
Wellesley College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Wellesley students may select from more than 150 pre-approved programs of study. Select the "Pre-approved Programs" tab to see the full list. Programs featured in the side-bar may or may not be approved for Wellesley students. When in doubt, please contact the Office of International Study at ois@wellesley.edu.

Please note that some programs listed below are pre-approved by Wellesley. If you select one of these programs, you may need to petition the International Study Committee. For more information, please contact OIS.

Important Dates and Deadlines

All Wellesley students who intend to study abroad during the academic year (fall and/or spring) must declare a major and submit a Proposal to Study Away by December 1 each year. Please refer to the Office of International Study website (www.wellesley.edu/OIS/) for details.

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Past Review (No Title) University of Cambridge, Pembroke College: Cambridge - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned a significant amount from my courses and was able to develop and enhance my essay writing skills. Even more importantly, from this program I've realized what area within economics I'm most interested in pursuing. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"It was life-changing and completely worthwhile. I gained confidence in my French speaking abilities, I learned about French history, culture and society through my friendships and classes. I greatly appreciated the architecture and exploring my new surroundings. I became more alert about travel precautions (when someone attempte..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience gave me a new perspective on my studies at Wellesley and deepened my academic interests, mainly because of the regional focus of the program. I gained a fuller appreciation not only of my host country but also of my Wellesley experience and developed a clearer idea about my postgrad plans which might i..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"I had a fantastic experience abroad, it was everything I'd hoped it would be and more. I had always wanted to go abroad to France, eat french food, make friends from the areas, study there....just be a part of a culture unlike my own. I thought it would be an incredible personal challenge and experience, and I was right. France ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: Dunedin - University of Otago

"I missed graduation, while abroad, and still I know it was the right decision. I felt bold in deciding to go abroad at the point in my academic career and I feel that my time abroad forced me to grow up and expand my horizons in ways that would not have been possible at Wellesley. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"This program opens up a whole new world of possibilities in my own art making, and my attitudes toward the responsibility of artists to share and exchange knowledge. The directors of this program are creating and fostering a community of like minded artists who will continue to sustain each others growth and expanding awareness."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was the best experience I could have wished for. I would never give up any of it. I do wish that I had met more actually scottish people though I met amazing American students while abroad who I am planning on seeing back in the States."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) CET Shanghai

"I definitely gained self-confidence in my Chinese. I gained a lot of great friends. Finally was in a co-ed environment. Had LOTS AND LOTS of fun. Shanghai is a great city. I gained confidence in general too and understanding of another culture and gained a greater international perspective. I met so many international people. It..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"Yes, I felt it was a really wonderful opportunity to live in a different culture and lifestyle for a year. It allowed me to carefully think about my future plans, away from the pressure-cooker that Wellesley can be at times. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Associated Kyoto Program: Kyoto - Doshisha University

"Yes it was the best 8 months of my life, probably! I loved the people I met there, Kyoto, my host family, everything. I was very happy the entire time. There was more that I could have done to become more culturally aware, but that was my own fault. I learned a lot about Japan!"

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"My experience was flawed but so is every abroad experience, nothing goes smoothly. I saw more and experienced more than I think any abroad program could have offered, and I gained so much knowledge on Europe that has changed my perspective on world events."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) SIT Study Abroad: Jordan - Modernization and Social Change

"It definitely was worth while. I learned so much about Jordanian culture and values, Arab culture and vaules, about my own beliefs and values. My academic interests haven't been detered at all considering I am a Middle Eastern Studies major, but this experience has shown me that I want to go back to the Middle East and ideally..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: Dunedin - University of Otago

"Being in New Zealand has definitely given me a new perspective on the world, one that I am definitely happy to have. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) CET Film Production at FAMU

"My experience abroad made me even more interested to work in film, especially production. I learned some Czech and a lot about the culture, and overall I had an amazing time and met great people. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: Dunedin - University of Otago

"Yes. independent travel and backcountry experience"

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Columbia University, GSAPP: Traveling - The Shape of Two Cities: New York/Paris Certificate

"Paris makes a great home base for traveling around Europe. Great experience, if you can't do Columbia's program just pick any program in Europe and you're going to have an adventure. Keep traveling, keep experiencing things, try and meet new people. You'll look back years later and say those were the best times. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) SOAS, University of London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Though the classes weren't necessarily the greatest, I loved London (the museums are incredible) and the friends I made there were amazing."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) University of Cambridge, Pembroke College: Cambridge - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile from an academic standpoint, I learned a lot about European economics and improved my independent study skills. The social aspects weren't as colorful as I expected. "

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) King's College London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned so much about language, culture, dialects, etc. It was very helpful to my research interests in English literature. Just because it's English doesn't mean you won't learn anything about language! I hope to return to the UK for a masters. I had an absolutely amazing experience and I highly recommend going to London ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Seoul - Arts and Sciences

"I had a lot of time to myself (on the bus/subway, between classes etc) to reflect about my experiences and simply take in the city and its people. The fact that the academic pressure was not so great, also allowed me to fill my free time as I likes, be it partying with friends, shopping at the fashion street, doing volunteering ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Wellesley In Vienna University of Vienna: Vienna - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"There were several dissatisfactory and frustrating aspects about the experience that I believe could have been easily remedied, but despite these frustrations, the experience was worth it. The opportunity to practice German and live in a country where travel to other parts of Europe was easily available was excellent. The exposu..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"Yes, it was very worthwhile. I gained a better understanding of myself and how to live on my own, and how to adjust to new places. I hope to move back to London someday, and I now feel well-equipped to do so because I know the city pretty well. In studying abroad, I wanted to test myself to live in a foreign country for a year, ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review (No Title) Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"Though there were slight challenges, I still believe that my study abroad was completely worthwhile and I do not regret a thing. "

Wellesley College