The University of Texas at Austin
University Information
The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.
Important Dates and Deadlines
October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
"I have traveled a lot so it did not feel like a big deal to study abroad in Berlin, however, the experience was very worthwhile and I was able to network in my field while in Berlin."
Cleo Stern The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned I can travel by myself (definitely recommend). "
Rachael The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned about North African culture and Moroccans and their government. That just because they don't live in a democracy doesn't mean they want to overthrow their king and/or don't have human rights and acceptable living standards. "
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"It was definitely a worthwhile experience! I gained new confidence both in myself as an individual but also in my ability to meet and connect with new people all over the world. I also gained insight into the cultural differences that come with each country I visited."
Margaret Young The University of Texas at Austin
"My experience in Buenos Aires was truly unforgettable. That is a cliche thing to say, I know, as it is said by virtually each and every student who studies abroad. But I truly believe that my time not only in Buenos Aires, but specifically with IES was a special one to say the least. Buenos Aires is a magical city. You have the ..."
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"if you want to really enjoy your time, you have to put yourself out there! it's not a long time so pick and choose what to do wisely!"
Madeline Christensen The University of Texas at Austin
"Learned a lot more Korean, made some good friends and saw a lot of things I did not experience my last time there."
Kenneth Nienhuser The University of Texas at Austin
"I don't regret going. I learned better ways to get around a city, how to avoid tourist places and I made friends that helped me learn their language."
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I was starting to find myself"
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"Everyone appreciates that you came to their country to learn. They appreciate it more when you try to speak to them in Korean and it is rewarding. There is always something to do and you would never want to waste and day without going out on an adventure."
Tammy Tu The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned about a culture I did not know much about. I explored southeast Asia with amazing people that I met at CUHK. I studied psychology from a new perspective. "
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I will have lifelong friends that I would never have met otherwise and learned how to truly take care of myself so far from home. Hell yeah, it was worth it."
Alexandra Stephenson The University of Texas at Austin
"Personal growth and cultural awareness expanded"
Deja Rollison The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned more about Korean history and culture than what I had thought I had already known. I think it was worthwhile because it allowed me to connect to my Korean roots. "
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I think my self- confidence in general improved. I don't know how or why, but it did. I gained lifetime friends, tons of memories and experiences. I discovered a newfound passion for travelling and hiking, and discovered that I'm more adaptable than I thought I was. "
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"The Mexican culture! "
Ivan Savinon The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned about life in Mexico, my culture's perspective on social and global issues, and I learned to enjoy life. Definitely worthwhile. "
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"Before arriving, I could no even speak the language or understand anything, but I could carry on basic conversations, some very in depth depending on the topic. I also took the opportunity to explore a lot of beautiful places in Taiwan, which has given me a greater appreciation for nature and natural beauty all over the world. T..."
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I gained a lot in Vietnam and was able to rekindle many passions and past loves. The program revealed to me more than I could've learned by myself, and it revealed to me the different intricacies between different societies and ways of thinking."
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I've learned that the environment/society we live in dictate our beliefs and there is no universal morality, what we "think" is right or wrong is just that, a thought that is conditioned through our society and experiences. This experience has really opened my mind to be accepting of other cultures and philosophies, definitely w..."
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I made some really great international friends that I plan on staying in contact with, and got to explore one of my favorite cities in the world."
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned/gained a broader view on different cultures. It has been great!"
Molly Karten The University of Texas at Austin
"I became fluent in German and learned so much about German history by experiencing it. I was absolutely worthwhile. "
Autumn Cox-Sweet The University of Texas at Austin
"I learned about other cultures "
A student The University of Texas at Austin
"There is so much to gain from this experience. First a sense of independence. Though you're living in an unfamiliar area it is incredibly easy to get around Hong Kong and learn as much about the culture as possible. Trust yourself and motivate yourself to try new things and meet people from different backgrounds and experiences...."
Emma Gardephe The University of Texas at Austin