
Middlebury College

September 21, 2024

University Information

Each year more than 50% of the junior class at Middlebury studies abroad in more than 40 countries at more than 90 different programs and universities.

Mission Statement:

International Programs supports Middlebury’s mission to cultivate the intellectual, creative, physical, ethical, and social qualities essential for leadership in a rapidly changing global community. A student’s study abroad experience should be an integral and coherent part of his or her academic program at Middlebury, enhancing the on-campus curriculum and supporting a liberal arts education. To achieve these ends, Middlebury students study abroad on academically substantive programs that foster cultural and linguistic integration.

Middlebury Schools Abroad:

Middlebury has Schools Abroad at more than 40 universities in Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.

Externally-Sponsored (Non-Middlebury) Programs:

Each year a significant number of Middlebury students study abroad on externally-sponsored programs (programs other than Middlebury Schools Abroad) in countries such as Australia, Botswana, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Greece, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and more!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Middlebury Students Study Abroad Deadline: FEBRUARY 1 (to study abroad the following fall, spring, or academic year)

Visit http://www.middlebury.edu/international/sa for more information.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Awakening Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury In Amman

"I learned alot about myself, and felt like this abroad experience should've been left for the summer, personally for me."

Middlebury College
Past Review Fantastic DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned so much about Danish society, and the European region as a whole. Enhancing my perspective on this side of the world was exactly what I was looking for. This experience was absolutely worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review High Altitude Life Changing Experience SIT Study Abroad: Nepal - Tibetan and Himalayan Peoples

"I gained a profound insight into the lived experiences of a people who I had previously only read about, or could have pointed out on a map but did not consider in any real or meaningful sense. I had been abroad a small amount as a teenager with my family, and though I followed international events and cared about global politic..."

Middlebury College
Past Review This Was Perhaps The Best Semester Of My Time In College. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Irkutsk

"I gained an amazing cultural experiences and enhanced my language skills. It was definitely worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review Lonely But Productive Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Ferrara

"More language proficiency and confidence in being alone in a new country"

Middlebury College
Past Review Intense And Rewarding Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Paris

"Language skills as well as a widened view of the world"

Middlebury College
Past Review Complicated Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Valparaiso

"I learned more Spanish - even though I still think of myself as an intermediate I learned a lot of the language while I was there. "

Middlebury College
Past Review I Loved Madrid Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Madrid

"I learned more Spanish and how to be more independent "

Middlebury College
Past Review Easy Cultural Integration The Swedish Program: Stockholm, Sweden

"It was a meaningful experience. Having lived in Germany for 8 years, I was able to easily adapt to the environment and make new friends with the locals."

Middlebury College
Past Review Study Abroad Experience In Copenhagen DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned a great deal from study abroad. I learned much about Danish language and culture, and also grew as a person during this time. Overall, my experience was very worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review At Times Difficult, But Overall A Positive Experience Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Mainz

"It was definitely a worthwhile experience. Although difficult at times, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to experience life in a different culture and become a more independent person."

Middlebury College
Past Review Had I Known It Would Wreck My Gpa I Would Not Have Done It Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Bordeaux

"I loved my host family, I loved the city, I hated how it will make it difficult to apply to grad school by wrecking my GPA. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Seemed Like A Good Program But I Wasn't Ready Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury In Amman

"As bad as it went for me, I can at least say that I can learn from my mistakes and hopefully be better prepared mentally for this program."

Middlebury College
Past Review Living In A New Language CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Madrid, Spain

"Language improvements, independence, getting out of my comfort zone."

Middlebury College
Past Review Happy I Did It, Wish I Knew What I Was Getting Myself Into Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"yes it was i learned a ton about myself, the language, and what i want in life. "

Middlebury College
Past Review A Great Academic Opportunity Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"I believe that I not only became a much better reader and writer while at CMRS, but was also given the opportunity to mature intellectually in a way distinct from the rest of my experiences in college. The encouragement given by both staff and fellow students to engage with topics which I found interesting helped me to 'come out..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Open People, Hard To Meet Study Abroads, Lots Of Independent Work University of St. Andrews: St. Andrews - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"-Friends!!!! (only one American friend, almost all of my other friends were from different parts of Europe -Independence -I increasing advocated for myself -Comfort in traveling alone -Newfound academic interest"

Middlebury College
Past Review Life Changing UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"I learned a lot from my experience. First, I learned a lot about the course material, but more importantly I learned a lot about different cultures and what they prioritize in life. My trip abroad was absolutely worthwhile"

Middlebury College
Past Review Would I Do It Again? Probs Not Trinity College - Dublin: Dublin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Interesting, but not fulfilling and would not repeat. Didn't learn anything that wasn't in class lectures"

Middlebury College
Past Review A Life Changing Experience Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"I learned how to manage my time and workload while balancing it with a social life"

Middlebury College
Past Review Study Abroad For Rookies A Fun And Easy Living Experience DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned a lot about living independently and feel much more confident traveling and navigating cities by myself now. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Experiencing Amman And Jordanians Through Arabic Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury In Amman

"I gained a lot of connections with individuals and I grew a lot, became more independent."

Middlebury College
Past Review Challenging At First, But Extremely Fun Overall Arcadia: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"How to travel without planning, how to interact with vastly different cultures without knowing the language, how to stomach British food"

Middlebury College
Past Review Challenges And Rewards Come In All Shapes And Sizes Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Mainz

"I gained intercultural perspective, only attainable through trust and foreign language use. "

Middlebury College