Saint Michael's College
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Saint Michael's College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Saint Michael's College student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
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No important dates configured."I got hands-on experience in the field which was something you just can't get in the states. You work with real ancient greek history, its an experience you can't find anywhere else. "
braden D Saint Michael's College
"It was incredibly worthwhile. It changed my life. "
Marisa A. Iannitto Saint Michael's College
"I learned a lot about the confidence that comes from independence. It's rather forced upon you living in another country, but you get outside your comfort zone quickly and learn to fend for yourself in ways that I've never had to at home. "
Anna Meusel Saint Michael's College
"While in Mongolia, I learned a lot about the culture, conservation, and myself. I saw what real, meaningful research looked like, and I felt like we were really making a difference in the national park. I learned about the type of relationships the Mongolian people have with each other and the environment. It was very inspiring,..."
Lauren Dunn Saint Michael's College
"While in Mongolia, I learned a lot about the culture, conservation, and myself. I saw what real, meaningful research looked like, and I felt like we were really making a difference in the national park. I learned about the type of relationships the Mongolian people have with each other and the environment. It was very inspiring,..."
Lauren Dunn Saint Michael's College
"I learned a lot in independence and grew up a lot while abroad. "
Maggie Whittemore Saint Michael's College
"I learned both about myself and about Chilean culture. I experienced city life for the first time and figured out how to manuever in a place where I was the minority. I learned how kind and selfless people are, how important it is to ask for help and gained a sense of humility. I also gained perspective on the value of another c..."
Jessica Barnett Saint Michael's College
"I learned a lot about myself as well the rest of the world and how different it is than America. It was very worthwhile. I realized that I am able to do things on my own and that I am an independent person. I learned many life skills that I took with me home. I also learned a lot in my classes. "
Alexis H Saint Michael's College
"I learned who I really am. Being away from the place that I was so comfortable with allowed me to open up, mature, and notice how thirsty I am to learn even more abut myself. I became more outgoing, adventurous, aware, mature, grateful, and most of all to notice that I will never stop growing. "
Mackenzie H Saint Michael's College
"Everything. I learned so much in all aspects and yes it was worthwhile!"
Laura D Saint Michael's College
"I learned to live on my own, thrive in some adverse conditions (going abroad is hard at first!), and made some amazing friends. It was 100% percent worthwhile, and I wish I could do it again."
Moe P Saint Michaels College
"It was the most amazing time of my life. It depended my love of the french language. It has changed me so much as a person and helped me grow in so many ways. I now know that i am a strong enough person to just get on a plane and go to a foreign country and be not only happy but able to live their happily. I love the french way ..."
Larissa S Saint Michaels College
"I have an invaluable understanding of the rigor of field research. I have an intimite knowledge of fish dissection and genus/species names. I have decided, after my SFS experience, to pursue a Ph.D. in marine science and policy. "
Emma F Saint Michaels College
"I came home with a whole new set of confidence in my own abilities as well as different skills that I had learned in the classroom setting at a large university. Most importantly I had been bite by the travel bug. "
Lauren S Saint Michaels College