Rice University

September 20, 2024

University Information

William Marsh Rice University, commonly referred to as Rice University or Rice, is a private research university located on a 295-acre campus in Houston, Texas, United States.

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Rice University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. We also hope that these first-hand accounts of education abroad from previous students at your institution will help you understand what to expect from study abroad and help you set your expectations. If you are a Rice University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

Important Dates and Deadlines

For deadline information, please visit http://abroad.rice.edu/

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Past Review Argentina Has A Very "European" Culture. I Loved Every Moment Of My Semester Universidad Nacional de Cuyo: Mendoza - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was the most worthwhile experience of my life. Not only did I greatly improve my Spanish skills, but I had the chance to live like an Argentine for 5 months. The relationships I developed with Argentines expanded my world view, and helped me view history and various world events from a different perspective. Furthermore, s..."

Rice University
Past Review I'm A Cambridge Woman! IFSA: Cambridge - England Study Abroad Program at Pembroke College

"It was definitely worthwhile! It showed me a lot of what it means to not only be an American, but also how we have such an Isolationist attitude. I realized how to better understand things from a global perspective by seeing it from another viewpoint."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Shanghai - Accelerated Chinese Language

"My study abroad experience was very different than I had expected, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Not only did I meet amazing people and get the chance to live in a country where my family is from, I gained confidence, communication and language skills, and a better understanding of my culture and a better app..."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) INSTEP: Cambridge - Institute of Economic and Political Studies

"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. Whether it was the people, the university, the cultural aspect- all had given me new and more global perspectives."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) API (Academic Programs International): Grenoble - Université des Alpes

"My study abroad experience was very worthwhile, though I did experience a fair degree of homesickness. I believe if I had gotten out more and explored the country/neighboring cities I would have enjoyed the experience much better. I gained several friends, good confidence in my French abilities, and a greater perspective of Amer..."

Rice University
Past Review Study Abroad At Leuphana Universitaet Lueneburg USAC Germany: Lüneburg - German Language, European and Sustainability/Environmental Studies

"I really enjoyed being abroad this summer--it was so worth it. There were ups and downs, but it was a valuable experience. It was fascinating to be in a place with such rich history, and I am really happy about the independence I developed while navigating cities in Germany. My German also improved in leaps and bounds. Do it..."

Rice University
Past Review Study Abroad At Universidad San Franciso De Quito Universidad San Francisco de Quito: USFQ Cumbaya Program

"Definitely worthwhile. If I weren't so caught up in things at my home university I would go back and do this same exact program again (and again). Of course, it helped to give me a more global perspective on many things. I feel incredibly enriched and blessed to have gotten to participate."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Guanajuato - Liberal Arts


Rice University
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: Dunedin - University of Otago

"I gained alot of experience, and wisdom about what to do and what not to do. I also learned that relationships are better than experiences. Still, getting to know the people there and explore as I did was certainly worth it. I highly value independence and exploration, and I was able to (almost) satiate those there."

Rice University
Past Review Mexican Culture In Guanajuato Universidad de Guanajuato: Guanajuato - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I really enjoyed my time abroad. Some of my best experiences came from after the program ended however - I stayed for an extra couple weeks to try to live on my own. I would highly recommend doing so, as it gives you the opportunity to use what you learned from the program and apply it to getting by without much assistance. "

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts, Dominican Republic

"It was amazing. I am a different person than when I left. "

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts, Dominican Republic

"Absolutely! I gained a new outlook not only on health care and public policy, but also on aspects of life we take for granted in the United States. Complete foreign language and culture immersion taught me to laugh at myself and maintain a sense of humor no matter what happened. Lastly, I made lifelong friends with Dominican stu..."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"It was absolutely worth it. At first, I was intimidated by the level of language fluency required in this program, but now I am generally fluent in Spanish and I even understand Catalán. I met many locals, and they are now some of my good friends. I know I will always have a place to stay in Barcelona. The city is so liberal and..."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: Hong Kong - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Seriously, go. I was so nervous about going abroad but I have no regrets. I met amazing people and have come with wonderful memories. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) SIT Study Abroad Nepal: Development, Gender, and Social Change in the Himalaya

"My experience was definitely worth it; as is the case in any situation, it had it's ups and downs and getting accustomed to Nepali customs and culture was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but by the end of the semester, I never wanted to leave. I met some amazing people on my program and loved every last one of my tea..."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) Institute for American Universities (IAU): The School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France

"Definitely worthwhile. I have been dying to travel to Europe since I was about 10 years old, so this trip was the fulfillment of that dream. I saw sites in France, Italy, and London that I will never forget and feel privileged to have witnessed. When you go abroad, you are totally stripped of everything that defines you- your us..."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"It was definitely worth while. It is difficult to explain the new prospective Semester at Sea gave me. It changed the way I view other people and cultures and especially changed my overall outlook on life. I have never considered myself a very cultured person and never really could look at situations from the other peoples pe..."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) DIS Summer in Scandinavia

"This was a great program that gave me a global outlook. I would strongly recommend this program if you care about the academics abroad and are unsure about being completely imersed in another culture. It was well worth the money."

Rice University
Past Review (No Title) API (Academic Programs International): Salamanca - Universidad de Salamanca

"It was wonderful. I gained new friends, new travel experiences, and better language skills."

Rice University
Past Review Icads Is Costa Rica's Best Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS): San Jose - Summer Internship Program

"It was definitely worth it; ICADS was amazing, and I feel like I gained so much independence and understanding of another culture. It also gave me the opportunity to have an amazing medical experience I could never have had as an undergrad in the US (putting in stitches, etc). "

Rice University
Past Review Medical Practice And Policy Program DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"This is a really wonderful program and Copenhagen is such a fun city. The Danes are super nice, and they all speak flawless English. Travel out of Copenhagen is a little more difficult than maybe from other places in Europe like Paris or Berlin, but it's such a nice, hidden treasure that makes it worth the extra money. Also, the..."

Rice University
Past Review Studying Abroad In Guanajuato. Mexico Universidad de Guanajuato Escuela de Idiomas: Guanajuato - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I left for my program tired and frustrated....and returned reenergized and feeling like I could do anything in the world and be happy. "

Rice University