Valparaiso University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Apply to study abroad in Africa, Asia, Europe or Latin America! Click on the "Getting Started" section of our website to learn more about the programs, application process and available courses. Scholarships and financial aid apply!

Important Dates and Deadlines

For Spring Enrollment: October 1
For Fall Enrollment: February 15*

*some programs have early acceptance deadlines, check each program for specific deadlines

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Espana: Oh The People And Places I Have Seen Central College Abroad: Granada - University of Granada

"Most definitely. Although I may not have improved my Spanish as much as I would have liked, the other things that I have learned about the world and myself have been just as rewarding."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Namibia: Stretching, Growing, Strengthening CGEE: Windhoek - Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind

"Yes, very much so. When speaking of multicultural in my class here this semester, we just skim the surface of the depth that I have dove into."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Api Is The Best Program Out There! API (Academic Programs International): Salamanca - Universidad de Salamanca

"It helped me so much in the rest of my Spanish classes in college and in my job as a teacher"

Valparaiso University
Past Review Study Abroad In Cambridge, England Valparaiso University: Cambridge - Valparaiso University Study Center

"I learned a lot about my own identity and others. I learned that although people are different everywhere, we are also very much the same in a lot of ways as well."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Hochschule Reutlingen Study Abroad Valparaiso University: Reutlingen - Hochschule Reutlingen

"I loved the time that I spent traveling. Looking back at my time in Germany, i remember most fondly the time I spent without other members of my group because it was then that I did the things that appealed the most to me rather than what the group decided to do. This gave me a sense of independence and confidence about travel..."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Udlap Is A Very Big International School Universidad de las Americas - Puebla / UDLAP : Puebla - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile because I not only learned Spanish but learned a lot about Mexico and myself. "

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) CGEE: Windhoek - Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind

"Honesly, this experience was so personal and profound I do not even know where to begin to explain how huge of a positive inpact it has made in my life. Not only did I learn about a new place and remember everything I have learned, I had the oportunity to meet with very important people, and most importantly I learn about myself..."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Just Come To Germany. It's Awesome. Valparaiso University: Reutlingen - Hochschule Reutlingen

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I gained a lot of confidence in my own ability to put myself where I feel vulnerable and learn from that experience. I learned how to tolerate being around people you don't like all of the time. It was a nice change of pace for me academically. I was starting to get tired o..."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: Cambridge - Valparaiso University Study Center

"My study abroad experience was very could it not be? I gained a load of understanding about just how big the world is. There is life outside of America that is enriching and rewarding. SIGN UP AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!!!"

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) CGEE: Windhoek - Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind

"It was amazing. It helped mold me into a better, more understanding, sympathetic person."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Semester Abroad In Ireland, Would Do It Again Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway

"My study abroad experience was one of the most worthwhile things I have ever done in my life. I learned so much about myself, about others, and about the world. I understand that the world is so big and it was great to get perspective. I would do it again in a heartbeat, and cannot wait to return!"

Valparaiso University
Past Review My Semester At University Of Kent Was Great University of Kent: Canterbury - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was incredibly worthwhile... I would do it again in a moment. It is so important to gain perspective through experiencing another culture. "

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: Fall Hangzhou Study Program

"Taught me a lot about independence and being around true diversity. Didn't feel so Americanized by everything I was doing and seeing, but rather felt free to do things my way instead of society's way."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: Reutlingen - Hochschule Reutlingen

"DEFINITELY WORTHWHILE! I've gained a sense of all-around confidence and am certainly more culturally enlightened."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Central College Abroad: Granada - University of Granada

"Yes, here is a blog I wrote about my experiencees as far as culture and people are concerned: Do not ask yourself what the world needs, Ask yourself what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive. -Harold Thurmon Whitmon Our Morocco Exchange host Alicia read us that quote during ..."

Valparaiso University
Past Review Living And Learning German At Theodor Litt Haus Valparaiso University: Reutlingen - Hochschule Reutlingen

"Words can't put it all together. I'm more confident, responsible and independant after a semester looking after myself. Add to it a new awareness of the broad range of differences and similarities between the cultures and it's a truly eye-opening experience. Entirely worth it."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: Reutlingen - Hochschule Reutlingen

"Of course it was, the ability to travel and see all of Europe in a semester abroad was incredible. Nothing I have ever done in my life can compare to it. "

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: La Rochelle - La Rochelle Engineering School - EIGSI

"I am not sure how much my understanding of engineering has improved over the last few months but I feel that I understand management and teamwork better now."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Central College Abroad: Granada - University of Granada

"I loved my experience so much."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: Cambridge - Valparaiso University Study Center

"I would not take back so much as a millisecond of this experience! I have grown and what's more this is not one of those invisible growth spurts but one in which I have watched in awe as my debating skills have expanded, my intellectual curiosity has been stretched and my already high respect and esteem for my fellow students h..."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) Valparaiso University: Fall Hangzhou Study Program

"This was a great experience. I've learned so much about Chinese culture, what it's really like and what the people are really like. My language has improved so much and it could never have happened without me being so immersed in the culture and in daily Chinese life. I had a great time, learned a lot and plan to be back to Chin..."

Valparaiso University
Past Review (No Title) ISEP Exchange: Hirakata - Exchange Program at Kansai Gaidai University

"Its most definitely worth-while, Ive gained a new cultural perspective and loads of new relationships. I truly enjoy Kansai Gaidai more than my home University."

Valparaiso University
Past Review I Am Now Confident Speaking Spanish Central College Abroad: Granada - University of Granada

"Yes, it was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and how I behave when I'm outside my comfort zone. It also forced me to use the language on a daily basis, which I really appreciate. I'm sure I will draw upon my experiences here on a regular basis. I also plan to keep in touch with several friends I have made ..."

Valparaiso University