Austin College
University Information
Austin College's Center for Global Learning facilitates Semester Abroad Studies and JanTerms. If a student would like to spend a semester abroad with Austin College, the he/she should stop by our office (Wright Campus Center #204) to begin the process. It is extremely important to go through the process in the office, otherwise the College will be unable to send the student's financial aid to the program and the student will need to withdraw from Austin College during their semester or year abroad. The Center's goal is to make each student's experience abroad a meaningful and engaging experience. In order for that to happen, students are required to go through the process in place at the Center.
We look forward to working with you and please read about other student's reviews and experiences at the different programs and locations that can be found at Abroad101.
Important Dates and Deadlines
As of right now, there are no firm deadlines in place for you to complete the Abroad101 Survey. However, before we can post your transcript from your sojourn abroad, you must complete the Abroad101 Survey and interview with the director (Truett Cates).
Thank you very much for your help and cooperation with this. We look forward to hearing about your time and experiences abroad!
"I improved my French, but I still want to go back and learn more!"
Virginia T Austin College
"I gained more independence since I had to be responsible for what I was doing and also taking care of my finances. It was very worthwhile and I would recommend it to others who are thinking about going abroad. "
A student Austin College
"Even though I had been to China twice before and volunteered teaching English there, I gained a much deeper knowledge of Chinese culture and my language skills improved beyond recognition. "
Phyllis G Austin College
"I gained more of a sense of confidence within my learning and development of another culture and language, as well as a more global outlook. I'd like to say I'm working on my way to be a global citizen, one who sees many POV's and understands cultures of other places and people. Yes, it was worthwhile!"
Gabrielle M Austin College
"I learned to truly embrace different cultures and what opportunities are around me. "
A student Austin College
"The actual experience of being abroad and the aftermath are two different things. While abroad, I made lifelong friends in the nine other girls that were in the program. They saw me at some of my worst times, because living in a different country is hard and one can't be happy 100% of the time. I did find, however, that in the a..."
A student Austin College
"I gained more independence and learned more about not only myself but also about other cultures."
Melissa P Austin College
"The program in Marseille with the AUCP was not only a French language immersion but a cultural immersion as well. Marseille is a very unique city that deals with a lot of interesting immigration, religious and economic issues. I learned about not only French culture but American and North African Culture, as well. We had courses..."
Sarah Elena . Austin College
"I gained the knowledge that I could have gone to Kanda and get an apartment on my own. I definitely did not get help from IES. My experience in Nagoya was much more worthwhile. "
Laura L Austin College
"I really enjoyed my semester abroad and would do it all over again, or course I might do some things differently, not that I know what to do."
Caitlyn S Austin College
"I learned so much about the different school system and what others think of the different ways people teach in the different countries. And yes it was worthwhile, a hundred percent worthwhile. "
Alice B Austin College
"I learned a lot more about Japanese culture, gained more confidence, some Japanese friends, and a Japanese family. It was definitely worthwhile, and it assured me that I want to live in Japan in the future."
Shelby T Austin College
"Tokyo was challenging and fascinating. My time there didn't just teach me about the culture or language. It taught me that people are people, no matter where you go or how different the culture, and we can all connect with each other if we just put out the effort. It also taught me how to be confident, outgoing, and inquisitive ..."
A student Austin College
"I learned a lot about myself, daily lifestyle of the Japanese, and a lot of Japanese. I gained many memories, experiences, and a family. It was most definitely worthwhile. "
A student Austin College
"Although I cannot properly articulate all the lessons I've learned from studying abroad,I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to study abroad. There are many things you learn about yourself, your relation to other people, and your small role in the world when you study abroad-- and it makes all the difference."
Diana D Austin College
"I now speak German much better than I could before I left and I was able to see Europe. It was most definitely worthwhile."
Ryan Z Austin College
"My Spanish skills improved tremendously. I felt practically fluent by the end of the semester. Every step I took abroad was definitely worth it."
A student Austin College
"I learned NOT to ever have anything to do with IES ever again. I also learned a lot of foreign language from daily interactions and came to greatly appreciate Japanese culture."
A student Austin College
"Independence, Strength, Etc. Yes,"
Mitchell C Austin College
"Vastly improved Chinese skills. A better understanding of Taiwanese culture and politics."
lucas.kjaero Austin College
"I learned many things. Academically-wise, I learned aspects of public health research, and I learned much about Costa Rican health system and their people/the indigenous. Personally, I gained confidence in myself and developed a more relaxed attitude. Yes, definitely worthwhile, it changed me in a good way. "
A student Austin College
A student Austin College
"I gained friends, family, new outlooks, connections, and experiences that I could only dream of before. "
Amanda H Austin College
"It was completely worthwhile, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I gained self-confidence, by learning how to function in completely different environments and circumstances. I made lifelong friends, and learned more than I could have imagined when I left."
A student Austin College
"I gained friends who I will have my entire life. I gained a greater sense of independence. I gained a greater understanding of the world. Most of all, I gained a renewed appreciation for life."
Maxwell P Austin College