Marist College
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Marist College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Marist College student, please check with the International Programs Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."The most important thing I learned was my true passions and capabilities. I found that I was truly passionate about emerging markets and ended up dedicating my education and career to working in them. I also found that I love the every-day adventures of living in another country and which is why I continue to live and work abroa..."
A student Marist College
"I learned a lot about myself because I was given freedom to explore independently. It was the best decision I have ever made."
A student Marist College
"We, as foreigners, don't know anything about a certain country, its history, social issues, language, etc until you experience and learn from it from its people. "
Lenni J Marist College
"I learn how to be more independent and its ok to not always have a plan."
A student Marist College
"Abroad was worth while, I learned so much more about the world."
A student Marist College
"I gained global knowledge and a chance to see the world from a dofferent perspective. It was one of the best places I have ever been to. "
A student Marist College
"I learned how to be completely independent and self-sufficient due to the lack of help and incompetency of the people who were supposed to be responsible for transitioning college-age kids smoothly into life in another country."
A student Marist College
"Independence and global mindedness "
Brooke M Marist College
"I gained an enormous appreciation for the world, a less ethnocentric view of life, and a ton of memories that I will never ever forget. It impacts me daily, in the most positive of ways. I'd do it again in a heartbeat--entirely worthwhile."
Sara K Marist College
"I have gained so much more knowledge about the professional world and will always remember this experience as I move forward in my future career endeavors. Personally, I have developed a greater sense of independence just by being able to navigate a different city and explore freely on my own. "
Natasha H Marist College
"I learned to deal with many language barriers and how to get along with people from other parts of the United States and the world. "
Kaylee P Marist College
"Although England is an english speaking country, there is still a bit of a language barrier due to colloquialisms that is great to experience and navigate. I learned how to travel by myself, use public transportation, and ultimately live on my own comfortably in a foreign environment."
Tessa L Marist College
"I gained a better knowledge of how other people live in the world. It also solidified my constant travel bug and I'm looking into booking a trip back over to London after my graduation from college. Studying abroad was definitely the highlight of my college career and I would absolutely go back to it in a heartbeat. "
Alyssa O Marist College
"I gained a greater sense of self-confidence and an awareness of our global society. It was absolutely worthwhile. "
Devin B Marist College
"I gained and learned more than I could even imagine while I was abroad. However, I think the most important thing that I gained was a better sense of independence. Living in a foreign city completely on my own really forced me to learn about myself, and I have become a more independent person. It was absolutely worthwhile, and..."
Erika L Marist College
"Yes. I think that everyone should always study abroad to gain better perspective on their lives and to become more cultured."
Alexandra B Marist College
"Absolutely. I learned so many things about my own culture by experiencing the Ghanaian's. Not to mention all of the music, dancing, and historical things I learned."
Dave F Marist College
"Gained a best friend. Learned about myself, learned to be more communicative and social, learned about other countries and religions, learned to be more confident in myself. Gained 3 months i will never forget. It was completely worthwhile. "
A student Marist College
kristen a Marist College
"I do value my experience very much it was completely different from what I expected but I am so glad I went nonetheless I gained a great deal of knowledge about living among people from different places in the world and how growing up in another country completely changes your outlook on life. I realized that as much as I love t..."
Keira O Marist College
"I learned a new language. I met some great friends. After studying abroad I am looking to either go to Grad School abroad or maybe get a career abroad."
Madison B Marist College
"The experience abroad taught me just how much one can learn from being surrounded in the history they've been taught. To smell and feel the lessons, not simply study them, gives a greater understanding of the past therefore the future as well. "
Sarah C Marist College
"The world is bigger than Marist College campus."
QuTing Z Marist College
"The world is bigger than Marist College campus."
QuTing Z Marist College
"It was absolutely worth it. I would do the program again without hesitation - I took more out of it than I had ever anticipated. I learned to become detached from unimportant factors of life, abandon a ritual of living, and embrace the cultures that I was in. These all contributed to the greatest experience I have ever had."
David L Marist College