Western Washington University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Western Washington University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Western Washington University student, please check with the Office of Education Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review My First Visit To China Western Washington University: Beijing and Kunming - Faculty-led Summer Chinese Language and Culture Program

"It made me certain that I want to continue to study Chinese and to live in China for a longer period of time in the future."

Western Washington University
Past Review A Summer In Spain University of Salamanca: Salamanca - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained knowledge of the Spanish language and how to be respectful in a country that's not your own. Also, how it feels to have a language barrier and being completely lost. Back in the U.S. I have gained patience for those studying abroad at my own university. In the future I want to return to Europe to continue my voyage."

Western Washington University
Past Review Not A Personalized Experience IFSA: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"i learned from it but i probably will never return to the UK again."

Western Washington University
Past Review Spain: It Will Change Your View On Life ISA Study Abroad in Salamanca, Spain

"It was very worthwhile. I learned first hand about a culture and a country. I met new friends who are amazing. I saw things that previously I have only read about or seen in pictures. I was 6,000 miles from home and I was able to live without influences from family and old friends. I discovered who I am. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Studying Abroad In Peru CIEE: Lima - Liberal Arts

"I felt that I learned a lot about relating toa different culture, an experience which I could not have gained at home. Also, I improved my Spanish by using it with native speakers."

Western Washington University
Past Review Came To New Zealand As An Anxious Student And Left As A Confident Teacher! EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)

" I have gained a lot of confidence through this experience and also broadened my ideas about education. I think I have a lot more to offer having experienced teaching in a different culture. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Student Teaching In Berlin, Germany Western Washington University: Berlin - EducatorsAbroad Student Teaching (EAST)

" I think my placement at a school abroad in Berlin, Germany has helped me become more aware of the diverse learners in my classroom which is something I have benefitted from doing my placement abroad. While in Germany, there would be times where I would feel really stressed out because I couldn’t communicate what I needed be..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Exchange In Finland Exposed Me To Several Different Cultures Aalto University: Greater Helsinki - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Overall, this was an excellent experience for me. I gained quite a few friends from places all over the world, and made some great memories. I learned so many small details about other cultures that you can't gain from reading textbooks. The exchange also allowed me to travel around Europe and experience several different cou..."

Western Washington University
Past Review France Study Abroad CEA CAPA Education Abroad: French Riviera, France

"I loved studying abroad, however I would have liked the opportunity to meet more French students and more students at my own level of French. Almost everyone in my program (the people I normally hung out with outside of class) were below my French level and not interested in speaking French outside the classroom."

Western Washington University
Past Review "Brazil: Becoming A Local" ISA Study Abroad in Florianopolis, Brazil

"I gained independence, maturity, and a whole lot of cultural awareness. Being abroad actually teaches you a lot about the US."

Western Washington University
Past Review "Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le Vi Va Chi Le" USAC Chile: Santiago - Spanish Language, Latin American Cultures, Journalism, and International Studies

"yes. i would do it all over again in a heart beat. i think everyone should try to studya abroad. it will change your life for the better."

Western Washington University
Past Review Sweden: A Personally Wasted Quarter ISEP Exchange: Sodertorn - Exchange Program at Sodertorn University (Södertörns högskola)

"The logic behind my rating is because I would consider the experience here mediocre, partially because of the school system here and partially because of my own personality type. On the side of the school itself, I had already completed most of the courses here that could actually apply to my major, so I felt that I had wasted m..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Isa Salamanca Was A Great Experience! ISA Study Abroad in Salamanca, Spain

"My study abroad experience was awesome! In the future though, I would pick a location that has more nature, as Salamanca was a very city-oriented place. "

Western Washington University
Past Review 6 Weeks Trekking In India Wildlands Studies: Nepal Project - Habitat Conservation and Mountain Ecosystems

"I learned so much about ecology in a totally different climate and with the best group I could have possibly asked for."

Western Washington University
Past Review Roma, An Opportunity To Learn Of Myself And Importances SAI Study Abroad: Rome - John Cabot University (JCU)

"Glad I did it, it was a lot harder than I had expected mentally and emotionally. When you come to a new country by yourself and don't have good friends and family accessible at all times and you have a different time zone, not to mention language barrier things can get frustrating. I don't regret doing it, it was costly but I le..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Finland: Simple But Charming Aalto University: Greater Helsinki - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained the knowledge that I can go to a foreign place, with a completely different language, and adapt. Because the program was so small and the town so tiny, all of us got to know each other, people from Germany, Mexico, France, Chili. Academically it was not challenging, so don't go for what you will learn in class. "

Western Washington University
Past Review England: The Best Three Months Of My Life ISEP Exchange: Chester - Exchange Program at University of Chester

"There is nothing in the world like spending a semester or a year in another country, learning and exploring. I would not trade it for anything in the world. I can't believe I am so lucky to have been able to do this while I'm young. This experience has made me want to come back to England for my postgraduate studies and to live ..."

Western Washington University
Past Review Stirling, Simply Beautiful ISA Study Abroad in Stirling, Scotland

"yes, short and sweet."

Western Washington University
Past Review Florence: An Unforgettable Journey! SAI Study Abroad: Florence - Florence University of the Arts (FUA)

"I loved it! I met so many amazing people and learned a lot about Italy and about myself. I have decided upon completing this program that I want to look into careers that incorporate travel and tourism. It is no question that this experience changed my life."

Western Washington University
Past Review Tokyo J. F. Oberlin University: Tokyo - Reconnaissance Japan Program

"Cant be explained"

Western Washington University
Past Review Teaching In New Zealand; A Trip Of A Lifetime! EducatorsAbroad: Traveling - Student Teaching (10-18 Weeks)

"I can't wait to teach abroad again and return to New Zealand one day. If all my family did not live here I would live/teach in Whakatane, New Zealand in a heartbeat. "

Western Washington University
Past Review Buyer Beware Western Washington University: Kilcoole - EducatorsAbroad Student Teaching (EAST)

"Despite the vast amount of shortcomings this program had, I loved the school I was in and the people I got to work with."

Western Washington University
Past Review Spain University of Salamanca: Salamanca - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, but a different program would have been more beneficial."

Western Washington University