
St. Mary's College of Maryland

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Office of International Education Abroad at St. Mary's College of Maryland offers students 19 different program options as well as the ability to go on other programs that fit their academic and career goals.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Fall Deadline - October 1st
Summer Deadline - February 1st
Spring and Academic Year Deadline - March 1st

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review I Almost Couldn't Bring Myself To Leave, Incredible Experience AIFS: Cannes - Campus International de Cannes

"I learned what I wanted to do with the rest of college and afterwards, I am now going into the PeaceCorps to keep travelling and learning. It was indescribably worthwhile. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Exploring The Ruins And Sites Of Greece And Ephesus, Turkey St. Mary's College of Maryland: Athens - Greece Study Tour: Athletes, Actors and Sages

"We traveled to so many places and learned their history, through books we read and the tours of the sites themselves. We gained more than that, though. I learned a great deal about modern Greece, the political state of both Greece and Turkey, and the cultures of both countries, at least a little. I gained an appreciation for how..."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Challenging, Tons Of Fun, And Worth It. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"I learned how to live on my own in an unfamiliar place. It was very worthwhile. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review My Heart Remains In Florence. AIFS: Florence - Richmond in Florence and Internship Program

"I believe that studying abroad should be a requirement for all American students. I think this would show Americans to be more open-minded and give them a more global perspective, as opposed to the typical narrow-minded bubble that most Americans live in. Studying abroad is a time for a lot of self-growth to occur. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Challenging, But Worth It Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"How to budget on a weekly basis, how to balance course work and travel, and how to interact with new people from different cultures"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Crazy, Hectic, Beautiful, And Incredible! St. Mary's College of Maryland: Traveling - India Study Tour

"This experience was so incredibly worthwhile! Not only did i learn about Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism, but I was able to learn how to be more culturally sensitive to other individuals. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Te Extraño, Centroamérica Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS): San José - Social Justice and Development Internship

"I learned so much about Latin America, specifically Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and the way that I as a U.S. citizen affect people living here. I was able to make connections with material from previous courses in Spanish, sociology, political science, religious studies, psychology, biology, environmental science, and much more. T..."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Great James Cook University - Townsville: Townsville - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"A lot and yes"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Great Tropical Biology Trip St. Mary's College of Maryland: Belize - Tropical Biology in Belize

"Gained appreciation for tropical biological diversity"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review The Best Experience I Could Ask For! AIFS: Salzburg - University of Salzburg

"This was an extremely worthwhile experience. I learned a lot about myself through the experience. I did not do any travel before this trip on my own, but I was able to travel and have an amazing time during study abroad. Study abroad also allowed me to see tons of cultures and meet many new people to share and compare experience..."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Good Food, Good Beer, Great People, Beautiful Country. St. Mary's College of Maryland: Nitze Scholars Program, South Africa

"It's one thing to study repression, its another to see it. Totally worthwhile, really brought what we had learned about SA in the classroom to a head."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review An Amazing Adventure I Will Never Forget. St. Mary's College of Maryland: Athens - Greece Study Tour: Athletes, Actors and Sages

"Definitely was worthwhile. I got to see a whole new side to the world and to experience and immerse myself into a whole new culture."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Hot And Bothered, But It Was All Worth It. St. Mary's College of Maryland: Kanifing - PEACE in The Gambia

"I realized the contexts to which everyday life varies for the individual."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Great People, Great Food, Great Fun St. Mary's College of Maryland: Athens - Greece Study Tour: Athletes, Actors and Sages

"I loved getting a different perspective on non-American lifestyle."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review An Awesome Month All Around Greece St. Mary's College of Maryland: Athens - Greece Study Tour: Athletes, Actors and Sages

"I learned that the history of Ancient Greece has more implications on modern Greece than I ever would have thought. I learned that Greece is almost all covered in mountains, and that it is gorgeous! I learned that, for the most part, the people there are so nice and are after real relationships with their customers rather than j..."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Exploring The Gambia, Through Culture And Archaeology. St. Mary's College of Maryland: Traveling - Gambia Field Study Program

"Yes, my experience was generally positive. I want to go back 100 percent"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Great To See The Country I Had Learned So Much About St. Mary's College of Maryland: Nitze Scholars Program, South Africa

"Learned more about a new culture and felt what it is like to be a minority. Also personal growth. Definitely worthwhile"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review The Best Unforgettable Experience Ever!! Ecuador Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I learned not to fear horses and that traveling alone is not so scary. I learned to enter a new culture with an open mind. I learned that is I am respectful of cultural differences, people will be respectful of my culture. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Pura Vida! Challenges And Adventures For A Lifetime :) Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS): San José - Language and Society Immersion Program

"I learned a lot about myself as a teacher and a student, it was absolutely worthwhile! :) "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review The Best Four Months Of My Life, No Question. API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"It was definitely the best four months of my life. I gained confidence, I became a happier and more relaxed person and my Spanish skills improved immensely."

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Maturing James Cook University - Townsville: Townsville - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot of independence and how different cultures can be from one another. It was 100% worthwhile and I learned a ton. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Scotland: The Perfect Place To Live And/Or Study Abroad Arcadia: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"My experience was fantastic. I am genuinely devastated that I cannot repeat my time abroad. I am hopeful that I will be able to one day do my masters degree or live in Glasgow for much, much longer than 6 months!"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review More American Than Expected University College Dublin: Dublin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Dublin was an amazing experience and it made me a more comfortable traveller and city resident. "

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Hard But Worth It Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"Independence in my personal life and in my education"

St. Mary's College of Maryland
Past Review Unforgettable And Incredible Experience: Expect The Unexpected And Jaama Rek St. Mary's College of Maryland: Kanifing - PEACE in The Gambia

"I learned a lot about Gambian culture. My experience was definitely worthwhile! The Gambia is filled with such a rich culture that the world should see! The people are wonderful and make you feel so welcome. I would do anything to go back, honestly."

St. Mary's College of Maryland