University of Southern California

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Southern California. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Southern California student, please check with the USC Global Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Experience Unlike Any Other Connect-123: Barcelona - Volunteer/Intern in Spain

"Working in a typical Spanish company and gaining useful skills from adapting to the language and cultural barriers. "

University of Southern California
Past Review My Home Away From Home The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Auckland - AUT University

"I could easily say it was the new skills I learned in CSS coding or photography or introduction courses into the Japanese and Maori languages. I could also say it's the food because I still strongly crave those fish-n-chips and $3 NZD meat pies. I'd even say all the adventure sports I did like skydiving and bungee jumping are ri..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Remember That One Time In New Zealand? The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Auckland - AUT University

"The most significant thing I learned from my experience abroad is to say "yes" to everything. I had more experiences during my time studying abroad in New Zealand than I've had so far in my life (some of which I did with TEAN's help). These were full visceral, eye-opening, exhilarating experiences that I look back to fondly and ..."

University of Southern California
Past Review A Sensational And Unforgettable Experience The GREEN Program: Iceland - Sustainability and Renewable Energy Abroad

"The trip was absolutely worthwhile. I believe the most valuable thing I gained was a huge network of extremely close friends from around the country and globe, as well as intimate knowledge of just how easy it is to be inspired. This type of program is almost guaranteed to attract a certain type of person - one who is adventurou..."

University of Southern California
Past Review A Great Program For New Cultural Experiences ThinkImpact: Panama Institute for Health or Social Innovation

"The biggest takeaways from this experience are learning to adapt in a completely foreign environment and completely immersing yourself with a new language, culture, and lifestyle. For this reason, this program is challenging, but proved worthwhile for my own experiences and personal growth. It definitely is a different experienc..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Eye Opening Connect-123: Cape Town - Volunteer/Intern in South Africa

"I learned that I am so small in this world. It gave me perspective on how many different people/languages/cultures can exist even within one country. The world doesn't revolve round America, there is a lot Americans can learn from other countries' ways of life. "

University of Southern California
Past Review The Best 10 Days Of My Life The GREEN Program: Iceland - Sustainability and Renewable Energy Abroad

"The GREEN Program was the best 10 days of my life. It gave me such an unforgettable experience. The most precious part of the trip was being surrounded by 40 other college students that all had one common interest--the environment. It was really special to have something in common with a very large group of people. It was a bree..."

University of Southern California
Past Review A Truly Life Changing Experience British American Drama Academy: London/ Oxford - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned so much through all of the acting and theatre-based classes. Living in London, while expensive, was truly an amazing experience and I think we all really fell in love with the city and all that it had to offer. "

University of Southern California
Past Review The Most Amazing Ride Of My Life British American Drama Academy: London/ Oxford - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I really came to accept who I am as a person as well as learning to throw myself 500% into my art form and never holding back for any reason. This was one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had."

University of Southern California
Past Review A Perspective Changing Experience ThinkImpact: Panama Institute for Health or Social Innovation

"Through participation in the program, students will gain real, lasting relationships with highly motivated and inspiring individuals, as well as tangible outputs that they helped produce. The materials we were provided with throughout the institute led to great discussions among the group, and gave us the opportunity to dive dee..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Incredible Conservatory Program: Not Your Typical Abroad Experience British American Drama Academy: London/ Oxford - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about myself and my independence, in addition to the acting techniques. Being so far away, and with limited contact to my friends and family at home, I had to figure almost everything out on my own. At first it was scary, but eventually it became liberating. I am no longer afraid of living on my own, in a city in..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Intensive Theatre Experience With Great People Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"This was such an incredible experience for theatre majors as I learned so much about theatre and it was great training. I also feel like I know London like the back of my hand and fell in love with this city. Very worthwhile as I feel more educated about theatre."

University of Southern California
Past Review Adventures In Shanghair China Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"learned a lot about site plans/site visits/planning research. Yes it was worthwhile."

University of Southern California
Past Review Living La Vita Bella IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"It was definitely a worthwhile experience! I significantly improved my Italian language skills and I learned so much about not only Italian culture, but also European culture. I was able to experience first hand the differences and similarities between regions and also learned about Italy's political structure. I gained a lot of..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Made Some Of My Best Friends And Saw Things I Never Thought I Would! Broadreach - Reviews from Former Locations

"I learned a lot of preliminary information about marine biology. The scuba diving was FANTASTIC! I had an amazing experience with a trumpet fish! Absolutely worthwhile!"

University of Southern California
Past Review Amazeballs British American Drama Academy: London/ Oxford - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about how to be a disciplined actor. As a B.A., that don't stress the discipline when it comes to being on time, professionalism, etc as they do in a conservatory. Many of the ideas I already knew but the program just forced me to act on them daily. I also learned just how different people are and think in the U..."

University of Southern California
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"I gained an experience that I will have for the rest of my life."

University of Southern California
Past Review A Spring Break To Be Proud Of The GREEN Program: Iceland - Sustainability and Renewable Energy Abroad

"Choosing to go on this trip over spring break was the single greatest decision I have made in college. I confirmed my passion to pursue a career in the field of green energy, I got to surf at the beach, zip line through the canopy, safari down the river, perform community service, and make friendships that will last way after co..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Greatest Experience Of My Life Study Abroad Programs in Kenya

"It was extremely worthwhile. 2 months in rural Kenya and I could never see the world the same way ever again, in a good way. "

University of Southern California
Past Review Incredible And Worthwhile Experience Study Abroad Programs in Kenya

"Previously listed"

University of Southern California
Past Review Left My Heart In Kenya Study Abroad Programs in Kenya

"My experience was absolutely worthwhile. I learned so much about myself, the culture, social entrepreneurship, empowerment, development...the list goes on. The most valuable thing I learned was that everyone has something to bring to the table - that no one is poor. This experience affected my whole perspective on development an..."

University of Southern California
Past Review A Perfect Summer Experience AIRC: Rome - Interdisciplinary Semester in Italy

"I returned home with a maturity level that I've found in very few of my peers. Besides the confidence I gained from living in Rome without a word of Italian, I also completed a rigorous course and made more genuine friendships than I have had in a long time. I have thought about my time in Rome every day since I left (as I write..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Incredible Immersion Of Rural Culture And Social Entrepreneurship ThinkImpact: Rwanda - Institute for Social Innovation

"A greater understanding of rural living in the developing world How to think creatively without focusing on limited assets Getting over cultural/language barriers People are people everywhere Not all "poverty" looks the same "

University of Southern California
Past Review Unforgettable Six Weeks In Rome AIRC: Rome - Interdisciplinary Semester in Italy

"This was my first archaeological field experience, so I learned about my chosen discipline. I also gained lifelong friends, and experiences I will never forget for the rest of my life. "

University of Southern California
Past Review A Great Excuse To Learn About Archaeology In Rome AIRC: Rome - Interdisciplinary Semester in Italy

"This experience provided a completely new way of thinking and learning about Ancient Rome through archaeology and how we think of it in the modern day. As an art history student, I was interested, but had never learned about archaeology, so this was a great excuse to do so in a wonderful city!"

University of Southern California