
Providence College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Study Abroad programs are organized by international education organizations, otherwise known as “program providers.” Program providers can be affiliated with a regular college or university, or they can be separate non-profit organizations. These providers work with academic institutions in the U.S. and abroad to create study opportunities that vary in duration from a summer, semester, or year in length.


All eligibility requirements remain in effect up to the point of departure

Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 (please note some programs may require a higher CGPA)

Must be in at least Junior standing at time of departure

Declared a major prior to December 1st of Sophomore year

Enroll in a minimum of 15 credits per semester abroad

No serious disciplinary record or current probation​

Important Dates and Deadlines

No important dates configured.
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Past Review Brussels: Unparalled To Anything I've Ever Done. Ever. CIEE: Brussels - Business, Communications and Culture

"Absolutely worthwhile. The best experience of my life. No question."

Providence College
Past Review Rhul Royal Holloway, University of London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying abroad was an amazing experience. I made many wonderful friends and gained a new perspective on the world and myself."

Providence College
Past Review A Semester In Florence Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"The experience was absolutely worthwhile. I learned so much from my semester abroad and I have so many memories from my time in Europe. "

Providence College
Past Review Four Of The Best Months Of My Life London Study Abroad Boston University: London - London Internship Program

"Yes, i am more confident and I gained personal and professional experience from my study abroad. I also grew academically and living somewhere else for four months as a student is a once in a lifetime opportunity every student should take advantage of."

Providence College
Past Review Studying Abroad In Ireland Was The Best Experience Of My Life! IFSA: Dublin - University College Dublin

"That is an understatement, as I said, this experience was the best time of my life."

Providence College
Past Review The Challenges And Benefits Of Studying In London Arcadia: London - University College London

"I believe I understand how the United States fits into the rest of the world much more than I did before. I think I changed much more as an individual than I expected. I had to learn to live completely on my own for the first time, and I had to do things on my own a lot more than I did at home. My future plans have not changed m..."

Providence College
Past Review Intense But Life Changing! Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"Semester at Sea gave me a good preview of many different countries. It gave me a more educated idea of where I would want to travel back to as well as what I would want to do at these places."

Providence College
Past Review New Zealand The Land Of Adventure Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"Greater understanding of self, more confident, more sincere, and self-sufficient. "

Providence College
Past Review Copenhagen: Challenging And Formidable DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Great experience in foreign culture"

Providence College
Past Review Ireland A Straight Forward Review Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway

"It was a great experience, the only thing is that i wish that i could have taken classes that would have counted towards my major. Also though ireland is a lot of fun it is quite difficult to visit other countries because of the distance not only to the the country itself but you have to put on an extra 3 hours to get to the air..."

Providence College
Past Review "The Most Amazing Four Months Of My Life!!" DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I could not have asked for a better four months!"

Providence College
Past Review Studying In Scotland: A Fun And Rewarding Experience IFSA: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"It was definitely worth it to study abroad. It was an amazing experience and I learned a lot about myself,life, and another culture. I'm a history major and the amount of history in Scotland was incredible and definitely helped develop another area of interest in history. "

Providence College
Past Review London: A Life Changing Experience Boston University: London - London Internship Program

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Providence College
Past Review "Jordan: Enlightening, Complex, And Life Changing" SIT Study Abroad: Jordan - Modernization and Social Change

"I can't even begin to describe how much I grew as a person, and how my mind was broadened by this experience. "

Providence College
Past Review Florence: Education And Life Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Yes, it was very worthwhile. I gained a lot of insight into myself and enjoyed living in a foreign country thoroughly. If I could study abroad again, I would probably choose a different country to learn more about another location, but I definitely want to return to Italy in the future."

Providence College
Past Review I Never Wanted To Leave London. Boston University: London - London Internship Program

"I studied journalism even though I focus on literature studies at school. The program both increased my interest in journalism and proved to me that I can pursue it as a career. I also became much more interested in world cultural studies and politics."

Providence College
Past Review Firenze Expands Your Horizon And Immerses You In Culture Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Studying abroad connected me with many students my age that have similar experiences even though they are from different cultures in the USA. Once you have a group of friends that you can click with, the next step is to experience all of the city and travel together. Amongst your relationships and travels you will learn new th..."

Providence College
Past Review Interning In The Italian Workplace Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I gained a lot of independence an cultural awareness."

Providence College
Past Review Denmark Is Awesome DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Yes. Much more aware of world events and how the United States is viewed. Best four months of my life (so far!)"

Providence College
Past Review Rome: The Eternal Semester Loyola University Chicago: Rome - John Felice Rome Center

"Yes and i definitely want to have a career in the future that involves traveling."

Providence College
Past Review Royal Holloway: Bloody Brilliant. Royal Holloway, University of London: London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Without hesitation it was definitely worth it. I learned a lot about all the areas mentioned in the survey, but in particular about myself as a person. I met a lot of tremendous people and gained a bigger sense of confidence and self awareness. I cannot recommend studying abroad, in any country, enough. "

Providence College
Past Review Paris: The City Of Light (And So Much More!) France Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Absolutely. Definitely the best thing I've ever done. My world got so much bigger after spending a semester in Paris and traveling throughout Europe."

Providence College
Past Review A Yankee In Emperor Meiji's Court: Adapting To Japan's Homogeneous Society Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Tokyo

"My study abroad experience in Tokyo was something that I had been working towards since I was a freshmen in college. Besides the language experience I gained while I was abroad I learned how to be comfortable with myself and became more confident in a leadership role and as a representative of both my college and country. It def..."

Providence College
Past Review Livin' La Vida Alicantina CIEE: Alicante - Liberal Arts

"Going abroad has made me very independent, and more worldly. I got to see and do so many things I thought I would never see or do. I learned that open mindedness will get you very far, and in another country the best thing to do is whatever the natives do. Unlike most people, I had interest in teaching abroad when I graduated co..."

Providence College