
Utah Valley University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Utah Valley University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Utah Valley University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Great Experience Would Love To Go Back Utah Valley University: China - MBA Doing Business in China, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"Very worthwhile. Great international exposure. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Opportunity Utah Valley University: China - MBA Doing Business in China, Hosted by the Asia Institute

"This was one of the most worthwhile experiences that I have had. I learned a lot about the culture and people of China, and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. This experience has challenged my views and assumptions about China in the modern age."

Utah Valley University
Past Review A Great Cultural Experience Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"Yes, it was very worthwhile. I not only gained a cultural experience but a personal experience from learning how to travel in a foreign country. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review I Wish I Lived There Utah Valley University: Traveling - French

"Absolutely. Worth every second and every penny."

Utah Valley University
Past Review I Loved It! It Was The Best Decision I've Made In My College Experience. Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"I learned so much! I learned how to find my way around the cities. I learned to try new things. Not waste a moment do everything you can while you are there. I also learned about business and about big companies how they manage their company and tips on how they became so successful. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review Loved London And Paris Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"Loved the trip! Very worthwhile. Made lots of new friends. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review I Changed My Major To Marketing Because Of This Trip!! Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"Heck ya it was worthwhile, 9 credits in 3 weeks is a great deal!! sure it might be alittle more expensive than a college semester but your having class in a foreign country while sightseeing and enjoying the culture isn't it worth it? I thought so, I was able to learn so much. I went on the trip initially to accompany my sister..."

Utah Valley University
Past Review An Extroardinary Experience. I Loved Every Minute Of It. Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"I almost didn't go on this trip, because it didn't really work with my degree, and I had never done anything like this before. It scares me to think about if I had not gone. I enjoyed this experience so much and for so many reasons. It was worth everything it took to go. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review Exceeded Every Expectation! Best College Experience! Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"It was worth everything! I had to work really hard to earn enought money to go. I got some sponsors and worked long hours to save the money. It was absolutely worth all that hard work. It was a dream of mine to go to Europe! Now my dream has come true. I learned so much from our appointments, I also learned a lot about the cultu..."

Utah Valley University
Past Review The Trip Was An Extrodinary Event For Me. Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"I learned a lot about history, art, and culture from the museums. I have a better understanding and interest that I did not have before. Several of the appointments were geared toward retail, from those I learned name brand recognition. From the business appointments I got a better knowledge of trending, brands and advertising. ..."

Utah Valley University
Past Review Education Was Really International Marketing And Consumer Behavior Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"When I was growing up I always had teachers in elementary school, junior High, and High School telling me information that I needed to learn. What this program taught my was my own responsability to learn and educate myself and the resources available. If I always take this approach then I can never blame anyone for my lack of l..."

Utah Valley University
Past Review Experience Provides A Greater Learning Expereince That That Of A Classroom. Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"I gained a great respect for the United Kingdom and appreciate the traditions that remain in the society there. My understanding for business management and marketing did not reach record breaking heights but did strenghten and grow from the experiences there. The relationships made were special and unique. Yes! I feel that each..."

Utah Valley University
Past Review Best Way To Learn About The Region! Utah Valley University: Traveling - Middle East

"The most perspective changing international experience I have ever had. An exceptional opportunity that any interested student should take advantage of."

Utah Valley University
Past Review This Was An Invaluable Experience. Utah Valley University: Port au Prince - Nursing, Peace and Justice

"Information regarding NGOs, it was very worthwhile"

Utah Valley University
Past Review Absolutely The Best Experience Of My Life! Utah Valley University: London - Literature and Theater

"I learned a lot about myself that I can live on my own and with people I did not know very well at the beginning of the trip. I learned a lot about cultures and food and literatue and theatre. The whole experience was my favorite experiece of my life up to this point. I do not see how life can get any better than what it was ..."

Utah Valley University
Past Review Different Then I Ever Thought It Would Be Utah Valley University: Port au Prince - Nursing, Peace and Justice

"totally worth while. I learned that the world's problems are a lot different than anyone can ever define. And that we need to be a lot more patient with one another"

Utah Valley University
Past Review Great Countries, Poor Trip Planning Utah Valley University: Traveling - Business Marketing

"I gained a lot of cultural knowledge and experience and made some great friends. Before the trip, I had not had a great desire to ever visit London, but left absolutely loving it. The museums and historical sites on the trip were amazing. Several students took an art class while there and I feel that we learned a lot from that. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience. Utah Valley University: Traveling - Art History & Photography

"I learned more about art than I have/ever will learn. I loved learning hands on and seeing the art as I was learning about it. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review Fantastic! Utah Valley University: Traveling - Art History & Photography

"Of course it was worthwhile!!!! I gain and learn a whole new culture!! And peoples stories!"

Utah Valley University
Past Review Educational And Exciting ! Utah Valley University: Traveling - Art History

"Absolutely worth while! I learned so much about art and early European culture, it was incredible! "

Utah Valley University
Past Review Cuba Isla De Maravillas Utah Valley University: Havana - History, Peace and Justice, Spanish

"i learned about a culture that i like very much and it made me appreciate my own culture even more. it was way worth it"

Utah Valley University
Past Review A Total Immersion Into Cuban Culture. Utah Valley University: Havana - History, Peace and Justice, Spanish

"I gained a deeper appreciation for Cuban history and culture. It was very worthwhile. "

Utah Valley University
Past Review Eye Opening! Utah Valley University: Havana - History, Peace and Justice, Spanish

"This experience changed my life forever. It opened my eyes to so many new things. I learned more about the world, and learned things about myself too. It was an amazing experience! "

Utah Valley University
Past Review The Best Way To Spend July. Utah Valley University: Havana - History, Peace and Justice, Spanish

"As this was my first experience out of the country, I feel it gave me a new understanding of the world."

Utah Valley University