SUNY - Binghamton
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at SUNY - Binghamton. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a SUNY - Binghamton student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."The experience was definitely worth it. I was so glad to get to know a large chunk of my classmates on a level that no one will forget. I learned a lot about the auto market, rural retail, and education through our company visits. "
Andrew K SUNY - Binghamton
"It was absolutely worthwhile. I can't wait to go back to my host country to live for a few years. The friends that I made, both local and American, will be my friends for life and I cannot understate how my language skills improved. I also did a lot of traveling and it was a completely unique time in my life. I was presented wit..."
Julia R SUNY - Binghamton
"This study abroad experience was worth while. Traveling to India was such an amazing experience. I learned so much about a different culture and how people are living differently than I am. Going to the different businesses was also a good experience. I became more independent by traveling abroad, and it taught me more about mys..."
Brittney F SUNY - Binghamton
"yes worhtwhile, the program was poor"
Alissa C SUNY - Binghamton
"I learned SO much about European culture and being on my own and traveling on my own. I would have never been able to have this type of experience anywhere else. I feel much more educated now that I am back at my home university "
Alisa G SUNY - Binghamton
"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned to be more open minded and open up to other cultures."
Nakia R SUNY - Binghamton
"SO worthwhile. I wish that I knew how much I was going to love it and stay for a year. "
Amelia L SUNY - Binghamton
"Studying abroad was an amazing experience. When you are a new to a culture and language, it is like infancy all over again-exciting, frightening, fascinating, frustrating, and eye-opening. If you want to be part of the 21st century, you should go experience another culture and live there."
Derek B SUNY - Binghamton
"I learned about new cultures. I have never traveled to a country with such a high poverty rate and people who live so differently based on religions that aren't as prevalent in the United States. "
Jordan S SUNY - Binghamton
"IT was truly amazing! Going abroad was one of the best experiences of my life, and i would do it again in a heartbeat. Brisbane was beautiful and so different from new york. I took classes that counted for my major (neuroscience), so i did not fall behind with graduating. "
Lauren S SUNY - Binghamton
"Absolutely worthwhile. China is going to impact the world politically, socially, economically, and culturally. It was very important to travel there and gain a sense of what challenges they face, and what opportunities they have for their own people."
Shannon D SUNY - Binghamton
"Doing this study aboard program was the best decision I have made so far in my life. I learn so much from all the new people I meet and new places I went to. I joined club that I never even pictured myself doing. I have gained a new prospective on how things are done in different countries. I have a better understanding of diffe..."
Genesis R SUNY - Binghamton
"Very worthwhile. Got to travel and learn a lot. "
Victoria G SUNY - Binghamton
"Absolutely worth while. Immersingmyself into another culture is the easiest and most exciting way to learn about it."
Amy R SUNY - Binghamton
"100%. i had an incredible experience, although most of it had little to do with classes or any of that. it's just a fantastic opportunity to live abroad, etc...."
Roi C SUNY - Binghamton
"Absolutely. I'm a much more independent person now. I gained a more global perspective of the world, instead of just the American view that I used to have. I proved to myself that I can do a lot more than I thought I could and I really enjoyed my four months away from home. It was amazing."
Jennifer R SUNY - Binghamton
"My study abroad experience was amazing, absolutely they best thing I have ever done in my life and something I wish I could repeat. I made so many wonderful friends, took interesting classes, ate great food, and got to travel to other European cities I had always wanted to see."
Kelsey L SUNY - Binghamton
"Yes, it was worthwhile. I learned a lot about other religions and cultural practices, as well as the many cross-cultural similarities that exist (as well as cross-cultural differences). I look at people from other countries and other countries in general in a new light now. "
Alexandra D SUNY - Binghamton
"I had the best time in my life! I learned how to make friends anywhere and everywhere and now know I can adapt to any environment."
Jaqueline K SUNY - Binghamton
"It was definitely worthwhile. I gained a new perspective of living and an appreciation for conditions and food in the United States. I feel that the trip did meet its goal of teaching us about conducting business in India (in several specific industries) and basic ideas that could be applied to other emerging markets."
Kristin H SUNY - Binghamton
"Overall I found it extremely worthwhile and am thankful for the opportunities I was presented with while abroad. I learned a lot about others, the country, and myself. It strengthened my yearn to travel even more. "
Claire W SUNY - Binghamton
"To the first: yes. To the second: I learned more about France / French, myself, and the world in general, than any other 4 month period in my life. "
Gane D SUNY - Binghamton
"I had a great time in Japan, and experienced some wonderful moments. I learned a lot not only about Japan, but about world cultures and globalization. To be sure, not everything can be perfect in a 4 month span of time. My host family turned out to be a dud. But I made lots of friends from Japan, America, and all over the wo..."
Matthew G SUNY - Binghamton
"I would do this program a thousand times over."
Pamela P SUNY - Binghamton
"I love my abroad experience and I would definitely go again if possible. One thing that I did learn that it is very important to keep an open mind when abroad."
Jiali H SUNY - Binghamton