Carleton College

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Carleton College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Carleton College student, please check with the Off-Campus Studies Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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02/17/2022 Exceptional Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"I learned that I really like visiting new places, and I met a lot of awesome people. It was worthwhile."

Carleton College
Past Review An Incredible Experience In An Incredibly Beautiful Place Round River Conservation Studies - Mongolia Conservation Program

"I learned a lot about the conservation efforts of the Taku River Tlingit (in congruence with Round River). I gained a new perspective on conservation and the importance of protecting wild and untouched places."

Carleton College
Past Review A Semester Of Rashes, Parasites, And Mold But Also Fun Times The School for Field Studies / SFS: Peru – Amazon Studies

"I learned how to navigate foreign cities and that some people are really into plants."

Carleton College
Past Review A Program That Feels Like A Family! Pachaysana Institute: Ecuador - Rehearsing Change

"I gained perspective. Living and taking classes with local community members opened my eyes to a lived reality that I had previously known next to nothing about. The program broke down my western perceptions of "community development" and I made some new friends that have taught me so much. I also gained a family in Pachaysana -..."

Carleton College
Past Review Trip Of A Lifetime Round River Conservation Studies - Mongolia Conservation Program

"On the program, I not only learned immense amounts about environmental research and conservation, but also about Mongolian perspectives towards land and other people. It was extremely inspiring and I've returned to the states with a perspective towards relationships that I had not previously understood."

Carleton College
Past Review Trip Of A Lifetime Round River Conservation Studies - Botswana Program

"On the program, I not only learned immense amounts about environmental research and conservation, but also about Mongolian perspectives towards land and other people. It was extremely inspiring and I've returned to the states with a perspective towards relationships that I had not previously understood."

Carleton College
Past Review The Best Decision I Have Made At College Yet Round River Conservation Studies - Patagonia, Chile Program

"I learned more about who I am and how I see my career in conservation moving forward. I gained invaluable research experience and my instructors became mentors who I will look up to for a long time. "

Carleton College
Past Review Would Not Recommend Spanish Studies Abroad! SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"I'm really glad that I went abroad and that I went out of my way to integrate myself into Spanish life. "

Carleton College
Past Review My Summer Up North! Round River Conservation Studies - Taku River Watershed Program

"I learned so much about Conservation Biology. As someone who came in with almost no prior knowledge, I was a little nervous about falling behind but the leaders ensured I didn't. They were very encouraging and made all of the work reasonable and rigorous, while also enjoyable. I also made some deep and lasting friendships"

Carleton College
Past Review Round River Patagonia: Learning And Living In The Austral Wilderness Round River Conservation Studies - Patagonia, Chile Program

"I learned an incredible amount of detail about local species of plants and animals, and also a lot about the complexity and necessity of planning well for large, long-term group expeditions. It was absolutely worthwhile and the skills and knowledge I gained there will serve me for a lifetime."

Carleton College
Past Review The People Made The Program Amazing!!! IES Abroad: Santiago - Study in Santiago

"On my program, I navigated a big city after living in rural college towns my whole life. I formed loving and warm bonds with people I never would’ve met otherwise. I explored and grew and learned and laughed and cried and ate too many empanadas, and IES Santiago gave me the space for that. It was absolutely amazing. "

Carleton College
Past Review Round River Patagonia Was One Of The Most Incredible Experiences Of My Life. Round River Conservation Studies - Patagonia, Chile Program

"Absolutely, I'm certain the international, conservation, and field experience I gained there will stay with me for my entire life."

Carleton College
Past Review Great Program With Some Minor Reservations SSA Education Abroad: Havana - Semester, Year or Summer in Cuba

"Yes, absolutely! It was an affordable program that returned so much to me. "

Carleton College
Past Review No Support For Student Experiencing Racism – It's Not "Culture Shock"! SIT Study Abroad: Belgrade, Budapest, and Vienna - Comparative European Perspectives on Conflict and Democracy

"This experience was "worthwhile" in terms of being able to immerse myself - as much as is possible given Western, Asian, upper middle class identities - in local cultures. I'm glad to know more about this part of the world, and to know more about myself. I've grown more resilient and less dependent on institutions to support me."

Carleton College
Past Review Three Months Living Wild Round River Conservation Studies - Patagonia, Chile Program

"I learned a lot about myself and about my views of conservation. It was so, so worth it!"

Carleton College
Past Review Crack Down And Get Fluent While Befriending French People! France Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"The biggest thing I gained was a new and more open cultural perspective, which comes mostly from the Cultural Patterns course but also through my interactions with French students and my host family. "

Carleton College
Past Review A Life Changing Summer In Buenos Aires University of California - Davis: Buenos Aires - Music, Film and Culture in the Global City

"ABSOLUTELY. I made friends who I will keep for life, I was exposed to a new culture, and I gained invaluable language skills. I would do it again in a heartbeat -- and in a way, I have, seeing as I currently live and work in Buenos Aires."

Carleton College
Past Review Wonderful & Transformative Round River Conservation Studies - Taku River Watershed Program

"It was ABSOLUTELY worthwhile. I learned so much about conservation biology, it's practical application, working with local and traditional communities, field work, human's relationship with nature- the list goes on. I also learned tons about myself and what I want to do in the future with respect to those topics. Beyond all of t..."

Carleton College
Past Review A Wonderful Introduction To Ecology, Field Work, And A New Culture. Round River Conservation Studies - Taku River Watershed Program

"There is so much that I learned and gained from this experience that isn't quantitative. I cannot tell you, however, just how worthwhile this trip was. My leaders were thoughtful and full of knowledge. They pushed us to better understand the natural world around us as well as the new culture that we were living in. I discovered ..."

Carleton College
Past Review Great Research Experience, In The Most Beautiful Place I Have Ever Been. Round River Conservation Studies - Botswana Program

"I gained a lot of research experience in my field (biology), and also started to learn perspectives on land use management. "

Carleton College
Past Review If You're Looking For A Real World Conservation Experience This Is Your Place! Round River Conservation Studies - Namibia Desert Program

"I learned what "real-world" conservation looks like and was able to get involved in this process. I was able to interact with local Namibians through conservation and also learned about the socio-political structure of conservation projects in rural Namibia. Additionally, I learned heaps from my peers, other American college stu..."

Carleton College
Past Review Iceland Is Amazing And The Perfect Place In Which To Study Renewable Energy. SIT Study Abroad: Iceland - Renewable Energy, Technology & Resource Economics (Summer 1)

"This experience was definitely worth while. I learned a lot about hydroelectric and geothermal systems as well as the type of policy that needs to be considered in order to make renewable energy viable in a country."

Carleton College
Past Review City Living Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM): Newberry Seminar: Research in the Humanities

"I gained valuable career advice and exposure. "

Carleton College