Carleton College

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Carleton College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Carleton College student, please check with the Off-Campus Studies Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Mali Ka Di: A Rich Experience Abroad Carleton Global Engagement: Arts and Culture in Cameroon

"For me, the program was perfect and I couldn't have asked for better structure or a more dually challenging and rewarding experience."

Carleton College
Past Review Mendoza: Chocolate, Some Andes, And Lots Of Comfort Universidad Nacional de Cuyo: Mendoza - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"YES! Although I did speak English with the program people, I spent the vast majority of my time speaking Spanish with Argentines. My Spanish improved immensely and I learned to live like an Argentine. All very worth it for me!"

Carleton College
Past Review Budapest Is A Great City; This Program Is A Little Haphazard. The Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science (BSCS) Program

"I'm glad I went because I would have regretted not doing so. I learned some interesting things, and spent a lot of time being bored in class. "

Carleton College
Past Review Argentina: Appreciating The Value Of A Different Culture And Different Educational System Universidad Nacional de Cuyo: Mendoza - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely a good experience. Academically, I don't know that it was on par with my college in the states, but studying abroad is much more than just the classes and I feel that I benefited greatly from the experience of living in a different culture and different language."

Carleton College
Past Review Photography At Parsons Paris: Not The Best, But Made It My Own. Paris College of Art: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Loved it, showed me what I want to do with my life and filled some holes in understanding myself."

Carleton College
Past Review Mali: Flexibility Is Key Study Abroad Programs in Mali

"For sure! I didn't know cultures as different from mine as Mali's existed and I now have a much greater appreciation for the views of a large portion of the world."

Carleton College
Past Review Florence As The Key To Understanding European Culture Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM): Florence: Arts, Humanities, & Culture

"Definitely. Aside from the amazing knowledge I gained about Italian Renaissance, I got to travel around Europe and really learn about different countries and their cultures. This is definitely helpful to my understanding of the world."

Carleton College
Past Review Isa Rome Not The Highest Caliber Program ISA Study Abroad in Rome, Italy

"Very worthwhile, but I had to work really hard independently to make it so. Other students might benefit from a more structured, high quality program."

Carleton College
Past Review Cordoba, Argentina: Genuine Spanish Experience In Interesting Area SSA Education Abroad: Córdoba - Semester, Year or Summer in Argentina

"My program, for me, was about Spanish Spanish Spanish. And I drastically improved my Spanish."

Carleton College
Past Review "Go To Serbia, Bosnia, And Croatia, Seriously." SIT Study Abroad: Belgrade, Budapest, and Vienna - Comparative European Perspectives on Conflict and Democracy

"An adventurous student who is willing to see an unfamiliar world and learn for it. "

Carleton College
Past Review Merida, Mexico: My New Connection To The Country On The Otherside Of The Border IFSA: Merida - Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan

"I feel a lot more connected to the growing Hispanic population in the United States and now have the ability to help them with my ability to speek Spanish. I also am more open to different views and different cultures in general."

Carleton College
Past Review Iccs Rome: Teaching What Every Classicist Needs To Know ICCS / Centro: Rome - The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome

"This program affirmed my plans to go to graduate school in classics, and covered critical holes in my understanding of history and language. "

Carleton College
Past Review Sweden: A Great Place, But Please Just Do A Direct Enroll Into Su The Swedish Program: Stockholm, Sweden

"I would say it was worthwhile, but not because of anything the program did for me. I could have gone to Sweden on my own and probably gotten more out of it."

Carleton College
Past Review A Semester At The Middle Of The World: Quito, Ecuador Bca Quito University Of San Francisco De Quito Ecuador Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I have become better at going with the flow, I'm now more outgoing, and learning how to live in another culture has made me realize many things about my own (that I have one, for example). After being in Ecuador and seeing social workers at my internship, I have begun thinking seriously about social work, either international so..."

Carleton College
Past Review Living Sustainably And Loving It: Environmental Studies In New Zealand University of New Hampshire: Whakatiwai - EcoQuest New Zealand

"ABSOLUTELY. I can't just return to life the same way I was living it before this program; I will incorporate this experience into my everyday routine because there is no way I could do otherwise. The people and the principles governing the program are incredibly admirable, and I'm inspired to improve myself and live to my greate..."

Carleton College
Past Review Tropical Ecology In Costa Rica: Heavy On The Biology, Not On Culture. Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS): San Jose - Tropical Biology on a Changing Planet

"My cultural awareness was only lightly impacted, but my excitement for biology increased ten-fold."

Carleton College
Past Review Peru Beautiful And Diverse SIT Study Abroad: Peru - Indigenous Peoples and Globalization

"The program was amazing. I am hoping to go back to one of the communities we visited for my comps research."

Carleton College