
Towson University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad Office at Towson University is dedicated to providing all students with high quality international academic opportunities that allow them to develop knowledge and skills needed to become productive and successful members of the global community.

Students can choose from a variety of study abroad programs, including TU programs and TU affiliated programs.The cost to participate varies from program to program, as do the services included. Instruction is in a wide range of languages, including many options in English. Program participants earn credit toward their degree for the work they complete abroad. Financial aid and scholarships are available.

Study abroad is a rewarding, life-transforming experience that is an integral part of any academic program!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Minimester Application Deadline: October 15
Spring semester Application Deadline: October 15

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Best Summer Spent In Seoul The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Seoul - Korea University International Summer Campus

"I learned how to navigate myself around a country where I did not speak the language, and how to budget. "

Towson University
Past Review Absolute Paradise The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Gold Coast - Griffith University

"I gained so much from my time abroad. I made friendships still maintained today, learned to arrange my own travel accommodations, travel independently, and navigate public transportation."

Towson University
Past Review Semester In Seville CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Seville, Spain

"For my first time abroad, I learned so much about cultural diversity and how to communicate with a second language. It was a life lesson and experience that was worth every second."

Towson University
Past Review Unbelievable Experience!!! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: French Riviera, France

"It was completely worthwhile! I learned to see different perspectives from around the world and that not everyone's culture is like mine. There are things that I like and don't like about other cultures - and that's ok! I also learned a lot about myself while abroad and truly became independent"

Towson University
Past Review A Semester In London CEA CAPA Education Abroad: London, England

"Studying abroad was the best experience of my life, and I miss it everyday. I learned how to adapt myself to new places. I learned to budget my money. I learned just how big our world is, and how important it is to get our of your bubble."

Towson University
Past Review Rome Ing 2016 CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Summer in Rome

"I gained a willingness to adapt very easily. I also gained so much independence which made it 100% worthwhile!"

Towson University
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime! IFSA: Gold Coast & Brisbane - Griffith University

"I learned about myself, independence, responsibility, staying positive and general happiness. I t was worthwhile and something I will never forget."

Towson University
Past Review Perfect Tel Aviv University: Undergraduate Semester / Year in Israel

"I learned language, how to communicate with people given a language and culture barrier, and how to navigate a foreign city completely on my own. It was extremely worthwhile; I immersed myself into a new culture as I made friends that are now my family."

Towson University
Past Review Marvelous Melbourne The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Melbourne - RMIT University

"This experience was very worthwhile. I learned how to interact in a diverse working environment. I learned how to appreciate a different culture and differing points of view."

Towson University
Past Review An Amazing Indescribable Life Changing Experience The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales

"I gained experiences and memories that I would have never had the chance to if I didn't study abroad with TEAN. I met three of my now best friends on this trip. Everyone on the program, employees and students, were so friendly and we all formed such a special bond that I believe can only be achieved when studying abroad. This wa..."

Towson University
Past Review Rome Is Home The American University of Rome: Rome - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying abroad was a great experience and an even better experience because of AUR. The school was so welcoming and extremely helpful when I first arrived as well as throughout the entire semester. AUR was the perfect fit because it was a small atmosphere filled with numerous different and diverse people. The school is located ..."

Towson University
Past Review Highly Recommended For Pre Med Students! Tel Aviv University: Voyage to Medicine Program

"This program offers exceptional medical opportunities, of which would not be available to undergraduate students in the US. Great chance for undecided students who are interested in medicine."

Towson University
Past Review Most Experience In A Short Amount Of Time AIFS London - Richmond, The American International University in London

"This program was incredibly worthwhile because not only did I get to learn photography, see a beautiful city, and grow as a student, but I learned about cultural differences, independence, and myself. I am confident that my resume will be boosted by this experience abroad and that I will always be able to use the skills I learn..."

Towson University
Past Review Breathtaking Beyond Any Words ISA Study Abroad in Wellington, New Zealand

"I can't begin to explain what I gained from this. My sense of self was enforced, and given a new facet. My host country became like my home country, and my friends became family. The breathtaking views alone are enough to leave a poet with a lifetime of imagery. It was so worthwhile. I miss it every single day!"

Towson University
Past Review My Crazy, Stressful, Fun, Amazing, Never Forgettable 4 Months In Italy The American University of Rome: Rome - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that being able to live in another country for 4 months is one of the most important and eye-opening things that a college student can do. If you can survive, thrive, get around, and live in another country, you can do anything. It was one of the most worthwhile things I could have ever done as a 20 year old Junior col..."

Towson University
Past Review Unbelievable Experience ISA Study Abroad in Bilbao, Spain

"I honestly have no complaints about this program or the city of Bilbao. The people are friendly, the city is a whimsical mix of past and present, there is ALWAYS something to do, you are surrounded by beautiful mountains yet a few miles from the coastline, the professors at the university are so much fun... you will find yoursel..."

Towson University
Past Review The Best Decision I Have Made In My Life Thus Far. The American University of Rome: Rome - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that you will never regret the things you did do but you will regret all the things you didn't do. Take advantage of everything you can while you are there. It was SO beyond worthwhile and was the best experience of my life."

Towson University
Past Review Barcelona The Most Amazing And Awe Inspiring City In The World CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Barcelona, Spain

"It was the greatest experience of my life, I know that one day I will be living there in that city, and I have this experience to thank for it."

Towson University
Past Review My Excursions In Argentina; Fun With No Time! Study Abroad Programs in Argentina

"I learned so much. Before I left I had a lot of fear about speaking in Spanish and within a day or two I was practically fluent. "

Towson University
Past Review Forum Nexus Multi Country Program: A Dream Come True Forum-Nexus: Ultimate Summer in Europe - 7 Cities in 1 Month

"Forum-Nexus was a unique program that offers everything a participant could want in a study-abroad experience. The professors/directors were very knowledgeable of every country that was visited and were able to provide an extensive wealth of knowledge to the students that was beyond textbook reading. The balance between class an..."

Towson University
Past Review A Different Language: Studying Abroad In China Sichuan University: Chengdu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Communication skills, adaptation skills, and accepting of other views and opinions."

Towson University
Past Review Frolicking In Florence: Fun, Fantastic, Forever Life Changing! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I feel like I have become a more independent, capable adult. I truly feel like I broke out of my comfort zone and made the best of my experience. It opened my eyes to a more worldly and well-rounded view. It made me want to travel more and experience even more of the world. I am considering going to graduate school or intern..."

Towson University
Past Review China: The Experience Everyone Should Have (But Most Are Too Afraid To) Sichuan University: Chengdu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"DO YOU HAVE ALL DAY? But really. It was so wonderful. I want to go back. There were so many things to experience and see. It was everything I wanted. You are treated so well by everyone. It forces you to speak the language but you can always find someone who can speak English or help you if you ever really need it. I want to wor..."

Towson University
Past Review Sugarball: A Game Changer Towson University: Traveling - ‘Sugarball’: Sport Business in the Global Marketplace

"Yes, it opened my eyes to a new field of study as well as cultural differences "

Towson University