Saint Louis University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Saint Louis University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Saint Louis University student, please check with the Office of International Services for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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05/02/2023 Life Changing Sant'Anna Institute: Sorrento - Live, Learn and Immerse in Italy

"changed my life. put yourself out there! the friends you make abroad are the best ones."

Saint Louis University
Past Review Life Changing Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens

"Outside of the great classes offered at Webster, I learned a lot about being independent, making friends, and cherishing every day."

Saint Louis University
Past Review Come To Greece For An Amazing Abroad Experience!! Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens

"I learned that I can be comfortable in a totally new place very quickly, and that I can adjust to the pace of life here. I got to take time to do things that I rarely had time for at my home university, like reading for fun, painting, taking long walks, etc. It was absolutely worthwhile coming here. Getting to travel to other pa..."

Saint Louis University
Past Review An Experience That Had A Lot Of Potential But Was Ruined Due To Poor Support. Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I gained international exposure, but wished it would have been more immersive and had better administration."

Saint Louis University
Past Review Very Immersive! The Beijing Center: Semester and Full Year Abroad

"I gained a great international perspective about a unique study abroad destination. I learned a lot about the culture and made many great friends."

Saint Louis University
Past Review An Experience That I Will Remember And Cherish Forever!1 The Intern Group: Madrid Internship Placement Program

"I learned to communicate with people from different countries and grow my confidence while doing so."

Saint Louis University
Past Review Good Internship Experience The Intern Group: London Internship Placement Program

"I have learned so much in my job role and meet a lot of friends. The experience is worthwhile and recommended. "

Saint Louis University
Past Review The Most Amazing Adventure Yet Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens

"This experience was more than worthwhile and I would recommend it to absolutely everyone. The people of Greece are so friendly and welcoming. At the beginning of the program, I traveled around to other countries, but always found myself excited to be going back to Athens. Of course, I loved the other countries that I went to, b..."

Saint Louis University
Past Review Coming To Webster Athens Is The Best Decision I've Ever Made! Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens

"I learned so much about myself and got to see so many incredible and beautiful things."

Saint Louis University
Past Review An Immersive Program That Develops The Whole Person. Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"It was absolutely worthwhile. The new perspectives that I gained have challenged the way I view the world and I believe I am still changing from the experience as I have more time to reflect on what it has meant to me. "

Saint Louis University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Oppurtunity Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Abroad was incredible and definitely worth while. My thing that I am going to try and bring back most with me is the simplistic lifestyle I lived in Europe. Before I always kept myself way to busy and never got to just take a minute and relax and that is something that I learned while in Italy. "

Saint Louis University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Experience, Webster University In London Regent’s University London: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a sense of independence and confidence. I have become much more worldly and open minded to new philosophies. "

Saint Louis University
Past Review A Life Changing Experience That Everyone Should Experience. Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"What I gained can't even be put into words. I gained confidence in myself, the best relationships I've every had, a love of the world around me, and so much more."

Saint Louis University
Past Review The Experience Taught Me A New Way Of Thinking. Webster University: Athens - Odyssey in Athens

"I learned that sometimes you never know how you are going to react to situation until you are put right in the middle of it. Only, then will you truly know. "

Saint Louis University
Past Review Perfetto Loyola University Chicago: Rome - John Felice Rome Center

"I learned so much about myself and how I deal with situations along with how I deal with others. I became a lot more laidback and more of a minimalist. I value experiences now, not things."

Saint Louis University
Past Review The Best 4 Months Of My Life. Saint Louis University Campus in Madrid / SLU-Madrid

"I have a much greater appreciation for cultural diversity and personal diversity. My palette has also opened up substantially and I am very open to trying new things now."

Saint Louis University
Past Review Wonderful Experience With Isa Lima ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"Finally became fluent in Spanish, living in a Latin American megacity was unforgettable experience"

Saint Louis University