Eckerd College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Eckerd College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are an Eckerd College student, please check with the Office of Global Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information

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Past Review Life Changing Experience! Broadreach - Reviews from Former Locations

"I became a better scuba diver and I met the most incredible people."

Eckerd College
Past Review Best Decision I've Ever Made! Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"everything. a new language. a new understanding of minority."

Eckerd College
Past Review Experience Tanzania Like A Local! IPSL: Tanzania - Global Health, Women's Health & Human Rights

"This program changed my life in so many ways. It changes how you look at the world and the culture you live in, and you realize that Americans have so much to be thankful for that other people don't have, yet these other people are so much more content with their lives. "

Eckerd College
Past Review A Land Of Endless Snow, Reindeer, And Licorice Flavored Everything ISEP Exchange: Turku - Exchange Program at University of Turku

"I feel like this experience increased my independence a lot. There is very little program support from ISEP, so you have to jump in, make your own friends, and create your own life. As most all of the friends that you make are going through the same experiences as you, you become your own little family. This program was extremel..."

Eckerd College
Past Review Best Time Ever ISA Study Abroad in Dunedin, New Zealand

"I learned too much to put in words, you will have to go find out for yourself! All I will say is that my core values are the same, but I am a new person who has grown and matured in my time away."

Eckerd College
Past Review Ecology & Sociology Of Costa Rica, An Opportunity To Immerse Oneself Into Nature Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"My opportunity to live abroad, opened my eyes to the world around me. I was able to immerse myself into the culture in both the city and country lifestyles in Costa Rica. Living and working with locals to protect sea turtles was the most amazing experience I have had yet to date!"

Eckerd College
Past Review Sea Semester: The Most Unique Learning Experience Sea Education Association: The Global Ocean

"I learned how to sail and conduct research on an ocean vessel. I was able to experience the Hawaiian culture, not just as a tourist but with a locals perspective and historical perspective. It was totally worth all the times I didn't want to get out of bed but had to get up for my watch. Heart pounding squalls, beautiful sunsets..."

Eckerd College
Past Review London: Expensive, But A Rich Experience! Eckerd College: London Study Center

"Study abroad is amazing! It completely opened my eyes to new culture, and even though it was shocking at first, and slightly scary, it was definitely worthwhile! People around the world do NOT live like Americans, even in England, where the language and many customs are similar. "

Eckerd College