
Brandeis University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.

On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.

Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!

Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.

Important Dates and Deadlines

The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.

The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Good Experience But Not Integration IFSA: Sydney - University of Sydney

"I was very happy to be in a different country. I think it changed a lot about my character and gave me insight about a new culture. Everything was worthwhile. "

Brandeis University
Past Review An Journey To Remember IFSA: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"I learnt about the local culture in Scotland, and made amazing friends. I also learnt how to travel by myself, and be more independent. Even though the overall experience was great, it was not really related to the University of Edinburgh itself, as most of my classes were not taking place during the majority of the semester. Fo..."

Brandeis University
Past Review Amazing First Time Abroad Experience IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"Gained confidence, humility, and a sense of accomplishment for living and thriving in a totally new environment. It was definitely worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review Five Months In East London IFSA: London - Queen Mary, University of London

"Learned massively about Europe. Politically, socially, etc. London brings people from across the world and I loved being a part of that."

Brandeis University
Past Review Embracing The MadrileƱo Lifestyle CIEE: Madrid - Liberal Arts

"I gained so much from my semester in Madrid, and studying abroad was definitely one of the best decisions I made for my college career. I improved my Spanish both conversationally and academically, made great friends I'll keep in touch with back in the US, and pushed myself to try new things and get out of my comfort zone. I fel..."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Perfect Experience For Someone Who Loves The Outdoors Boston University: Auckland - Internship Program

"Gained organization and planning skills. Also gained a lot of insight about my desired career field. It is definitely worthwhile because you are forced to be independent and that teaches you so many life skills. At the same time NZ is a great place to start because of nice people are and safe the country is"

Brandeis University
Past Review An Eye Opening Experience St Peter's College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I learned how big the world is and it was all worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review Talloires Tufts European Center: Tufts in Talloires

"I was able to practice my French and learn about French cooking and culture, go hiking in the Alps, learn about environmental economics and about Roman history. It was definitely worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Beautiful Country, Great Academics, & An American Bubble CYA (College Year in Athens) - Semester/Academic Year Program

"I gained a much better understanding of that region and of Greece--it's ancient and modern history and its current situation. I learned about other cultures. Some of my favorite parts of the semester were traveling around Greece and other European countries. I've been abroad for a year before, so I'm not sure I really de..."

Brandeis University
Past Review In A Word: Intense CET Beijing

"Amazing Chinese skills!"

Brandeis University
Past Review Great Time (Especially W/ Host Family) In Seville With Some Academic Challenges CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"I gained an ability to use spanish more fluently and express myself more clearly in spanish. I also gained a lot of problem solving skills in my time in Spain as well. I'm so so so glad I went and it was definitely worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review Exhausting But Worth It: Traveling, Studying, And British Ing Abroad. IFSA: London - University College London

"I learned a lot about myself, and I guess that's part of the point in going abroad, to learn about yourself and becoming a better person. I got to learn about living in a space a bit out of my comfort zone, and how to enjoy traveling, with people and by myself. It was all completely worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review On Becoming Less Faux Italian IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"Language, friends (local and american), knowledge (history, food, Italian cities and towns, Roman culture)."

Brandeis University
Past Review Chile Abroad SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Comparative Education and Social Change

"I learned a lot about myself and gained a lot of independence"

Brandeis University
Past Review A Blast! CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"Adult independence."

Brandeis University
Past Review An Imprint On My Heart SIT Study Abroad: Ecuador - Development, Politics and Languages

"I grew as a person and gained new perspective on the world, my place in it, what I want to do with my future, and what matters to me. I understand the complexities/nuances of another culture better and feel better equipped to adjust to new places in the future. I met amazing people."

Brandeis University
Past Review Fun CIEE: Amsterdam - Social Sciences + Humanities

"Learned a lot about other countries"

Brandeis University
Past Review A Thailand Experience That Most Tourists Won't See CIEE: Khon Kaen - Community Public Health

"I got to see a Thailand that most tourists don't get to see. We traveled a lot throughout Thailand to places where there were mostly only Thai tourists. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Rollercoaster Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Rothberg International School: DanceJerusalem

"I really learned that I need to advocate for myself and take care of myself."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Quick Glimpse SIT Study Abroad: Chile - Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment

"I learned that I was capable of going to an unknown country and making everlasting relationships and friendships, something I thought I'd struggle a lot more with. "

Brandeis University
Past Review An Incredibly Formative Experience Boston University: Geneva - Internship Program

"One of the biggest take-aways from this program that has fundamentally changed my worldview is just how much of an impact the United States has had on the world and how (often unknowingly) privileged Americans are simply by holding a US passport."

Brandeis University
Past Review Cape Town Is An Incredible Place To Learn, Explore And Grow. CIEE: Cape Town - Service Learning

"I not only learned a lot about South Africa, but through living in a different culture and with new people, I learned a lot more about myself and my own values. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Dehydrated CIEE: Amsterdam - Social Sciences + Humanities

"I learned to remain calm and socialize. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Difficult But Rewarding St Peter's College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I learned a lot academically, and became more comfortable with foreign cultures and traveling."

Brandeis University
Past Review Great Experience Singapore Management University: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about the local cultural and Singapore's fantastic urban planning. It was worthwhile."

Brandeis University