Nebraska Wesleyan University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Nebraska Wesleyan University educates students to become thoughtful citizens and successful leaders. That’s why our general education curriculum is entitled, “Preparing for Global Citizenship.” We believe that students need to explore the world and its peoples to understand their place in that world; this exploration helps them communicate across borders, contribute to the solution of complex issues, and leave the world a better place than they found it.

Nebraska Wesleyan realizes that cost is a major factor in the decision to study abroad. That’s why we belong to the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) where NWU students can study abroad for the same price as studying on campus. That’s also true for exchange study at our three sister universities in Japan (Kwansei Gakuin University), Mexico (Tec de Monterrey in Querétaro) and Estonia (University of Tartu).

In addition, the International Education Office awards Education Abroad Grants to students with financial need who want to study abroad on exchange programs or faculty–led study abroad trips. The International Education Office also assists students to apply for other study abroad scholarships and grants.

Nebraska Wesleyan offers a full range of study abroad options so that every student has the opportunity to study abroad. These options range from "island programs" where students travel together with a Nebraska Wesleyan professor for two to three weeks to a full year of "immersion" where students study with native students in the classroom.

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Past Review Pura Vida 🌸 CEA CAPA Education Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica

"I gained language skills and confidence beyond anything that can be taught within a classroom setting. I also learned how valuable cultural immersion can be and how to be independent in unfamiliar places. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Morocco A Feast For The Senses Al Akhawayn University: Ifrane - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Even though I felt very challenged at some times, it ended up being the best time of my life!"

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review It Was The Experience Of A Lifetime. University of Alicante: Alicante - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to interact from all sorts of people from around the world. I was more independent and learned to plan and execute trips in different countries. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review The Amazing Spain Adventure Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Yes it was worthwhile, I learned that I just have to be myself and not really care about what other people think about. Also, that everyone has the same problems whether they speak English or Spanish or are gay or straight or whatever. People are just people, all with the same problems."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review An Incredible International Experience In Every Form. ISEP Exchange: Hannover - Exchange Program at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover

"So much. Friends from around the world. A new perspective on both the world and my own country. Much more as well. It was unbelievably worthwile."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review The Most Important Thing I Have Done In My Life To Date ISEP Exchange: Amsterdam - Exchange Program at Universiteit van Amsterdam

"I could never put into one sentence what I learned, it was a lifetime of lessons and experiences that will follow me far into the future. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review My Educational Experience In Paradise! Study Abroad Programs in Honduras

"It was definitely worth while. I learned a lot about oceanic creatures and the declining health of the reef. If I have the opportunity to scuba dive again, I'll have more appreciation for the animals around me. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Visiting The Different Aspects That Make Up Japan Kwansei Gakuin University: Nishinomiya - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, it was worthwhile. Experiencing another culture and perspective was fun and challenging."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review The Most Amazingly Awesome Trip Of My Life! AIFS: London - Shakespeare's Globe Program

"The basic understanding of the cultural atmosphere of London, how the tube system works, many various historical facts about London, movement and vocal tips/strategies for portraying Shakespeare; It was all worthwhile!"

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Adventures In Alicante Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"traveling is one of the most important things to my life. yes."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Japan Is Amazing! Kwansei Gakuin University: Nishinomiya - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"A greater understanding of the culture outside of what you see in media. They are surprisingly similar to western cultures, but still very different."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Buenos Aires: A City That Stole My Heart And Opened The World To Me. ISEP Exchange: Buenos Aires - Exchange Program at Universidad del Salvador

"Worthwhile? YES. 100% yes. It was a challenge, but it has transformed the way I see the world. In a way, I'm a bit fearless now. I learned a new language, made amazing lifelong friends, and saw some amazing things. It helped my cultural awareness by making me realize that although I appreciate the great state of Nebraska (wher..."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review The Slings And Arrows Of Studying In Nagoya ISEP Exchange: Nagoya - Exchange Program at Chukyo University

"Oh yes! My Japanese skills grew, I discovered areas of employment possibilities in Japan, and I made tons of friends. I realized that as a Theatre Major, I will have a difficult time finding a job, considering the strict culture in Japan, but I can certainly try. I want to act, sing, and dance for a professional theatre compa..."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Uruguay: Adventures And Independence ISEP Exchange: Montevideo - Exchange Program at Universidad Católica del Uruguay

"Studying abroad was definitely the most challenging experience of my life. However, it was also one of the most beneficial things I have ever done, because I learned so much about myself and gained confidence in my capabilities to speak the Spanish language and complete tasks independently. You can not find a better way to com..."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Finland: A Little Known Country With A Wealth Of Opportunities ISEP Exchange: Turku - Exchange Program at Abo Akademi University - Abo Campus

"I experienced a new culture and my experience was very worthwhile. I wish I could have stayed another semester!"

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Studying Abroad In Latvia Shaped The Way That I View The World And Also Gave Lasting Memories! ISEP Exchange: Latvia - Exchange Program at University of Latvia

"Oh, it was more than worthwhile. It encouraged me to continue to explore the world later in life, to always keep my eyes open, and to live everyday at its fullest."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Canada: A Study Of A Bilingual Country Which Gave A New Perspective To This American Student ISEP Exchange: Greater Sudbury - Exchange Program at Laurentian University

"It was a spectacular semester. Stay a year if you can!! I learned about numerous other countries through all of the students that I met in Canada. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Canada: A Study Of A Bilingual Country Which Gave A New Perspective To This American Student ISEP Exchange: Greater Sudbury - Exchange Program at Laurentian University

"It was a spectacular semester. Stay a year if you can!! I learned about numerous other countries through all of the students that I met in Canada. "

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Riga, Latvia: The Greatest (Un)Known City In Europe ISEP Exchange: Latvia - Exchange Program at University of Latvia

"There are no words that could ever truly reveal what I was able to get out of my study abroad experience. I do know that I am a better person for it and have a clearer vision for myself and for my career."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Montevideo: Fun & Friendly Country, Lacking Exchange Program ISEP Exchange: Montevideo - Exchange Program at Universidad Católica del Uruguay

"Don't get me wrong, I loved Uruguay and the people there. I think if I had gone to a University other than Universidad Catolica, I would have loved it even more. My host family made the experience more than I could have hoped for, helping me improve my Spanish, get around, and explore other countries. Just ranking the school,..."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Itesm Queretaro: Good Enough... Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM): Queretaro - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"In the sense that it accomplished a degree requirement: YES! Academically it was okay, just okay. I will return to Mexico, but not ITESM."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review New Zealand An Interesting Experience Massey University - Auckland: Auckland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a new understanding of myself. I made incredible friends that are located throughout the globe. I became aware that America would always be home to me and that I like the culture/outlook on life that Americans have."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Argentina: My Home Away From Home ISEP Exchange: Córdoba - Exchange Program at Universidad Blas Pascal

"It really has made me more open minded about other cultures and their traditions. I am more outspoken and independent as a person. It has matured me quite a bit. I loved speaking Spanish all the time, so I would love to have a career in a foreign country."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Most Informative And Influential Six Months Of My Life. Stellenbosch University: Stellenbosch - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I had an amazing time and wouldn't trade it for the world."

Nebraska Wesleyan University
Past Review Where Is Estonia? University of Tartu: Tartu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a great independence and I feel like I am now a better adult"

Nebraska Wesleyan University