
Wellesley College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Wellesley students may select from more than 150 pre-approved programs of study. Select the "Pre-approved Programs" tab to see the full list. Programs featured in the side-bar may or may not be approved for Wellesley students. When in doubt, please contact the Office of International Study at ois@wellesley.edu.

Please note that some programs listed below are pre-approved by Wellesley. If you select one of these programs, you may need to petition the International Study Committee. For more information, please contact OIS.

Important Dates and Deadlines

All Wellesley students who intend to study abroad during the academic year (fall and/or spring) must declare a major and submit a Proposal to Study Away by December 1 each year. Please refer to the Office of International Study website (www.wellesley.edu/OIS/) for details.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Nice And Fun Experience St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"Rigorous academic studies with a lot of fun in the city."

Wellesley College
Past Review Expectedly Oxfordian St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"Interesting tutorial system conducive to in-depth individual investigation. Really great traditions to take part in. Lots of available events to learn new things and meet new people (talks, society cocktails, balls, etc)"

Wellesley College
Past Review A Worthwhile Experience That Will Teach You To Be Extra Independent. Mansfield College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I gained personal insights regarding my own capability and work ethnic. The academic rigor had pushed me to perform above what was thought as my limit."

Wellesley College
Past Review An Incredible Experience That I Would Repeat In A Heartbeat! Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"My french improved greatly (fluency and understanding), I was exposed to a different learning style in the French university system, and I made many valuable and important connections. It was 100% worthwhile!"

Wellesley College
Past Review Spring Semester In Aix Wellesley College: Aix-en-Provence - Wellesley-in-Aix

"I found myself surprised and sometimes shocked at French people's attitudes on things, which made me appreciate my own culture so much more. I do think it was worthwhile because it gives you a different perspective on how foreigners are treated outside their country. Being somewhere where people do not speak your first language ..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Supportive Program; Amazing City! CET Prague

"I learned about a new region of Europe (for me), met great other American students, many of whom I'm close with and see regularly, and got to know a beautiful, exciting, enchanting city intimately for a semester."

Wellesley College
Past Review Study Abroad Experience IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"I learned about Europe. I was worthwhile. "

Wellesley College
Past Review A Newer Program With Potential Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University / XJTLU: Suzhou - Visiting Students Program

"I learned that you get what you put in. It was definitely worthwhile,but I will say that there are areas where it can be improved upon."

Wellesley College
Past Review Denmark: Learning To Reflect On The Built Environment That Surrounds Us DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"-I was given the opportunity to see places and things that I might not have otherwise seen. I traveled to Sweden, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, and Italy. -I also enjoyed about much we stepped out of the classroom and actually got a chance to observe first hand what we had been discussing - eg Urban Design th..."

Wellesley College
Past Review How To Cram As Many Adventures As Possible Into 4 Months In Europe! PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"My Spanish fluency massively improved, my love of travel grew, and I generally had a relaxing semester! It was good to take a break from Wellesley to get some more cultural exposure and re-charge my brain!"

Wellesley College
Past Review Ecco Bologna Eastern College Consortium (ECCO): Bologna - Università di Bologna Study Abroad Program

"Improved my language skills and challenged myself academically. Yes, worthwhile. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Eye Opening And Everything I Could Ask For Without Being Too Idealistic. CIEE: Dakar - Language & Culture

"I definitely learned a lot from the people who were NOT students. Had run-ins with people and personalities I would otherwise never meet. Sometimes it could be frustrating, but in the end, it was incredibly rewarding. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Finding Friends That Love Me For Who I Am Made My Experience In Spain. PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"Even though Spain is in Western Europe, there are still a lot of cultural differences/challenges between Spain and the US (i.e. smoking, eating schedule, drinking, socializing at university, etc.). I loved my experience. I made some really good friends and got to travel all around Western Europe and to Morocco. Cordoba is a beau..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Living In Hangzhou Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Hangzhou

"I loved living in China. The way the program was run was actually the part I was most often dissatisfied with. Studying abroad was definitely a worthwhile experience. My Chinese improved a lot."

Wellesley College
Past Review Great, But Wish I Had More Local Interactions DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"It was nice to get away for a bit"

Wellesley College
Past Review Bsm BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"I learned a lot of math, first of all. I undoubtedly could have learned as much at Wellesley or MIT, but I learned in a different environment, so I appreciated that. I also got a lot better at cooking, and gained a lot of independence as well. I am confident that I could get myself out of a lot of bad situations in America, b..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Finding My Passion For Japanese Columbia University: Kyoto - Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies / KCJS

"Personally, the most valuable thing I gained from this experience is a better knowledge of my relationship with the language and the culture. Before living in Japan, I only had a very vague notion of why I was interested in the language, but now I feel I have found what I can personally use it for and where my interest truly lie..."

Wellesley College
Past Review Jacobs Was A Melting Pot Of European Culture And A Fun Place To Be. Constructor University: Bremen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how much I value the close relationships that are in my life. I learned that I don't want to take the people who matter to me for granted. "

Wellesley College
Past Review Budapest = Love BSM: Budapest - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

"Budapest is AMAZING! Loved the city but wouldn't choose the same program just because I didn't love my classes. The professors weren't great (in my opinion). "

Wellesley College
Past Review So Ecua IES Abroad: Quito - IES Abroad in Quito

"Everything. Independence, language skills, friends, maturity, initiative. It was worthwhile, but if I could do it again I'd choose a program that encourages and allows for even more independence - maybe a direct enrollment program. But that's a reflection of my own desires, not a fault of the program. It does what it does well."

Wellesley College
Past Review Córdoba: A Second Home PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"I learned a lot more about myself and how I cope in a completely foreign situation. This experience was definitely worthwhile, and I wish I had spent two semesters in Córdoba."

Wellesley College
Past Review It Was Not What I Expected. CIEE: Tokyo - Arts and Sciences

"I learned about a culture that is completely different from my own and it was eye-opening."

Wellesley College
Past Review So Chill PRESHCO: Study Abroad in Córdoba, Spain

"I loved living in Spain with my friends who were going through the same immersion process. It was a lot of fun and a good break from Wellesley."

Wellesley College