Bryant University

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bryant University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bryant University Student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Live Changing In Spain API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad Pablo de Olavide

"I gained so much! I learned how to live abroad on my own and the cultural differences. This was pretty much the greatest experience of my life!"

Bryant University
Past Review Greatest Experience Of My Life In England Arcadia: Manchester - University of Manchester

"I got to experience a number of different cultures and learned new things about them. I also had a lot of stereotypes provided false during my travels."

Bryant University
Past Review China: Best Four Months Of My Life CIEE: Shanghai - Business, Language, and Culture

"The Chinese culture is completely opposite of the American culture so it was great to see the differences and adapt to those differences to try to locally fit in. I learned so much about Chinese people and their traditions it was an amazing experience that made me apply for a summer program in Shanghai this summer so I can expe..."

Bryant University
Past Review It Was An Experience I Will Never Forget API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"I gained an understanding of how diverse this world is. It made me realize just how much there is to still learn as well. This makes me want to find a way in the future to continue to experience other cultures. "

Bryant University
Past Review London: A Life Changing Experience Arcadia: London - University of Westminster

"It was absolutely worth while. I now am extremely interest in international business and would love to work in another country. This experience made me fearless of trying new things."

Bryant University
Past Review China: Like Living On Another Planet CIEE: Shanghai - China in a Global Context

"How different life is played out in different cultures. To see the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor on the same street with their wealth visible in terms of fancy cars or torn clothes. America is a melting pot of different cultures but it is still somewhat segregated in town, but in Shanghai and the rest of the Chinese c..."

Bryant University
Past Review Life At Alicante CIEE: Alicante - Liberal Arts


Bryant University
Past Review Amazing Semester In Florence API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"i had the time of my life. I got to experience many different cultures from my various trips and made freinds with people i will never forget"

Bryant University
Past Review Granada: The Best City Ever! API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"I LOVE STUDY ABROAD! I had the most amazing time, and everyone who goes abroad will probably say this, but I was able to meet so many new people and have the craziest experiences. You learn so much about yourself as well as what you are able to do on your own when you don't know anyone or the language. You are able to develop sk..."

Bryant University
Past Review New Zealand "Land Of The Long White Cloud" Aotearoa: The Most Amazing Experience Of My Life. Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"My experience was definitely worthwhile. It was worth the expensive airfare and the $5000 loan I took out to make it all happen. There is no price I would not pay to do it over again. I have gained a more "cultured" view of the world and although their society is not that different from my own, it is a much more relaxed culture ..."

Bryant University
Past Review Study Abroad In New Zealand Was Incredible The Best Time Of My Life! Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"Absolutely worthwhile. I would love to go to New Zealand again someday, but I don't know if I will be able to - that's why I am so glad that I got to experience it for so long, in such an culturally-intensive atmosphere! "

Bryant University
Past Review Sydney Australia: Best Experience Of My Life! But I'm Still In Debt Because Of It. Arcadia: Sydney - University of Sydney

"The knowledge you gain of other cultures and the independence that you develop from this experience is priceless."

Bryant University
Past Review I Cannot Imagine My Life Without Florence Or Studying Abroad! API (Academic Programs International): Florence - Lorenzo de’ Medici – The Italian International Institute (LDM)

"Completely worthwhile! It changed my perspective and completely tore down any barriers I had in terms of a "worldly" point of view. I realized I knew almost nothing! I now want to set out and learn as much as I can from the world around me. "

Bryant University
Past Review Learning About Life Down Under Arcadia: Sydney - University of Sydney

"I learned so much about myself and becoming more independent while I was abroad. I learned a lot about travelling alone and with new people. I learned a lot about the culture from the Australians that I lived with and went to class with. I would not ever give up my entire experience for anything, and am so glad I was able to par..."

Bryant University
Past Review A Unique Experience: Living As An English Student API (Academic Programs International): Leeds - University of Leeds

"I wish I could give it five more stars, it was amazing and I feel like England is my adopted country. I would go back in a heartbeat."

Bryant University
Past Review A Unique Experience: Living As An English Student API (Academic Programs International): Leeds - University of Leeds

"I wish I could give it five more stars, it was amazing and I feel like England is my adopted country. I would go back in a heartbeat."

Bryant University
Past Review Edinburgh: The Best Decision I Ever Made Arcadia: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"Yes, one of the best times of my life"

Bryant University
Past Review London Is The Most Amazing City To Study Abroad In And I Plan On Moving There Arcadia: London - University of Westminster

"I wouldn't trade my experience for anything in the world."

Bryant University
Past Review Spain: I'd Go Back In A Heartbeat API (Academic Programs International): Madrid - Suffolk University

"Being able to travel around Europe made me more culturally aware of my surroundings. It made me appreciate many aspects of my life in America as well as admire some of Europe's. I could definitely see myself living in Europe at some point in my life and plan on traveling as much as I can. Studying abroad has made me realize my i..."

Bryant University