Brandeis University
University Information
The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.
On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.
Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!
Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.
Important Dates and Deadlines
The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.
The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.
"I learned A LOT about myself and what I need as a person. I need a community, I need a support system, I need people to share experiences with. Not all the time - as I knew as a self proclaimed independent before departing - but there is a difference between valuing alone time and living off of it. I also became an amazing write..."
A student Brandeis University
"It was very worthwhile, probably the best thing I've ever done. I learned more about the world and the people in it."
A student Brandeis University
"I matured significantly, learned to look at the world and its people from a new perspective, and met the best people. Would do it again if I could 100%."
A student Brandeis University
"Easily the most worthwhile decision I have made thus far in college. Gained more than just a thorough grounding in classical theatre, but also a renewed and altered philosophy in my relationship to the stage."
A student Brandeis University
"Staying smart while traveling by myself and budget. "
A student Brandeis University
"Must hold intercultural competence"
A student Brandeis University
"It was worthwhile because my Chinese improved immensely. "
A student Brandeis University
"It was so worthwhile. I know everyone says this, but you will learn so much about yourself and how to confidently operate in this world. Your perspective will never be the same. "
Amina Fahmy Brandeis University
"People, more than places, will shape how you view things and the world at large. Chile is a great place to live and learn and has an interesting model for intercultural health. There are problems society faces everywhere due to historical events and there are lots of different solutions that can be used to tackle them. "
Rebecca G Brandeis University
"Know you're in the good times before you've left them."
daniel khudyak Brandeis University
"Don't go abroad if you want to study."
A student Brandeis University
"I learned a lot about what I was capable of both academically and personally. I became a lot more responsible and worldly about my surroundings and the cultures of others, as well as those of the countries I visited. "
A student Brandeis University
"My Chinese improved immensely. I learned a lot about myself and China. Made a lot of good friends. "
Robin T Brandeis University
"I gained knowledge about a different culture, independence in traveling and seeking out events that interested me, as well as life experience in my personal life. It was beyond worthwhile. "
A student Brandeis University
"I learned how to deal with difficult situations. It was worthwhile"
A student Brandeis University
"I learned how to really balance serious things like academics with fun things like traveling and going on adventures, and realizing how much you can learn about yourself when you are in a situation that is not completely familiar."
Ilana Cedarbaum Brandeis University
"I gained a huge amount of independence, confidence in myself and my abilities, and I learned to take advantage of opportunities presented to me. Of course it was worthwhile!"
A student Brandeis University
"I became a more confident traveler and student, and became more self-sufficient as a person in general. It was absolutely worthwhile, and a truly life-changing experience."
A student Brandeis University
"I improved my French skills greatly which was my goal of going abroad and therefore I found it worthwhile. "
A student Brandeis University
"It was definitely worthwhile. I gained an appreciation for other cultures, and due to not having the same responsibilities that you have at home, I was really able to learn about what was important to me and my priorities. "
Sarah G Brandeis University
"I learned how to travel by myself and communicate efficiently beyond language barriers. "
A student Brandeis University
"I definitely learned so much about India, especially considering that I knew nothing going in. On a more personal level, going abroad gave me a new perspective on how to live my life. I think that living in India made me realize my own mortality, so I will lead a more mindful life for the rest of my days. Going abroad was extrem..."
A student Brandeis University
"A new culture, new mindset, and unique sides of learning a new language. It was very worthwhile"
A student Brandeis University
"I really improved my Spanish and learned about living in a different part of the world. I will definitely reflect on my experience in Mérida when I make future life decisions - I learned about myself and what I want my life to be like."
Emily A Brandeis University