Spelman College
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Spelman College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Spelman College student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned how to do things on my own and be comfortable on my own."
Jasmine M Spelman College
"I learned more about myself in terms of what I am capable of independently. Spelman prepared me for experiences such as this one, and London was the test. I am prepared for the next trip!"
Justice Spelman College
"I gained lifelong friends and family. I also gained more knowledge on why Japan developed into what it is today and how this impacts the citizens. It was worthwhile because studying a country from your home institution is very different from traveling to the country and learning about their history."
Khalia Bowles Spelman College
"Abroad, I learned how to be vigilant and self-sufficient. It was definitely worthwhile."
Daijah Blackburn Spelman College
"To live in the moment !"
Nylah Moore Spelman College
"Mainly, I gained a stronger sense of self, emotional intelligence and became more self-sufficient. I also learned a lot about judicial and political issues that were going on globally, which made me a more informed but concerned citizen. "
Jackie B Spelman College
"I gained perspective, inspiration, practical public health knowledge, experience interning abroad, international family and friends, and more. It was absolutely worthwhile."
Jeshurun Adarquah-Yiadom Spelman College
"I gained insight into who I am and who I could be. I also gained practical clinical experience."
Jeshurun Adarquah-Yiadom Spelman College
"It was worthwhile. I learned that I was capable of being on my own in a foregin country and getting around successfully. "
Jovanna Greig Spelman College
"I became more assertive and grounded in my abilities and intuition. I learned how healthy friendships and networking is to be maintained and what it take to make them flourish and long lasting. "
Prentiss Edmond Spelman College
"I learned that I can live abroad for a long period of time and that it's important to share my story with others around the world. "
A student Spelman College
"Yes it was . I learnt loads about New Zealand as well as about myself "
Uty Spelman College
"I definitely gained an enlightened global perspective from my experience abroad. It was absolutely worthwhile to be able to experience and appreciate a different culture and it is one that I will cherish and reflect upon forever. "
A student Spelman College
"It was absolutely worthwhile as I gained so much from being abroad for the semester. I learned a lot about myself as well as my host culture and I'm truly grateful for the experience!"
Kameelah Spelman College
"Yes, the program was definitely worthwhile. I learned that studying abroad can open up a wide variety of opportunities to learn others' culture and learn more about one's self. As the individualism slowly fades the cares of others' begins to take presidence in your life. "
Haleigh Hoskins Spelman College
"I gained international knowledge and a taste of a new culture. "
A student Spelman College
"Learned a lot about myself (what things make me happy, how to be comfortable alone etc.)"
A student Spelman College
"I learned how to be an independent adult, and how to feel confident in myself. In my opinion I feel it was completely worth it."
Thabiti A Spelman College
"I gained a very valuable graduate level research experience as an undergraduate which was very critical in helping me to decide whether or not graduate school was right for me. I learned a lot about myself as a person and as a student and was able to gain invaluable experience as a researcher."
A student Spelman College
"I learned a lot about myself. I learned how to manage my money with my parents. I learned to navigate a city easily. I learned depend on myself in a new environment. I definitely plan to return to France and learn more about the culture and myself in the future."
Alexandra S Spelman College
"This is a loaded question. Granada taught me to relax a little more and to enjoy life a lot more. It exposed me to the joys of different cultures and made me a more globally aware citizen. Granada forced me to speak Spanish and, though it was extremely difficult (and downright awkward at times), I persevered and am so much the b..."
Ari J Spelman College
"It was a great experience. I met a lot of people, learned a lot of different things about the culture and myself, and had a blast!"
Sharon B Spelman College