University of Southern California

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at University of Southern California. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a University of Southern California student, please check with the USC Global Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review A Once In A Lifetime Experience For Any Aspiring College Actor Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"On the education side, I honestly believe that I learned more in my 13 weeks at BADA than I have in 3 years at college. The professors treat you like professional, adult actors, which helps you expand and hone your craft and work ethic. Also, seeing a minimum of 8 productions and being exposed to that much theatre was very eye-o..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Awesome Queen Mary University of London Study Abroad programme

"An appreciation for England that I had never really had before."

University of Southern California
Past Review Living Abroad Truly Enhanced Both My Professional And Personal Growth! Internships in London

"How to adjust myself quickly with new environment and people. Definitely worthwhile! "

University of Southern California
Past Review A Brilliant, Unforgettable Semester Of Theatre In London Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"I learned so much about who I am as an actor and as a person. It was the most intense and worthwhile experience of my life...and I would do it again in a heartbeat."

University of Southern California
Past Review Awesome Summer In Barcelona CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Intern in Barcelona

"Had the best couple months of my life, improved my Spanish, etc. You grow up a lot when you work and live abroad, become much more resilient because you need to roll with the flow."

University of Southern California
Past Review Sfs Australia Best Decision I Ever Made The School for Field Studies / SFS: Australia – Rainforest studies

"It piqued and kept my interest in environmental education."

University of Southern California
Past Review Cea Paris The Best Thing I've Ever Done. Seriously. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"It deeply changed me as a person. I became more confident, more independent, more self-assured and generally happier. I now travel all over the world and never feel intimidated to be in a new place because I know all of the wonderful things that are in store if I open your eyes. I'm currently in graduate school to become a teach..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Auckland City: The Best, Yet Underrated Study Abroad Experience ISA Study Abroad in Auckland, New Zealand

"This experience made me open my eyes to the realization that we liv in a global society. I am more open to understanding different cultural norms and qualities that, had I not experienced this, I would have never been able to understand. I got to know myself a lot better, and this has given me the reasoning and motivation to do ..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Study Abroad In Australia: Best Semester Of My "Uni" Years The University of Queensland: Brisbane - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Even though Australians speak English and are very similar in culture to the US, I have learned so much more about what makes Australia and Australians unique and amazing. Specifically for geology, studying there has helped me decide about what I might want to do after I graduate and living in Australia and working there is now ..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Autralearn And New Zealand Blew My Mind! ISA Study Abroad in Auckland, New Zealand

"to look more closely at the things I value and why. To look more closely at my home government/business and it's treatment of citizens and the environment. The development of strong leadership skills. Really questioning American consumerism. Mentoring younger students. Expanded world view and glimpsing the world stage. ...Fa..."

University of Southern California
Past Review Copenhagen: Biker's Paradise, Perspective Broadening, Exchange Students, Christiana, Party Copenhagen Business School: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My perspective was broadened. I met people from a variety of backgrounds. I partied a lot. I traveled to 13 countries. I rode my bike every single day, sometimes for 8 hours at a time. I went to Christiana, where there are no laws. I saw how other cultures live. I realized what other cultures value. I learned to apprecia..."

University of Southern California