
Kansas City Art Institute

September 20, 2024

University Information

Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI) maintains partnerships with schools in various countries around the world where our students may apply to spend one semester, or in some cases a full academic year. When you participate in the International Exchange Program you continue to be considered a full-time KCAI student. Because of the agreements we have with these partner schools you will pay your tuition to KCAI per usual, so you will still receive your financial aid and scholarships. You will pay no tuition to the host school and will only be responsible for your transportation to and from your host country, your cost of living, books/supplies, an International Student Identity Card (ISIC - $25 card which provides travel and medical insurance, as well as discounts, while you are abroad), and any miscellaneous fees – such as an Orientation fee or studio fees. Because we are partners with these schools, the credit you earn while studying at the partner school counts as KCAI credit (not transfer credit); credits from these partner schools qualify as KCAI credit, and counts toward fulfilling the requirement that your last 30 credit hours be earned at KCAI.

In order to apply for participation in the International Exchange Program you must:
-Be a full-time KCAI student the semester prior to and the semester of your exchange
-Have at least junior studio status the semester of the proposed exchange
-Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
-Be a student in good academic and financial standing
-Be proficient in the native language of the host school

KCAI currently has exchange agreements with the following institutions:
University of Tasmania, Hobart (English speaking)
Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Spanish speaking)
University of Brighton (English speaking)
École Parsons á Paris (English speaking)
University of West Hungary, International Ceramics Studio (Magyar speaking)
The National College of Art and Design,Dublin (English speaking)
-Israel -
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem (English and Hebrew speaking – Hebrew proficiency not required)
Osaka University of the Arts (Japanese speaking)
-New Zealand-
Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin (English speaking)
Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (Spanish speaking)
Bilkent University, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture (English speaking)

Important Dates and Deadlines

International Exchange Program Application Deadlines:

Fall Semester Exchanges: March 1
Spring Semester Exchanges: October 1

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review I Will Continue To Travel Abroad! Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design: Jerusalem - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Honestly, how can say it all in a few sentences? The experiences that I have had, has changed me in many more ways than I can even process. To see what I have seen, having done the things that I have done have helped me become a better person. I would want to suggest anyone to go find their place in the world and reap it for eve..."

Kansas City Art Institute
Past Review I Will Continue To Travel Abroad! University of West Hungary: Sopron - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Honestly, how can say it all in a few sentences? The experiences that I have had, has changed me in many more ways than I can even process. To see what I have seen, having done the things that I have done have helped me become a better person. I would want to suggest anyone to go find their place in the world and reap it for eve..."

Kansas City Art Institute
Past Review Go For The Experience And The Art, But Not As A Student. Paris College of Art: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"While I guess this review will probably seem pretty negative, I don't regret anything. Overall I still accomplished a lot and experienced many of the things I wanted to do, but I felt bogged down by my school life. I was able to travel to four new countries around ten new cities. I got to live in one of the biggest, most amazing..."

Kansas City Art Institute
Past Review Dublin Is Amazing. National College of Art and Design: Dublin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about being independent, about running your own exhibition, about integrating into culture in general. "

Kansas City Art Institute
Past Review I Really Fell In Love With Middle Eastern Culture Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design: Jerusalem - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned about different cultures, both jewish arabic and russian. i was able to travel and see some families and take in everything around me."

Kansas City Art Institute
Past Review Great For Experience, Just Not Rigor. University of Brighton - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to live without assistance. I learned how to travel on my own. I learned how to use public transportation. I learned how to communicate differently with people. I learned more options. I meant some of the best people I have come to meet in my lifetime. I wish the classes would have provided me with more. Life lesso..."

Kansas City Art Institute
Past Review The Down Under Challenge University of Tasmania: Hobart - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I saw everything from art to society to day to day living from new perspectives. That was extremely valuable."

Kansas City Art Institute