
Towson University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad Office at Towson University is dedicated to providing all students with high quality international academic opportunities that allow them to develop knowledge and skills needed to become productive and successful members of the global community.

Students can choose from a variety of study abroad programs, including TU programs and TU affiliated programs.The cost to participate varies from program to program, as do the services included. Instruction is in a wide range of languages, including many options in English. Program participants earn credit toward their degree for the work they complete abroad. Financial aid and scholarships are available.

Study abroad is a rewarding, life-transforming experience that is an integral part of any academic program!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Minimester Application Deadline: October 15
Spring semester Application Deadline: October 15

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review How Chile Changed My Life!!!!!!! ISA Study Abroad in Valparaíso/Viña del Mar, Chile

"Wow, I have learned to become more independent and how to rely on myself and became less co-dependent in the process. I've also matured and learned a lot of Spanish."

Towson University
Past Review Buenos Aires The City I Grew To Love University of Palermo: Buenos Aires - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile because I grew as a person and experienced a completely different lifestyle. It impacted my cultural awareness because I lived in a city that believes they are more european then latino, therefore it was interesting to see why and which type of people really stuck to that. "

Towson University
Past Review Studying In Australia= A Life Changing Experience ISA Study Abroad in Sydney, Australia

"Much more culturally aware now, and have a greater understanding of how the rest of the world views Americans. Learned a lot about myself and gained a lot of confidence in my own independence. "

Towson University
Past Review I'm Pretty Keen For Timtams And Heaps Of Goon. University of the Sunshine Coast: Queensland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"People are just people no matter where they are from. Some are good some are bad. The biggest difference is our languages. "

Towson University
Past Review Japan: I Want To Go Back There Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I am much more outgoing and generally happier because of my time in Japan. It was a great experience and I hope I can return soon and continue traveling elsewhere in the world."

Towson University
Past Review Uic Is The Place To Be! United International College( UIC): Zhuhai - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I believe this program was perfect for me, as it gave me the opportunity to interact and become friends with many students from China, Korea, France, and America, without as much of a pressure of language barriers. It has encouraged me to pursue the Chinese Language more and also focus my career on international business rather..."

Towson University
Past Review Australia: Shows The Beauty Of It's Land And Of Yourself. University of the Sunshine Coast: Queensland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I learned to be more patient and understanding of others and where they are coming from. You never know someone's story until you talk to them. Everyone is the same in some ways and cultures are beautiful things that should be protected and embraced. "

Towson University
Past Review Scotland: A Whole New Experience, Good And Bad, But Ultimately Rewarding And Worthwhile. Edinburgh Napier University: Edinburgh - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I really enjoyed my experience. I became a lot more independent and gained a whole new understanding of cultural differences and international experiences. It opened up the world for me a little bit and brought it closer to me and makes it seem more practical to plan to interact with it in the future. It also gave me a new ..."

Towson University
Past Review Isa Brasil: A Lifetime Of Experiences In Just 4 Months! ISA Study Abroad in Florianopolis, Brazil

"I gained a lot of insight into Brasilian culture, as it is extremely diverse and rich in everything from food to dance. My experience abroad was definitely impacted by the previous friends I had here in Brasil, which allowed me to travel and learn more about the country, so my case may not be a typical one. It has definitely spa..."

Towson University
Past Review Aifs Limerick Is An Unforgettable Experience! AIFS: Limerick - University of Limerick

"I was put into a situation that I had never experienced before, and learned how to live on my own, 3,000 miles away from home. I learned all about the Irish government, European Union, and history of Europe, all while traveling weekend after weekend to experience my learnings first hand. I've traveled before study abroad, and wi..."

Towson University
Past Review Enhance Your Life Through Study Abroad ISA Study Abroad in Gold Coast, Australia

"I came back from my Study Abroad trip a new a better person. It was the best and most wonderful opportunity someone our age could have. It opened my eyes to so many different types of people, cultures and values. Study Abroad gives you a new perspective on life and a new way of seeing things. "

Towson University
Past Review Aerie Backcountry Medicine Semester In Wilderness Medicine Towson University: San Jose - Environmental Education & Service Learning in the Tropics, Costa Rica

"Completely and utterly. It has opened up doors through which I see the rest of my life. THANK YOU STUDY ABROAD!"

Towson University