Brandeis University
University Information
The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.
On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.
Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!
Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.
Important Dates and Deadlines
The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.
The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.
"learned alot about myself, matured alot"
Jefferson tan Brandeis University
"I definitely gained a better sense of self-sufficiency and how to REALLY take care of myself as an independent student. The kind of education you receive at BADA is very specific to the British tradition, so having that understanding, and being apart of that learning experience as a kind of "cultural immersion" in its own way op..."
A student Brandeis University
"I learned that I am a capable, independent person with an open mind and a will to embrace new things. "
A student Brandeis University
"I learned a lot about Spain and Barcelona, and also about myself. I learned how to live independently in a new place, and I learned how to communicate in a new culture. "
Tyler G Brandeis University
"I learned more about being independent and people from different schools. It was definitely worthwhile. "
Colin Warnes Brandeis University
A student Brandeis University
"I have learnt a lot about Indian culture, both through traveling and the events organized by our program."
A student Brandeis University
"I became fluent in Spanish an amazing and applicable skill, learning a lot about European culture and history, growing more independent through travel, and making lifelong connections from people throughout the world."
A student Brandeis University
"I learnt about European academic rigor while being able to immerse in the culture"
Shikha C Brandeis University
"It was definitely worthwhile because I had never been abroad before. I gained perspective regarding how people live in other countries. "
Brandeis2017 Brandeis University
"I learned how to research and learn in an international and professional environment."
Joshua Romanowicz Brandeis University
"It was absolutely worthwhile. I learned that the world is simultaneously bigger than I ever expected, and smaller than I ever expected."
A student Brandeis University
"The world is wonderful and worth exploring. The troubles of being black in American don't have to cripple me if I remember that I can be black in the WORLD."
Stacy Finley Brandeis University
"Friends abroad and Chinese language skills"
ashley m Brandeis University
"It was worthwhile, I improved my language skills and got outside of my comfort zone."
Julia McDermott Brandeis University
"I learned a lot from my classes and I picked up some of the Australian lingo from the students I lived with. Having lived in Sydney and having had countless conversations about the country, culture, and politics, I've come to the conclusion that it's remarkably similar to California. Yes, it was absolutely worthwhile!"
David E Brandeis University
"The experience was definitely worthwhile! I learned that I am incredibly fascinated by German culture, as well as learning so much from Germany's passion for sustainable living."
Christian Romero Brandeis University
"I learned some Japanese and gained experience with being in a totally foreign environment. "
A student Brandeis University
"The experience was very worthwhile. I learned a lot about Chinese culture, and I learned to survive on my own in a foreign country."
A student Brandeis University
Leah Friend Brandeis University
"A new world experience of how an internship aborad was like"
A student Brandeis University
"Edinburgh is an beautiful city unlike any others. It's just enjoyable to live in the city and study there."
A student Brandeis University
"I was pushed out of my comfort zone, discovering a brand new place without knowing anyone on the program, and learned a lot from making new friends while we explored London together. Through the internship, I got to work in a professional fringe theatre environment at The Vaults, working on a major festival as well as an origina..."
A student Brandeis University
"It was absolutely worthwhile. The experience really taught me how to be an individual and get by in a foreign city and foreign culture. "
A student Brandeis University
"While I did not learned as much (or anything) from my internship, I did learn a lot about independent living and becoming friends with people outside my typical comfort zone, which is very much worthwhile. "
Rachel Feinberg Brandeis University