovered my deep passion for travel, and after visiting different countries every weekend, I can't wait to start planning my next trip abroad!"
Cristina S University of South Florida
"Gained friends. Learned about myself. YES."
Dennis A University of South Florida
"I learned that I can survive on my own without much help in a foreign country that speaks a language that I knew very little about. I'd say that's pretty impressive. The experience was definitely worthwhile"
alex.ulrich.56 University of South Florida
"The value of knowing people near and far. This was the best experience of my life; I'd do it again in a heartbeat. "
Kyra C University of South Florida
"I learned to expand my horizons while learning a new language. "
A student University of South Florida
"I learned a lot about Italy and its culture."
A student University of South Florida
"Living and studying abroad opened my eyes to a whole new culture and changed the way I see the world."
Kourtney H University of South Florida
"I became more cultural and my time abroad gave me an appetite to travel everywhere."
A student University of South Florida
"I have become much more independent, confident, and adaptable. I now know that I am capable of adapting and thriving in one of the most important, bustling cities in the world. "
Mala C University of South Florida
"I have definitely improved my confidence in speaking Spanish. Coming from a smaller city, I learned a lot about how to live in such a fast-paced area, as well. Above all, I have learned so much about the culture and history of Argentina in a very hands-on way."
Shannon W University of South Florida
"I am more understanding of other cultures and I can now communicate very well with the Spanish people. I am studying in International Business and this experience assured me that I am doing the right field for me."
Kristine C University of South Florida
"I feel that I am a more global citizen now. I have traveled abroad before both to study and for vacation. This experience was by far my favorite-- I appreciate more things in life now such as good food. Not just food that tastes good or that is supposed to be healthy, but food that actually leaves me feeling good after I eat. I ..."
Alexandra V University of South Florida