Wagner College
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Wagner College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Wagner College student, please check with the Center for Intercultural Advancement for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned how to be responsible, independent, and have fun while learning at the same time."
Savannah Beckford Wagner College
"I gained an expanded global perspective that one can only gain if they spend an extended amount of time abroad. My courses were engaging, interesting, and taught by individuals that are so passionate and knowledgeable. I was also able to see so many beautiful, meaningful, and culturally significant cuties and landmarks. It was ..."
Kyle Viti Wagner College
"I took away a bit of the British approach to theatre. I gained the European perspective regarding my career of choice, social norms, fashion, etc. I made several great connections in fields I wish to pursue, acting. I got a better understanding of myself. I came out with a better grasp of the world and how we conn..."
Travis Harley Wagner College
"I learned an exponential amount of Spanish, as well as lived with native Spanish people, so I got a first hand experience of their culture. "
Victoria Wagner College
"I learned how to adjust quickly to different cultures, languages and ideological differences."
Dominic Z Wagner College
"I learned so much. Not just a language but had the whole cultural experience. Helped me find myself more in depth, and help me decide on my next journey."
A student Wagner College
"I learned to be more independent, and I became much more social. "
Katie Wagner College
"Greater sense of independence and an understanding of different cultures. Yes it was."
A student Wagner College
"My time abroad was honestly the best 6 months of my life (thus far). I was able to learn how to be independent and to adapt to different situations. Being in London gave me so many opportunities that any other location would not have been able to provide. I learned so much about myself and a lot about others as well. My time in ..."
Miranda Abbott Wagner College
"I learned so much about multiple cultures that I wasn't familiar with before I left the US. It was MORE than worthwhile!"
Adrián R Wagner College
"I will never be able to put into words how much I have changed after Costa Rica. It really hit me once I came back to the states how much the activities and excursions I participated in had/have an effect on my everyday life!"
Emily B Wagner College
"I travelled abroad to London for 8 weeks as a part of IES Abroad's 2015 UK Today program. I had the time of my life, with so many amazing new friends! I had the experience of fully immersing myself in a different culture and meeting people from all over the world. I got to take in an incredible amount of beautiful art, and try n..."
Bridget B Wagner College
"I improved my Spanish, have a family I can talk to in Madrid, and made friends all over the United States. I also learned that I can travel alone and handle myself in tough situations. I have gained a new confidence in myself knowing that I can live in another country."
Maggie L Wagner College
"Too much to write. I gained a new outlook on life, new hobbies and passions, and a newfound love for life. It was more than worthwhile, it was life-changing and incredible!"
Mimi R Wagner College
"I learned so much about the culture of Costa Rica and the spanish language. I learned a lot about myself and the kind of person I want to be. I gained friends that were costa rican and from the US. I learned about how other countries see the US and about how large/awesome/diverse the world is. "
Morgan G Wagner College
"It was SO worthwhile. I'm excited to get back to Oaxaca and see my friends. I met some of the kindest and most resourceful people during my time abroad. Every time I look at my pictures I really miss it. "
Julia Z Wagner College
"It was well worthwhile. I've learned that there is so much more to see, do and experience and that I have only just begun"
A student Wagner College
"The experience has shaped my life and view of life in South America dramatically. I desire to travel extensively in South America and have a new understanding of Latin America and culture of this continent. The experience was 5 stars because it made me realize how much more there is to see. "
Jennifer C Wagner College
"I gained so many new skills and understandings of the culture, language, and mentality in another counntry"
Meagan M Wagner College
"Five years later, I'm still referencing experiences I had while studying abroad. If you're on the fence- go, go, go!"
Heather D Wagner College