
Trinity University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Good Experience But I Expected More From The Program Boston University: Geneva - Internship Program

"I learned a lot about what I don't want in my future work environment through the internship period. It was worthwhile for the work experience. "

Trinity University
Past Review How To Go Around The World In 4 Months Semester at Sea Study Abroad: Make the World Your Campus

"That America is in its own little world. The trip was absolutely worthwhile"

Trinity University
Past Review Paris Wells College: Paris - Wells Center

"A new home."

Trinity University
Past Review Cool American University: Washington D.C - Washington Semester Program

"a more in-depth look about my major and different cultures."

Trinity University
Past Review Great City To Spend 4 Months In Studio Arts College International (SACI): Florence - SACI in Florence

"It was worthwile. I learned a lot about myself and gained maturity. "

Trinity University
Past Review Groundhog Semester IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"I wanted to explain why I put Groundhog Semester my title. I was referencing Bill Murray's movie "Groundhog Day". I placed it there because without a doubt if I could repeat any expereince over and over again, it would be my time in Salamanca. I'd like to say I'm conversationally competent in Spanish. haha. I gained a larger ..."

Trinity University
Past Review The Greatest Five Months Of My Life! CIEE: Seville - Business + Society

"I learned tolerance and the value of having an open mind. I cannot think of a more worth while experience."

Trinity University
Past Review Amazing Experience!! IFSA: Sydney - University of Sydney

"It was completely worthwhile! I believe I learned things that can never be taught in a classroom and gained valuable life experience "

Trinity University
Past Review Gaining My Independence IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I learned to get outside of my comfort zone and explore new things. It was definitely worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Opened My Eyes To The Rest Of The World. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo: Mendoza - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"So many things. Adapting to new environments. Learning how to communicate with people who don't speak the same language as me. Learned about the differences between a variety of cultures Learned a lot about Argentina, it's unique history. Learned how to budget and travel on my own."

Trinity University
Past Review Overall, Solid Experience ISA Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica

"Improved Spanish, traveled a ton--was able to see a ton of Costa Rica"

Trinity University
Past Review Outstanding Program, Less Than Great University IFSA: London - University of Westminster

"I gained a great understanding of the world and myself. It was very worthwhile. The program was awesome and helpful, I may have chosen another university through the program though"

Trinity University
Past Review The Time Of My Life. IFSA/Alliance: Jerusalem - Diversity and Coexistence

"While it would have been nice to study arabic language in an Arab country, Israel was a safe and stable alternative given the current political climate, and still provided great access to native speakers. I learned a great deal about all three Abrahamic religions, increased my knowledge of the Arabic language, and got a great pe..."

Trinity University
Past Review Great Experience!! IES Abroad: Paris - French Studies

"Definitely worthwhile! It gave me such a different perspective on life while also having an amazing time! "

Trinity University
Past Review Left My Heart In Barcelona IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"It was amazing! I am better at speaking Spanish now and I'm quite good at reading also. On top of that, my host mom taught me some great recipes. Yes it was worthwhile"

Trinity University
Past Review The Uea Experience University of East Anglia: Norwich - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was worthwhile because I needed to see what would happen if I went abroad. I learned that I don't like to live alone and that I loved America even more than I thought I did. Some go abroad and don't want to leave, but I found an appreciation for where I was from."

Trinity University
Past Review Multicultural Cape Town University of the Western Cape / UWC: Cape Town - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained so much personally. I grew into an adult in Cape Town and made so many great friends there. It was definitely worthwhile to experience a new perspective on life and how the Africans do it! "

Trinity University
Past Review Vienna Is A Great City, But You Need To Immerse Yourself In It! IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"Vienna is a second home for me now, even if IES wasn't totally the program I was looking for, I still had an amazing time. "

Trinity University
Past Review How To Experience Switzerland Without Leaving Your Comfort Zone SIT Study Abroad: Switzerland - International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy

"It was worthwhile. I gained confidence and communication skills, as well as a sense of adventure."

Trinity University
Past Review Best Semester Of My College Career By Far API (Academic Programs International): Salamanca - Universidad de Salamanca

"How to speak another language, make friends with others who I wouldn't have normally been friends with, be open to new experiences, take risks, you don't always need a game plan, how to budget, how to be independent in a different country that doesn't speak my native language, how to adapt in situations I am not prepared for or ..."

Trinity University
Past Review If You Want A Spanish Speaking America, Lima Is The Place For You! IFSA: Lima - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

"I learned a lot about the history of Peru, which is probably history I wouldn't have learned otherwise. I learned a lot of different worldly perspectives on issues like race and gender and socialism vs. capitalism (to name a few). I also learned that I can adapt to new situations even if they're not ideal for me."

Trinity University
Past Review Music, Guinness, And The Most Beautiful Semester Ever Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway

"So much about different cultures, and learning to be on my own. It really challenged me to prioritize and be confident in who I am, even if it's not the way others around me are or want me to be. "

Trinity University
Past Review Had More Potential Than It Saw. CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"Expanded my general understanding of what life is like for other humans. European history is too often told through an American point of view, or a British point of view. It was refreshing to see a different side of the story. I feel like my image of Central Europe was a shallow stereotype and now it is not-so-shallow"

Trinity University
Past Review Independent In Paris IES Abroad: Paris - French Studies

"I've learned that I'm truly more independent and braver than I thought and I can't wait to go back as soon as I can. "

Trinity University
Past Review Best Semester Of College Arcadia: London - London Internship Program

"The intricacies of UK social and business culture. "

Trinity University