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Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands)


Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - Maastricht is a university located in Maastricht, Netherlands offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program and 1 program managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Study Abroad with Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - Maastricht

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Zuyd University of Applied Sciences-Maastricht: Maastricht - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences-Maastricht: Maastricht - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

Maastricht was originally a Roman settlement known as Mosa Traiectum, founded in the time of Julius Caesar.  It was a strategic location because one could wade across the ...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Truman State University / CCIS: Gold Coast - Study Abroad at Bond University
Truman State University / CCIS: Gold Coast - Study Abroad at Bond University

This program also offered through TSU's partnership with CCIS.Bond University is the only Australian unive...


0 reviews

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