Villanova University
University Information
All Villanova students must attend a general study abroad information session prior to choosing a program. Information sessions are held 8 times a week and students can sign up for a meeting on the OIS website.
Important Dates and Deadlines
The deadline to study abroad in the fall and summer is spring break. The deadline to study abroad in the spring is fall break.
"I loved living in Europe, especially Granada. It was absolutely worthwhile if even just for my use of Spanish, but it was an amazing experience."
Elizabeth N Villanova University
"I learned a lot about the culture, as well as Asia in general from my courses. Most importantly, I learned a lot about myself in terms of my independence, comfort zones and confidence. It was definitely worthwhile and I recommend studying abroad to everyone. "
A student Villanova University
"I learned a lot about myself and my ability to assimilate to different situations and be independent. To me the entire experience was so worth it, I would do it 100 times over if I could. "
A student Villanova University
"Learned about a new culture. extremely worthwhile"
Hannah C Villanova University
"Did alot of traveling, yes I had an absolute blast"
A student Villanova University
"I learned so much about myself and improved my Spanish Language ability a lot. "
Samantha T Villanova University
"The culture, how to live life, don't take things for granted,, explore and be adventurous. It was very worthwhile."
amayo.bassey Villanova University
"I learned at a graduate school level and learned that I'm definitely in the right field of study. It was worthwhile."
Cole J Villanova University
"It teaches you how to look at the world from an entirely new perspective. I really recommend it."
Danica B Villanova University
"Learned to be more independent and calm under pressure during my experience abroad. Definitely worthwhile. Tourism is still very much a developing industry in Chile and to travel around the country is an experience that will help you mature greatly."
A student Villanova University
"I learned that American culture is limited in comparison to cultures that have existed for thousands of years. The problems we have with racism and violence do not exist to the degree we have grown to accept. We have alot of lessons to learn from the world and knowing the language is just the first step."
aaron.conaway.71 Villanova University
"It was a fantastic experience academically and socially and for myself as an individual that I would begin again in a heartbeat."
A student Villanova University
"It was an experience of a lifetime. Between living in London, traveling, gaining valuable work experience, and taking classes in an international setting, I can't think of a better way to spend 4 months. It was very rewarding to experience foreign cultures first hand and to then put in the time to understand why certain cultur..."
A student Villanova University
"friends, insight, contacts, skills"
A student Villanova University
"It was a fantastic experience! London is a great city with so much to offer, and the program sets us up right in central London is a great neighborhood with free transportation throughout the city. The internships were great and gave us really good international experience."
A student Villanova University
"I learned a lot about the Spanish culture and the city of Madrid! It was definitely worthwhile!"
A student Villanova University
Maura K Villanova University
"was worthwhile"
A student Villanova University
"Absolutely. I gained and learned so much, personally, culturally, academically. I think everyone needs to study abroad. You gain a new level of confidence that can only be attained through an experience like this. You meet people and now have contacts across the globe. It is the best way to perfect language skills. It was my fav..."
A student Villanova University
"Definitely a worthwhile trip."
A student Villanova University
"Learned to be my own travel agent. Its up to you to make plans to go traveling and managing all of the information definatly helped me in my everyday life. Met people in so many countries, saw so many places and people. It was beyond worthwhile, I would go back 100%. "
A student Villanova University
"I obtained some real life international experience from traveling, studying and working abroad and gained business experience from working at the BBC in London. "
Lauren Z Villanova University
"I was able to travel Europe and learn just how important it is to me to continue to see the world. This program was most definitely worthwile. The work placement was an incredible opportunity to begin really, really thinking about what career I see myself pursuing and how I want to go about gaining more experience."
A student Villanova University
"Yes, yes it was."
A student Villanova University
"I gained everything. I grew immensely as a person, I changed in ways that I will be trying to process for a long term, I made a ton of lasting relationships, and I learned more than I could have in almost any other environment. I cannot say enough about how amazing the experience was and about how indescribably meaningful it was..."
A student Villanova University