St. Mary's College of Maryland
University Information
The Office of International Education Abroad at St. Mary's College of Maryland offers students 19 different program options as well as the ability to go on other programs that fit their academic and career goals.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Fall Deadline - October 1st
Summer Deadline - February 1st
Spring and Academic Year Deadline - March 1st
"I learned an appreciation for international travel--I'm looking forward do doing more traveling in the future."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned a lot about what it takes to live in a culture very different from my own. I learned a new language and I learned a lot about local gambian students. It was very worthwhile. "
Kevin M St. Mary's College of Maryland
"It is hard to put into a few sentences what I learned from this experience abroad. It was truly something that changed me academically, culturally, and personally. The number of opportunities I had while on this trip are unimaginable. I learned an incredible amount about the medical field and healthcare in a third world. I was a..."
katelyn.riegger St. Mary's College of Maryland
"New self awareness and appreciation for the world around me and the people in it. "
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I experienced the impoverished lifestyle in developing countries that many westerners only have an idea of. It was incredibly worthwhile, and has taught me to value many things as opposed to taking them for granted. "
Alexander B St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned how to come out of my shell a bit more and how to truly appreciate and respect another culture. It was most definitely worthwhile and I would go on this study tour again in a heartbeat."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"It was very worth while. I learned so much about a culture i've never even heard of before. I really filled my brain up with more knowledge and wisdom. "
Meshan L St. Mary's College of Maryland
"yes, It's surprising how we can know that other people in other countries exist, but we don't really believe it until we're there."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I was able to gain experience with a completely different culture from the one I live in, and while it did have its ups and downs it was definitely a worthwhile trip."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I really learned about how i feel in my environment - I can see how it changes around me and that is something that I really value a lot."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned how to handle myself while traveling without parents, and I learned that I would love to go into archaeology. It was worthwhile, simply because I enjoyed every minute of it. I made some solid friendships and have memories that will stay with me forever."
Katherine B St. Mary's College of Maryland
"Words really can't describe and I get emotional thinking about it. Though it sounds cliche, I can honestly say that my year abroad profoundly changed my life and my outlook. Of course, I expected this to happen on an intellectual/linguistic/ academic level, but I truly could not have prepared myself for such a dramatic transform..."
Bianca G St. Mary's College of Maryland
"Personal self reliance , connection with another culture, personal enrichment in course of study Yes, very worthwhile"
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"very worthwhile, amazing experience overall"
Charles C St. Mary's College of Maryland
"It was absolutely worthwhile, and there isn't much I could say to do justice to what I learned- about myself, culture and music."
Ben V St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned a lot about growing up, about adventure and curiosity, and about letting life be a long journey, don't rush through i to get to the end."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I brought back a tangible set of memories from Greece. Beyond that, I can remember the feeling of the sun on my skin,and the heat in my mouth, but also the cool feel of marble tiles and the lights on ruins. Mostly what I learned was that I really did choose an amazing dream years ago, because living it was just as wonderful as..."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"Local culture/history"
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned a lot about Italian culture in a very short time and gained invaluable experience singing in the choir, meeting new friends both from the US and from places like Georgia, Mexico and of course Italy. It was definitely worthwhile and I can't wait to return for an entire semester!"
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"Yes, i learned that infact want to be a doctor in a devloping country"
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"Learned how to write quickly, study well and just get around better as an individual, extremely worthwhile."
Shannon R St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned a lot about Gambian culture, it was definitely worth it"
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"A greater appreciation for the life that I have here in America. Yes it was worthwhile. "
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"A better understanding of myself as both an artist and a human being. it was the most worthwhile experience I've ever had "
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland
"I learned that you should be eager to try new things, whether it's food, activities, whatever. When you're abroad, everything (or at least, a lot of things) are different, and you can't be afraid to step a little bit outside of your comfort zone and enjoy what is there. It's not likely you'll regret at least trying something w..."
A student St. Mary's College of Maryland