
Emerson College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Emerson College's International Study and External Programs is committed to providing Emerson students with opportunities to explore their academic goals in alternate settings.

In addition to the external programs sponsored by the college at Kasteel Well, the Los Angeles Program, the Washington Program, the Prague Summer Film Program and the China Exchange Program in Beijing, students may enroll at non-affiliated international study programs for one semester only. The International Study and External Programs office is available to offer guidance and counseling to students regarding accredited programs offered by other colleges and universities.

Depending on your personal and professional interests, there is a program suited for your needs.

For more information on any of these options please contact the International Study and External Programs Office by phone at 617.824.8567, or via e-mail at abroad@emerson.edu.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Coming soon...

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review La Fun But Bad Living Environment Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"The job yes if I were to do it again I might live alone not on site. "

Emerson College
Past Review Los Angeles Program: Everything I Expected And More Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"Honestly, the only bad thing I can say about my experience is that now I am really sad that it is over. It has helped solidify my interests in my major and now I have real life experience and contacts. "

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Well Was Amazing! Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Yes, it was what I expected it to be and beyond. I took classes and had my weekends to travel to various cities. It was amazing."

Emerson College
Past Review The Great Trips, The Terrible Academics That Stressed Me Out For 3 Months And Other Bedtime Stories Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Yes, because the traveling helped me learn about the world culturally."

Emerson College
Past Review Castle In The Netherlands = Awesome Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I'm a completely different person now, for the better. I'm so happy I did this."

Emerson College
Past Review "I Captured The Castle" Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Absolutely. The experience was once in a lifetime and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity. I learned a lot about the world and myself and I made an amazing and unpredictable group of friends. You don't even have to travel on the weekends; just being at the castle with everyone is a great experience in itself."

Emerson College
Past Review The Girl Who Stared At Moats Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"My study abroad was absolutely worthwhile. I wouldn't change a thing. The experience of traveling alone or with a few friends to places I never thought to visit (Copenhagen, what?) and places I have always wanted to go (Paris!!) was awesome. I learned so much, both in and out of the classroom, and had ridiculous amounts of fun b..."

Emerson College
Past Review Emerson Internship Experience Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles


Emerson College
Past Review Holland! Go There. You Will Love It. Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

" Nothing can be more worthwhile than taking the opportunity to change your perspective on the world. Going abroad will change you in ways you can't think of beforehand. As I was on my way to Holland I was, of course, expecting to gain new cultural appreciations but I could have never seen that it was going to teach me to be more..."

Emerson College
Past Review The Program Itself Was Life Changing, But The Emerson Staff Charged With Preparing Us Was Inadequate Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I LOVED this program, and I would totally do it again. But most likely, I would prefer to be closer to a city and less sectioned off from the rest of Europe. "

Emerson College
Past Review The Netherlands: Greatest Three Months Of My Life Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Extremely worthwhile, I met some amazing people, traveled to amazing places."

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Well: Coolest, Most Culturally Focused, And Most Amazing Experience You Could Ever Hope For Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I learned a lot about myself and my newly acquired friends. I realized my new limitations and I learned how to get what I need and what I want in a respectful manner. I have realized that I need to travel more before I settle into life and I want to eventually have a career where I have ample time to travel abroad."

Emerson College
Past Review I Can Now Say That I Have Experience Every Human Emotion Possible! Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I can definitely say it was. I have learned many different things. From working with people that I may not necessarily like, to balancing my work and even becoming more responsible. "

Emerson College
Past Review Meh Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"-I did garner connections with industry insiders.... that did come about."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"Yes, just for a real internship in a competitive environment it was worth it."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I had the time of my life! I loved the environment, the country, the people, the traveling and the new learnings. Holland is a beautiful country that I would love to visit again. The people were very friendly and welcoming. The transport was amazing and very punctual. I made some incredible friends that I might not have met if I..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It was the best 3 months of my life thus far."

Emerson College