Northwestern College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Among our most popular off-campus semesters are Northwestern’s programs in the countries of Romania and Oman and in the mile-high city of Denver. Or, through the college’s partnerships with other institutions, you can study in another 28 international and 6 domestic locations.

Not able to spend an entire semester studying abroad? Not a problem. We also offer short-term programs of less than a month that are led by NWC faculty. Most are summer study abroad courses, but occasionally a trip is scheduled in the winter during the break between semesters.

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Past Review Do Not Use This Company Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"NOTHING. Could not go due to Covid-19 and CSA was terrible to work with"

Northwestern College
Past Review Time In Romania Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"Patience Flexibility Perseverance "

Northwestern College
Past Review It Was Awesome And I Want To Go Back Soon! Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"This question would take forever to answer, simply it was all worth my time and I miss it a lot!"

Northwestern College
Past Review A Unique Program That Allows For Immersion In The Culture. Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"I learned more how to be more flexible and be okay with making mistakes. I need to continue working on this, but I really appreciated the semester for pushing me to intentionally work on this."

Northwestern College
Past Review Romania: Lessons On Being Human, Encountering The Other, & Inhabiting Our Planet Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"Living in Romania is easily one of the most worthwhile experiences I have had. Since our world is ever more "connected", digitally and otherwise, it is ever more critical that we learn to engage with the Other. After spending some time abroad, I felt as if I had lived my entire life up to that point with one eye closed. Because ..."

Northwestern College
Past Review The Best Possible Way To Finish Up My College Years Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"If I learned one thing, it is this: People are still people, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, or what they believe. We need to love and respect all people if we ever hope to attain peace in our world. My time in Oman brought me into contact with countless people who held different views from me. Those in..."

Northwestern College
Past Review Amazing Oman! Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"I have learned about other people in other parts of the world. This helps me understand the perspective that some people come from and how I can better understand them. This was TOTALLY worthwhile!!"

Northwestern College
Past Review A Trip I Will Never Forget! Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"Learned how to live in a foreign place and how to become a part of the community."

Northwestern College
Past Review A Great Experience Northwestern College: Denver - Denver Urban Semester

"I gained a great appreciation for the day to day life of Denver. I loved getting to know people that I normally wouldn't have met when visiting Denver. Everything from the people to the experiences was a memory that I will always have. I feel like my perception of Denver will always be different than that of someone who is just ..."

Northwestern College
Past Review A Life Changing, Eye Opening Experience Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"I learn to value culture so much during my time abroad, living in Romania also taught me to value simplicity and enjoy a very relaxed culture"

Northwestern College
Past Review Romania: An Experience Foarte Buna! Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"Intercultural communication skills, time management, humility, hospitality."

Northwestern College
Past Review Incredible Immersion And Expsoure To Omani Culture. Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"The importance of cross-cultural learning in order to gain a global perspective and understanding of current events. "

Northwestern College
Past Review A Great Cultural Experience Filled With Kind People And Beautiful Outdoors. Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"Better cultural awareness and love for those different than me. "

Northwestern College
Past Review This Semester Will Stretch You In So Many Great Ways Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned about myself, others, and the world in ways I never could have hoped for."

Northwestern College
Past Review Excellent Cultural Immersion Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"I am used to different cultures in general, but this was something completely different. Imagine being thrown into foreign culture with little to no language lessons, but the lessons you learn each day you see around you. Same goes for the classes as you learn the history, culture, language, and development you actively see and ..."

Northwestern College
Past Review A Distinctive Cross Cultural Experience. Glad I Chose Oman! Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"My goal in studying abroad was to live in a cultural context different than my own in order to broaden my perspective, challenge myself to be more independent, and have adventures--big and small. I achieved these things."

Northwestern College
Past Review Will Challenge And Change You For The Better Study Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

"Worthwhile. It is indescribable until you experience it."

Northwestern College
Past Review Beauty Is Found In Differences. Northwestern College: Denver - Denver Urban Semester

"I came to have a deep appreciation for diversity and realized that I have a passion for working with children who come from underprivileged families. I also learned how to work with students who don't speak English. I also learned how to work with people who communicate in different ways than me. It was definitely worthwhile! "

Northwestern College
Past Review The Middle East: Stop Listening To The Media And Discover It Yourself! Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"I learned about a very misunderstood culture and religion. I continue to be fascinated and in love with the Middle East and I hope to go back one day. It was more than worthwhile, it was an experience I will forever carry with me as a pivoting point in my life."

Northwestern College
Past Review Love Learning Language And Being Outdoorsy? Oman Semester Is For You! Northwestern College: Muscat - Spring Semester in Oman

"Most of what I learned from my abroad experience was about myself, other than the academic knowledge I gained. It was worthwhile, but I don't know if I would do it again (based mostly on how hard I was hit by culture shock for a month in the middle of my semester)."

Northwestern College
Past Review An Adventure Who's Memories I Will Always Remember Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"What I gain and learned on this trip can not fit into this small space. This experience has informed the way that I want to live my life. It has changed the way that I view things. I has given me a perspective that I would have never found."

Northwestern College
Past Review An Excellent Growing Experience In A Wonderfully Diverse City Northwestern College: Denver - Denver Urban Semester

"I learned what it is like to work in the social work field and also work with the homeless community. I am appreciative of all I learned at my practicum site and highly recommend the Denver Rescue Mission to future social work students. My experience of living in Denver was wonderful and I learned a lot just by riding the bus ev..."

Northwestern College
Past Review The Romania Semester Provided Me With An Amazing Cultural Experience. Northwestern College: Romania Semester

"My experience was very worthwhile. I learned more about Romanian culture, and what it means to be a stranger in a different land. I came to call Lupeni home and love the good and bad about it. "

Northwestern College